
Rockefellers: No To Fossil Fuels

Daniel Growald & Peter Gill Case & Valerie Rockefeller, NYT

JPMorgan Chase and other big banks should use their lending power to force cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

Industry Layoffs Threaten Green Energy Fairy Tale

Jason Isaac, Washington Examiner

The clock is striking midnight. The green energy movement is about to lose its gleaming white steeds and glass slipper-wearing princess and turn back into an unimpressive pumpkin.

"Woke" Capitalism Is On Collision Course With Faith In Bus.

Tim Busch, USA Today

When I started my first business 40 years ago, I had to ask myself a lot of questions. Where should I get office space? What is my revenue model? How could I expand? And many others. But there’s one question I’d have to ask now that I didn’t have to ask then: Do I need to abandon my faith? The rise of so-called "woke capitalism" has put religious belief on a collision course with entrepreneurship and economic participation. Where once business was about innovating and improving lives, now companies are being pressured by political leaders and activists to toe a variety of...

$2.50/Day Will Help C-19 Wrecked World Survive

Rick Barton & Tom Clark, Medium

With the IMF and World Bank annual meetings just a week away and an upcoming G20 summit in November, we must seize this opportunity to prevent a second wave of COVID-caused economic distress around?

The Third Wave of the Covid Pandemic Is Here

David Wallace-Wells, New York Magazine

While many Americans and the media remain distracted by politics and the White House outbreak, COVID-19 cases are surging across the country. The third wave of the pandemic is upon us, with no end â?" or government plan â?" in sight.

Coronavirus Lockdowns Have Been a Disaster: End Them

Editors, Issues & Insights

The science is quite clear and overwhelming. We need to return to normal before more damage is done.

C19 Counterfactual: A True Enemy Would Have Told Us In 2019

John Tamny, RCM

With the coronavirus, the most frustrating counterfactual of all is to think about how much better off we all would have been if politicians had done nothing. Stop and think about it for a minute. The more daunting the situation, the more freedom makes sense. The reality is that well before the needless lockdowns began, Americans had started to adjust their behavior. This included staying at home for some. Notable about this is that it was in the U.S. states that locked down the latest that citizens adjusted the most. In a global sense, it was reported by the great Holman Jenkins that...

Lockdowners Are the Privileged

Jenin Younes, American Institute for Economic Research

The Great Barrington Declaration, signed last weekend, has unleashed a torrent of criticism. This was to be expected, since it conflicts with the public health prescription that has attained a religious-like status in many circles: lockdowns and social distancing must be enforced in order to stop or slow transmission of the coronavirus. The authors of the Declaration, three of the world’s most renowned epidemiologists, urge an entirely different approach. Those not vulnerable to severe illness and death from the virus – especially children and younger adults...

Peter Thiel Has Long Invested In Those Avoiding Comp

Stephen McBride, Risk Hedge

RiskHedgeâ?"Disruption Research, Disruptive Technology Stocksâ?"RiskHedge helps investors profit from disruption by providing research on the latest breakthrough technologies and the stocks driving them.

As You-Know-What's-Up Nears, Consider Sitting On Your Hands

P.J. O'Rourke, AC

Since 1980, U.S. presidential election voter turnout has averaged 53.7%. In the last hundred years, no voter turnout for any federal election has topped 62.8%, and that was in 1960 during the festive squeaker of a grudge match between pretty boy Jack Kennedy and grizzled bruiser Dick Nixon. Most of the time, nearly half of America’s eligible voters don’t vote. Why do political editorialists, commentators, critics, analysts, pundits, and pontificators of every kind always scold us about this?

Biden's Call for a Min. Corporate Tax Is Hazardous In C19 Era

Andrew Wilford, RCM

In response to the much-ballyhooed news reports about large corporations paying little to no taxes in a given year, Democratic nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden added a proposal for a minimum 15 percent tax on corporate profits to his platform. That may prove politically popular, but as the coronavirus-induced recession reminds us, it’s terrible policymaking. To begin with, there is no plague of corporations abusing tax “loopholes” to zero out their tax liability. Corporate income taxes do not compare well to personal income taxes, as they are...

Don't Let the Nobel for 'Economic Sciences' Fool You

Carolin Benack, MarketWatch

Models of economic theory require a suspension of disbelief

Handicapping the November 3rd Elections

Paul Hoffmeister, Camelot Portfolios

3rd Quarter Earnings Season To Be Relatively Good

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

A More Complete Picture of Q3 GDP Emerges

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Which Political Party Is Better for the Economy?

Adam McCann, WalletHub

The U.S. Labor Market: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Ryan Severino, JLL

Pandora's Box of Central Bank Digital Currencies

Bill Campbell, DoubleLine Capital

Expected Mediocre Long-Term Returns of ESG Funds

Bernard Sharfman, Oxford Law

Outlook: We Don't Think the Market's Too Optimistic

Preston Caldwell, Morningstar

We forecast a strong long-run U.S. recovery.

Did We Learn Nothing? The Woke Financial Crisis, Part Deux

Robert Wright, AIER

Bankers did not wake up one morning all saying “we should make big, risky loans;” government regulators pushing an “everybody a homeowner” political agenda induced them, partly with a carrot and partly with a stick, to lend to every Tom, Dick, and Harriet who would sign their name to the dotted line.

Panic in the Parking Lot for Cash

Brian J. O’Connor, The New York Times

Low interest rates and paltry yields prompt money-market managers to waive fees and close funds.

What You Can Learn From The Harvard Endowment

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Beating the market is tough, even for the best and brightest pros

Business Needs To Be More Democratic

Dani Rodrik, Project Syndicate

By promoting behavioral norms that balance market and society, "stakeholder capitalism" is supposed to enable private firms to fill the vacuum created by the decline of traditional forms of regulation by national governments. Ultimately, though, the only viable solution is to make business itself more democratic.

The Lasting Effect Of Trump's Immigration Policies

Don Lee, Los Angeles Times

President Trump's moves to restrict employment-based immigration will be probably costly in the long run especially California.

How Scandal & COVID Are Changing Nike's Business

Rick Maese, WaPo

Accusations of doping and mistreating athletes have cast a dark cloud over Nike?s distance-running efforts, and executives who were major track boosters have stepped aside, stirring uncertainty throughout the track world about Nike?s future support.

Value Stocks Will Crush Growth After The Election

Michael Brush, MarketWatch

Value investing is about to make a big comeback.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Two Economies: Housing Boom vs Pandemic Bust

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

"E pluribus unum" certainly doesn't apply to our highly partisan political discourse these days.

The $16 Trillion Virus

David M. Cutler & Lawrence Summers, JAMA Network

The cumulative financial costs of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US to date from lost domestic output and health reduction are estimated at more than $16 trillion.

Politicians Have Decided You're Too Stupid for C-19

Casey Carlisle, UncleNap.com

9 October 2020 Since March, democracies the world over have overplayed their hand, and, by doing so, they have embarrassed themselves, exposing their true nature â?" not of, by, or for the people but to

Surfing The Blue Wave

Christine Idzelis, Institutional Investor

A Democratic sweep is bullish for fiscal stimulus.

The Frustrated Money Manager

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

The big secret to investing.

The Ten Most Valuable Companies In America

Douglas A. McIntyre, 24/7 Wall St.

The ten most valuable companies in America, based on market capitalization when added together, are worth almost $8 trillion.

None Of The Above

David Merkel, The Aleph Blog

We need the option of voting for none of the above.
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