Rumors of the Fed's Housing Impact Are Greatly Exaggerated

Market Minder, Fisher

Rumors of the Fed's control are greatly exaggerated.


Invest In Middle Class, Raise Min. Wage

Rose Khattar & Sara Estep & Lily Roberts, CAP

A $15 minimum wage could benefit nearly 40 million workers and provide some of the lowest-wage workers with an average annual wage boost of about $6,000.


Twitter 280-Character Tweets Reject Modern Inflation Norms

John Tamny, Forbes

Inflation is a currency phenomenon that can be reflected in prices, not a price phenomenon.


Public Health Policy Has Become Dangerous Threat to Freedom

Carl Schramm, CJ

For the White House and executive agencies, the ability to control speech online is too great a political tool to give up without a fight.


United States Faces Prolonged Econ Stagnation

David Stockman, Brownstone Institute

Despite Wall Street's hopes, there won't be a Pivot to money printing for years, as the US economy sinks into a prolonged stagflation.


Markets Are Counting On Fed To Solve Tricky Puzzle

Jeff Sommer, New York Times

Lowering inflation to 2 percent without causing a recession and throwing people out of work would be a rare achievement. The markets are acting as if it has already happened.


Without Congressional Action, IRS Is Soon To Be Overwhelmed

Ryan Ellis, RCM

The IRS is alerting Americans to a new tax refund scam designed to get their personal information. The letter, which has the agency's masthead on it, requests driver's license information, cell phone...


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