
Rooting From Home As a Model for Working From Home?

Kevin Kniffin, The Hill

Thinking about employees as akin to "season ticket holders" whose commitment needs to be periodically re-engaged seems likely to be healthy for all sides.

de Blasio's Midtown Flipoff Doesn't Mean It's Not Vital

Nicole Gelinas, New York Post

We've gotten used to strange, but Midtown this weekend was full of strange sights. Saks was putting up Christmas decorations and boarding up windows for...

What Investors Can Expect After the Election

Andrew Graham, U.S. News & World Report

EVERY presidential election typically has significant implications for investors. The 2020 race is no exception. Let's take a look at what's potentially in store based on the most likely outcomes. According to FiveThirtyEight.com, the most probable outcome is a "Democratic Trifecta" and if the election were to unfold like this, investors should gird themselves for a couple of big changes. For one, there will likely be a massive amount of additional spending, both in the form of virus relief and infrastructure bills, to the tune of trillions of dollars.

Tech Lash: The Populist Abuse of Antitrust Enforcement

Doug McCullough, RCM

America's large successful tech companies including Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Apple are facing heightened scrutiny from federal and state officials. Increasingly, populists from both the left and the right are calling for the break-up and structural reorganization of America's tech companies based on misguided notion that big is bad. In addition to a recent spate of highly partisan congressional hearings into “Big Tech” for alleged anticompetitive behavior and partisan bias in content moderation, the Department of Justice and eleven Republican attorney...

If Joe Biden Wins, Get Ready For a Big Battle Over Tax Policy

Taylor Tepper, Forbes

A Biden win might mean big changes for an important tax loophole that lets people minimize capital gains taxes on inheritances.

Oil: Are You Fracking Kidding Me, President Trump?

Kate Aronoff, The New Republic

The president's latest electoral Hail Mary: He's considering ordering federal agencies to produce a report on fracking that will emerge months after the election and which no one will read.

Joe Biden's Shock Taxes Will Make You Quite a Bit Poorer

Editors, Issues & Insights

Joe Biden's tax hikes would be economically ruinous.

End of $600 Stimulus Checks Has Some Facing Fnc'l Ruin

Chauncey Alcorn, CNN

Congress' failure to extend supplemental unemployment insurance benefits is taking a serious financial toll on millions of laid-off or furloughed US workers and exacerbating wealth inequality, according to a new study.

Jack Ma's Blunt Words May Have Just Cost Him $35 Billion

Shuli Ren, Bloomberg

Jack Ma is a very busy man. China’s richest man has been busy launching the world’s biggest IPO. He has been busy preparing for Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.’s grandest four-day Double Eleven shopping extravaganza. And yet two weeks ago, Ma somehow found the time to opine on China’s banking system at a high-profile financial forum in Shanghai, once again throwing himself into the eye of the storm.

If Restaurants Go, What Happens to U.S. Cities?

Eduardo Porter, The New York Times

Restaurants have been crucial in drawing the young and highly educated to live and work in central cities. The pandemic could erode that foundation.

Locked Down Lives Matter Too

Richard Ebeling, American Institute for Economic Research

Several of the leading European countries are now in the process of implementing a second wave of social and economic lockdowns in the face of new and a rising number of cases of the coronavirus. After bringing their societies to near total halts in the spring of 2020 with lockdowns and shutdowns in the name of “flattening the curve” to not overwhelm medical facilities and, hopefully, stop any further spread of the virus, this new increase in cases has brought about a repeat of the same governmental response: prohibit many human contacts by closing or restricting business...

Responsible Individuals, Not Lockdowns, Will Beat Virus

Shikha Dalmia, Reason

It's too bad that Trump has discouraged them.

No More Lockdowns

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Economic Margin Valuation: Twenty Five Years Later

Rafe Resendes, Applied Finance

In October 1995, Dan Obrycki and I started Applied Finance. As we struggled to solve several valuation problems back then, we did not know that we would ultimately create and manage the Valuation 50, one [..more]

"De-globalization" Already Happened And It Didn't Matter

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

In 2020, politics and the pandemic have led to a lot of speculation that they could bring about an end to the rise of globalizationâ?"yet that began over a decade ago.

GDP Bounces Back In a Big Way

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Economic Blog The outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdowns triggered the largest quarter over-quarter decline in gross domestic product (GDP) since WWII, so perhaps it comes as no surprise?

Beware of These Alt. Minimum Tax Triggers

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Common tax items that can trigger the AMT.

An Election Pattern You Might Not Know About

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Economic Blog With Election Day a mere five days away, we at LPL Research thought we would add one last election forecaster to the mix of what we've presented over the last several monthsâ?"as much b?

Fine-Tuning Treatments for C-19

Henry Miller, American Council on Science and Health

There are about 2,000 drugs and vaccines (mostly the former) now in clinical trials. ACSH advisor Dr. Henry Miller argues that to get COVID-19 under control we will need therapeutics no matter how effective vaccines are. Here's why.

Death By Hideous Lockdown

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

On March 28 – very early in the pandemic – AIER published an article that I felt at the time received far too little attention. “Drugs, Suicide, and Crime: Empirical Estimates of the Human Toll of the Shutdown” by economists Audrey and Thomas Duncan cited empirical literature on the human toll of economic devastation. This article forecasted more than 100,000 excess deaths due to drug overdoses, suicide, alcoholism, homicide, and untreated depression – all a result not of the virus but of policies of mandatory human separation, economic downturn, business...

Stock Market Surges On the Assumption of a Biden Victory

Anneken Tappe, CNN

Stocks traded sharply higher on Election Day, continuing their winning streak from the start of the week.

Trump vs. Biden: The Economic Pros and Cons

Brad Polumbo, Washington Examiner

Despite all the election alarmism, the sky will not fall no matter who wins. However, the candidates do have very different economic agendas, and the outcome of the election will shape the future of our economy.

Trump or Biden, Who Would Do More to Lift Economy?

Paul Davidson, USA Today

President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden have offered strikingly different blueprints for lifting the U.S. out of the COVID-19-induced economic downturn – the nation’s worst since the Great Depression. Trump has promised more cuts to taxes and regulations, and hinted at additional tariffs against China.

Republicans, Not Biden, About to Raise Your Taxes

Joseph Stiglitz, New York Times

President Trump built in tax increases beginning in 2021, for nearly everyone but those at the very top.

Businesses Board Up As Protesters Promise Uprising

Nic Rowan, American Spectator

Businesses in most major cities are starting to board up in expectation of protests, riots, and God knows what else.

All That Plywood on Businesses Is a Loud Market Signal

Rich Lowry, New York Post

There is one clear leading indicator pointing to Donald Trump still having a chance to win the election â?" stores around America are fortifying themselves in anticipation of election-related violence.

Reestablishing U.S. Prosperity By Investing In 'Badger Belt'

Erik Iverson, The Hill

Pending legislation in Congress could help the Midwest take part in the U.S. technology boom.

Stock Market Is Predicting Biden 'By a Hair' In Election 2020

David Goldman, CNN

The presidential election is just two days away and the stock market has locked-in its prediction, according to one indicator.

Donald Trump's Energy Plan Will Cost United States Trillions

Shahir Masri, The Hill

President Trump struggles to articulate any new energy plan â?" mostly pledging continued support for the coal, oil, and gas resources that he embraced over the last four years.

Don't Let Your Election Fears Hurt Your Investments

Paul Sullivan, New York Times

It may be tempting, one economist says, to think that if your side wins, the economy will be all right. But no matter who wins, it may not be as good or as bad as you think.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Dollar Will Stay Weak No Matter Who Wins

Paul R. La Monica, CNN Business

The United States dollar has been weak for most of Donald Trump's presidency. Tax cuts, a bigger deficit and several interest rate cuts from the Federal Reserve have pushed the greenback lower. But even if Trump loses to Joe Biden, the dollar may not dramatically rebound anytime soon.

A Tale Of Two Cults

Rusty Guinn, Epsilon Theory

You must be merciful.

What Will The Haters Do If Trump Loses?

Peter Kafka, Vox

Sarah Cooper, Crooked Media, and the Lincoln Project think about life after Trump

The MMT Myth

Otmar Issing, Project Syndicate

In today's environment of ultra-low interest rates and massive monetized fiscal deficits, the dangerously naive policy prescriptions offered by Modern Monetary Theory are being realized more or less by default. Whether central banks will be able to regain control after the current crisis is an open question.

This Is Your Brain on Uncertainty

Sarah Newcomb, Morningstar

How to keep your (investment) cool when the future remains unclear.

The Growth Outlook Continues To Improve

Scott Grannis, Calafia Beach Pundit

On the eve of our historic election, here's a collection of charts with the latest data and some brief commentary

The Robot Ships Are Coming...Eventually

Eric Niller, Wired

As the pandemic fuels demand for less contact and fewer sailors, shipping companies turn to AI-assisted navigation.
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