
Several Reasons To Be Optimistic About The Stock Market

Michael Cannivet, Forbes

It usually pays to see the sunny side in the stock market. But it can get tricky at cycle turns, when markets and the economy seem detached. If you're caught in this fog, here are five reasons to be optimistic.

Ackman Is Probably Not Buffett's Investor Ideal

Lawrence Cunningham, MarketWatch

Berkshire Hathaway chairman and famed stock picker values long-term ?high quality? shareholders

When It Comes to Value v. Growth, Don't Split Difference

Nancy Tengler, USA Today

It has been a slog for value investors these past years. Growth stocks have handily outperformed value stocks since December of 2006.

Why Bundling E, S, and G Makes Very Little Sense

Andrew Stuttaford, National Review

The unbundling of E, S, and G might be to give a clearer idea of what they meant for shareholder returns.

100,000 Covid Deaths Signal a Tragedy Overseen by Trump

Editorial, USA Today

President Donald Trump has called the safety and security of the American people his "highest obligation." During his first year in office, he vowed that he would "never forget that my responsibility is to keep you, the American people, safe and free.”

Just How Exaggerated Is Death Count from Coronavirus?

Editorial, Issues & Insights

What's scientific about knowingly inflating death statistics just to get people 'to care'?

World Health Organization Was Anti-Quarantine Last Year

Edward Stringham, AIER

I recommend to you a document written in saner times, and published by the World Health Organization: “Non-pharmaceutical public health measures for mitigating the risk and impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza.” It came out in 2019. I’ve embedded it below.

Fred Smith, and Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs

Gonzalo Schwarz, The Western Journal

For centuries, a sense of purpose has guided entrepreneurs as one of the main motivators in business.

Why Is Fed Spending So Much to Prop Up Carbon Econ?

Sarah Bloom Raskin, NYT

It should not be directing money to further entrench the carbon economy.

What Michael Moore's Planet of Humans Could Have Been

Steven Hayward, RCE

One of the signal intellectual events of the early Cold War period was the 1950 publication of The God That Failed, in which six prominent figures explained why they broke from Communism. The book...

We Shouldn't Cancel Our Treasury Debt Held by China

Brad Polumbo, The Dispatch

The idea is gaining traction among some on the right, but it would create many problems and ultimately cost American taxpayers.

Chinese Economy Is Reeling. Pres. Trump Is the Reason Why.

Ted Harvey, RCM

Even as the coronavirus wreaks havoc on the U.S. economy, we are not alone in feeling the ripple effects of a pandemic. Countries around the world are witnessing economic contractions?and China...

A Tale of Two Stock Markets

Binky Chadha, Deutsche Bank Group

Lufthansa v. United: Tale of Two Capital Raises

Thomas Kirchner & Paul Hoffmeister, CP

Lufthansa's billion Euro government rescue stands in sharp contrast to the free market approach taken by U.S. airlines in raising the capital necessary to bridge the corona-lockdown. It also explains why the recovery of European stock markets lags the U.S. by substantial margins, illustrating what is going wrong in the Eurozone.

The Poor Countries Hurt Most By Oil-Price Shocks

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Q1 GDP: Bad Is Still Bad. Just More So...

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

I'm in the Military. Should I Invest in a TSP?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

New changes in the military retirement system give greater importance to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), says Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz. Here's why.

Are Black Workers Losing Ground?

Stephen Rose & Robert Cherry, Manhattan Institute

Average hourly wage growth of black men and women lagged behind the wage growth of non-Hispanic white men and women.

Reserving Judgment on Oddly Strong New Home Sales

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Do You Feel $9,000 Richer? America Gets Punked Again

Matt Welch, Reason

The bad policy and worse politics of coronavirus stimulus spending

How Tech Billionaires Are Plotting To Boost Biden

Theodore Schleifer, Vox

Inside the experiments, data wars, and partisan news sites that Silicon Valley thinks can help Biden catch up to Trump.

Who Has the World's Largest Economy?

Jeffrey Frankel, Project Syndicate

Once again, new economic readings from the World Bank's International Comparison Program have fed into the long-going debate over whether China is surpassing the United States as an economic and financial power. And once again, the answer to that question is a qualified "no."

Some Bad News For The "V" Recovery Crowd

Jeffrey P. Snider, Alhambra Investments

It has to be a combination of confirmation bias and rationalizations. Not even the official story finishes up with the fairy tale ending. The “V” people seem to be ignoring what the most optimistic group is actually saying.

Earnings & Valuations Will Matter Eventually

Inc. & Jeff Weniger, Wisdom Tree

Growth stocks are still priced for perfection.

Economists: Don't Expect A Quick Recovery

Amelia Thomson-Deveaux, FiveThirtyEight

They don't expect a rapid rebound from this recession.

Gilead's Remdesivir Hype Won't End The Pandemic

Sharon Lerner, The Intercept

A combination of generic drugs appears to be more effective in fighting the coronavirus than Gilead Sciences's remdesivir.

Building Paradise Isn't Cheap

Carrie Battan, Outside

Nestled in Chattahoochee Hills southwest of Atlanta, the Serenbe community is designed to deliver everybody's favorite buzzword: wellness. You can't argue with the gourmet wine dinners, leafy walking trails, and goat yoga, but be aware that Paradise doesn't come cheap.

Brands Race to Adapt to 'Permanent' Post-Covid Buying Habits

Hanna Ziady, CNN

Three days a week at 7:00 am, senior Procter & Gamble executives check in with each other about their customers: what they're buying, how their needs are changing and whether the company's products are hitting the mark.

Stressed Workers From Home Must Maintain Balance

Charlie Warzel, New York Times

How to make sure the rise in remote work doesn't mean the death of work-life balance.

Reopening Econ. Only Works If People Return to Work

Sam Adolphsen, The Examiner

Last week, I visited a local shop in Camden, Maine, that caters largely to tourists. On my way out, I asked the owners how they were holding up. They, of course, replied that they are desperately concerned about their business and are just trying to survive â?" like most business owners across the country right now.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Corporate America Is Very, Very Bullish On Recovery

Matt Egan, CNN Business

Business leaders predict the United States will swiftly dig itself out of the deep downturn driven by the coronavirus pandemic.

How To Wean The Economy Off Support

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

As the economy recovers, public policy faces an inevitable dilemma. How do we wean the economy from support?

The Shoulda Coulda's

Howard Lindzon, Howard Lindzon

I am hearing a lot of ‘Shoulda Coulda’s’ from my friends and people on Stocktwits.

Every Stock Is A Vaccine Stock

Alex Tabarrok, Marginal Revolution

When vaccines or other treatments do well, all stocks do well which is why stock prices are now highly correlated

Hong Kong Law: China's Real Target Is Taiwan

Charu Sudan Kasturi, Ozy

For Xi Jinping, the new controversial law for Hong Kong is a means to send a message to Taiwan and the West, and to regain domestic credibility.

Russian Derangement Syndrome

Nina Khrushcheva, Project Syndicate

Although worries about Russian disinformation are not unfounded, they have steadily grown into an unhealthy obsession in the United States and other Western democracies. When absolutely everything is blamed on Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin has little reason not to continue misbehaving.

14 Weeks & 12 Numbers That Changed Investing History

The Investor, Monevator

Stock markets crashed and bond yields collapsed as coronavirus ravaged the world: whatever happens next, 2020 will be one for the history books.
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