
Reports of An 'Economic Crash' Are Greatly Exaggerated

Vernon Smith, USA Today

While on spring break from Chapman University, I am now “confined” by the pandemic to my home in Tucson where I live part of the year. The fourth of four COVID-19 cases in Pima County (population just over one million) was announced as I write this — a haven of safety indeed. But street traffic is heavy, the stores crowded, and people are busily surfing the empty shelves and buying from the shelves not yet empty.

We All Hate Bailouts, but We Need Them Right Now

Steven Rattner, New York Times

To save American jobs, we need to save American businesses.

Ist Intentional Contraction In History

Russel Redenbaugh & Jame Juliano, Kairos Capital

A Gigantic Plan

Craig Timberg & Drew Harwell & Laura Reiley & Abha Bhattarai, Washington Post

American business practices long have shown the scars of national trauma: Devastating fires spawned major factory regulations. World War II hastened the entrance of women into the workforce. Analysts say the novel coronavirus pandemic could push broad societal shifts, with industry-wide disruption and a new normal for economic change.

Meanwhile, Back at Fed ...You Don't Need Perfect for Recovery

Market Minder, FI

Another week, another mixed bag of extraordinary Fed actions.

Lowering Equity Exposure, Watching Washington Closely

Joe Calhoun, Alhambra

Stocks took another beating last week as the scope of the coronavirus shutdown started to sink in. The S&P 500 was down 15% last week with most of that coming on Monday after the Fed's emergenc?

Necessary Intervention: Gov't Must Bail Out Individuals, Business

Brian Riedl, MI

Government should focus on replacing paychecks and subsidizing fragile businesses.

Making Washington Primary Lender Would Escalate Collapse

John Tamny, RCM

Every so often it's worth restating the simple truth that just about every business ever founded in Silicon Valley has gone bankrupt. By all accounts from venture capitalists who allocate...

Government Must Plan Successful U.S. Economic Future

Robert Atkinson, The Hill

It's time for economists, pundits, and political leaders to acknowledge there is a set of industries that are "too critical to fail."

Trump Should Rethink Stock Buybacks: They Aid Economy

Michael Busler, RCM

President Trump has sharply criticized major corporations for using the proceeds of the 2018 tax cut for stock buybacks. He said that corporations were supposed to use this extra cash flow...

Remember Investors, It's Never Different This Time

Seth Levine, Integrating Investor

These are truly remarkable times in the investment markets. The speed, intensity, and ubiquity of this selloff brings just one word to mind: violence. It would be remarkable if it wasn’t so destructive. Sadly, the reactions from our politicians and the public were predictable. The Federal Reserve (Fed) faithfully and forcefully responded. Despite its unprecedented actions, it seems like they’re “fighting the last war.”

A Virus Worse Than the 1 from Wuhan

Lawrence Reed, Foundation for Economic Education

Coronavirus Fears Affect Municipal Bond Market

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

Year-to-date total returns drop amid concerns about market liquidity and municipal finances.

Coronavirus Hits Markets Hard

Liz Ann Sonders & Jeffrey Kleintop & Kathy Jones, Schwab

Recent stock action suggests some investor exuberance is being worked off.

Next Fed Steps: CP, QE and Beyond

Matthew Luzzetti, Deutsche Bank Group

'Severe Recession' Will Be the Outcome of All This

Peter Hooper, Deutsche Bank

Could Negative Bond Yields Come to America?

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

The Federal Reserve is reluctant to cut its policy rate below zero, but markets could drive Treasury yields negative anyway.

Don't Time Bottom, Don't Panic Sell

Daniel Kern & Renee Kwok, TFC Financial Management

What Do Recent Changes to FICO Scores Mean for Me?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Trying to improve your credit score? This week's Ask Carrie, talks about the impact of recent FICO changes and how to maintain good credit.

Beat C-19: Leave People Alone

Richard Ebeling, American Institute for Economic Research

The world has rapidly moved into a seemingly aggressive paternalistic planning mode in the face of the Coronavirus crisis. Many voices are heard to say that personal and economic liberties must be restricted or even temporarily banned. At the same time, many of those same voices are saying that at a moment like this government spending, for all intents and purposes, has no limit. Welcome to the world of a really lot bigger government.

Covid-19: A Rich Man's Virus That the Poor Will Suffer the Most

John Tamny, RCM

At lunch last week at a diner-style restaurant with an old friend in a fancy part of northern Virginia, the friend talked of how his daughter had been working as a hostess at one of the most famous...

How to Help Jobless in Covid Economy

Mark Zuckerman & Andrew Stettner, USA Today

Right now, the COVID-19 health emergency is forcing countless workers across the country into full or partial unemployment. Hardest hit are employees in the retail and service sectors, jobs that already offer low pay and few benefits. And the worst is yet to come: Nearly 80 million jobs are at risk due to coronavirus, Moody’s Analytics estimates. Goldman Sachs estimated that an unprecedented 2.25 million Americans will have filed for unemployment last week alone.

Moving Past Quarantine: Getting U.S. Back to Work Safely

Arpit Gupta, City Journal

How to get Americans back to work safely

This Is Not the End of World & You're Not a Prepper

Mark O'Connell, New York Times

The prepper vision of the world is bleak and ruthless. Something better is happening now.

Econ. Theory In a Time of Crisis

Peter Boettke, American Institute for Economic Research

Ludwig von Mises remains in my judgment the greatest economic analyst of the 20th century. He was sharp and pointed, and yet comprehensive. His critique of socialism was decisive and his price theoretic rending of the manipulation of money and credit remains I would argue the top contender for an economic theory of macroeconomic volatility.

More Fixes Out of John Maynard Keynes Playbook

Jonathon Trugman, New York Post

I propose that the Treasury and the Federal Reserve use banks â?" at little-to-no profit â?" as conduits to expedite small business loans and mortgage refinances nationwide, since roughly half the country works for small businesses and roughly half the country owns a home.

China Tariffs Disrupt Access to Needed Medical Supplies

Daniel Griswold, The Hill

The right trade-policy response to the coronavirus epidemic is not to pile new burdens on the ability of Americans to source medical supplies and other goods from China.

The NBA's Financial Future Is Terribly Complicated

Rohan Nadkarni, Sports Illustrated

While the league unequivocally did the right thing in suspending its season, the financial penalties will be severe. And figuring out a roadmap for the future is just as painful.

The Four Stages Of (Most) Bear Markets

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

When will stocks recover?

What If You Buy Stocks Too Early?

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

You are unlikely to catch the low but in past crashes buying too soon wasn't as painful than you might think.

Are Even Utilities Dividends at Risk?

Jon C. Ogg, 24/7 Wall St.

Earnings are impossible to predict even for the most predictable of companies.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

This Time Truly Is Different

Carmen Reinhart, Project Syndicate

The vast uncertainty surrounding the possible spread of COVID-19 and the duration of the near-economic standstill required to combat it make forecasting little different from guessing. Clearly, this is a "whatever-it-takes" moment for large-scale, outside-the-box fiscal and monetary policies.

Why Worst-Case Scenarios for COVID-19 Seem Unrealistic

Jacob Sullum, Reason

The mortality rate is much lower than the official numbers suggest, and adaptive behavior affects the transmission rate.

Corporate Bonds at Second-Widest Level in 20 Years

Dave Sekera, Morningstar

Except for when the market was broken in 2008, corporate bonds are trading at their widest credit spreads and lowest dollar prices over the past 20 years.

Some Positives of a Global Pandemic

Umair Haque, Medium

Could something good come from the COVID-19 pandemic?

What David Tepper Is Waiting For

Alicia McElhaney, Institutional Investor

Tepper said he wants to see government action and "ventilators rolling off the factory floor" before he'll go all in.

Life On Lockdown: 45 Days In China

Peter Hessler, The New Yorker

We Need A Reopening Plan. Fast.

John Cochran, The Grumpy Economist

A trillion bucks is a lot of money. The costs of shutting down the economy are larger.
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