
Shelton Would Bring Sanity to Ridiculous Economic Thought

Nathan Lewis, Forbes

Central bankers want to crank their macroeconomic manipulation schemes up to 11.

Making the Most of the Coming Joe Biden Boom

Paul Krugman, The New York Times

The economic outlook is probably brighter than you think.

Progressive Tax Reform Should Top Joe Biden's Priority List

Amy Hanauer, The Hill

Biden campaigned to end policies that put the wealthy and corporations before ordinary people â?" now he should follow through.

Don't Californicate the Rest of the U.S. With Low-Growth Policies

Editorial, I & I

California residents are fleeing to other states â?" let's hope they leave their far-left politics behind.

Demystifying False Divide of Value & Growth Investing

Derek Bergen, Applied Finance

Many investors have chosen sides in the partisan "value vs. growth" debate to define their investment ideology and market their products. Instead of choosing sides in this arbitrary debate, since 1995, Applied Finance has advocated [...more]

The Best Money Advice from the Pros Isn't About Stocks

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

"How I Invest My Money": Good, practical advice and boilerplate prescriptions

Lockdowns, Slowdowns, and the Adaptive, Efficient Market

Market Minder, Fisher

What will negative economic data mean for stocks? Europe offers a preview.

If You Think Only E-Retailers Use Data, Think Again

Katie McAuliffe, RealClearMarkets

As the U.S. and the European Union seem ready to move full steam ahead into antitrust proceedings, it is clear that they need a better understanding of how data is used and what actually constitutes the market they purport to have the expertise to regulate. Limiting Amazon’s ability to sell its own branded products or use of data, won’t apply only to Amazon. It will apply to all retailers, and it won’t make their shoppers any better off. CVS Health provides over 2,500 over-the-counter health care products that offer savings to shoppers such as the option to...

How Your Retirement Withdrawal Plan Could Affect SS

Maurie Backman, Motley Fool

The purpose of socking money away in a 401(k) or IRA is to help ensure that you have enough money to pay the bills during retirement. But many seniors are unaware that by tapping their retirement plans, they could end up subjecting themselves to taxes on their Social Security income.

The Economic Emergency In 2020 & Beyond Won't Be Covid

Jeffrey Snider, RCM

It was a bitter end to a few frenzied weeks. Worked up into a mob, throngs descended into the center of the city and ransacked the place. Shops were broken into, buildings damaged, railroad beds shredded and upturned, with a towering crescendo of violence leading to an open melee right in the middle of the berg. When it was over, four lay dead or dying, another twenty-five to fifty seriously wounded. The following day, soldiers, nearly three thousand strong, descended upon the town. Martial law having already been declared, now it would be enforced at times with ruthless dedication. Within...

Politicians May Start Taxing You for Working from Home

Steve Forbes, What's Ahead

They're always reaching into our pockets.

Keep New York City Strong By Elevating Its Tech Sector

Danny Crichton, City Journal

The city's technology sector has thrived in a terrible year, but the next mayor shouldn't rest on these laurels.

SimplyWise Retirement Confidence Index

Allie Fleder, SimplyWise

The November 2020 SimplyWise Retirement Confidence Index found that 71% of Americans aged 70+ are concerned about Social Security drying up.

Estimating Costs of High Earners Leaving NY

Michael Hendrix & Don Boyd, Manhattan Institute

New York City has had its share of public health crises and pandemics, from cholera in the 1830s to influenza in 1918 and the coronavirus in 2020. Disease, after all, is one of the demons of density. In each instance, large numbers of people left the city, particularly higher-income residents...

2021 Fixed Income Outlook: Calmer Waters

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

Ten-year Treasury bond yields may rise as high as 1.6% in 2021, reflecting prospects for faster economic growth.

Residential Const.: Still Further to Go for Single Family

Richard Moody, Regions

Will High Tax Cities Start to Consider Their Residents?

Scott Lincicome, Cato Institute

The Cost of Lockdowns

Various, American Institute for Economic Research

A Double Dip Is Unlikely

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

The Buyer and Seller Guide to a Real Estate Bidding War

Steven Gottlieb, U.S. News

NORMALLY, A BUYER MIGHT make an offer on a home based on his or her perceived value of the property. The seller should then counter the buyer’s initial offer, and in the classic form, a back-and-forth negotiation would occur until a deal is struck at a price to which both parties agree. But when a great property is priced well, even in a softer market, buyers may find that they are not the only interested party. In this case, a bidding war may ensue.

Exploring Dynamics of What Some Deem a Housing Crisis

Arpit Gupta, City Journal

A recent book explores the local dynamics of America's housing crisis.

Books: A Look Into the Changing Business of Journalism

Mark Judge, Law & Liberty

Towards the end of All About the Story: News, Power, Politics, and the Washington Post, the new memoir by former Washington Post executive editor Len Downie, there is an irony so huge that only a journalist could miss it. Mere pages after Downie cites that awful, nonsensical cliche that “journalism’s job is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable,” he relates being forced to retire. It’s January 2008, and Downie is summoned to publisher Bo Jones’s office and informed it is time for him to go. Downie doesn’t take the...

Let's Appreciate How Extraordinary the C-19 Vaccines Are

Noah Millman, The Week

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

Filling Fed Vacancies Now Will Prove a Barrier to Joe Biden

William Luther, AIER

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) appears intent to fill the two remaining vacancies on the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors. Judy Shelton and Christopher Waller were formally nominated by President Donald Trump in January and approved by the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs in July. Last Thursday, McConnell took procedural steps to set up a full Senate vote for Shelton. (Note: Shelton was previously the director of the Sound Money Project, before it moved to AIER.) The motion to limit debate (and proceed to a vote on the...

America: World's Scariest Emerging Market Economy

Desmond Lachman, The Hill

A principal challenge of the incoming Biden administration will be to arrest the country's drift towards emerging market status.

The Genius of Saving Your Raises In Your 401(k) Account

Christy Bieber, Motley Fool

Increasing the amount you save for retirement can feel really difficult. But researchers may have found a trick that significantly increases the chances you'll invest more – and sometimes a lot more. According to a recent study published in the Journal of Political Economy, workers who made a commitment in advance to put a portion of future raises toward their retirement were able to increase their average savings rates by 10 percentage points over 40 months. That's a huge impact that can make a big difference in the final amount they end up with as retirees. And it's...

The Next Decade Could Be Even Worse

Graeme Wood, The Atlantic

A historian believes he has discovered iron laws that predict the rise and fall of societies. He has bad news.

The Pandemic Isn't Killing Cities. Regulations Are

Daniel Tenreiro, National Review

Cities that don't welcome new residents won't thrive.

Our Ultimate Stock-Pickers: 10 High-Conviction Buys

Eric Compton, Morningstar

Several funds see value in basic materials and industrials.

Today's Tech Giants' Success Depends On The Precariat

Edoardo Campanella, PS

Just as the COVID-19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on often-overlooked essential workers, so should it increase our appreciation for the back-end labor that goes into the digital economy. Most of today's tech giants simply wouldn't exist without the contributions of "low-skilled" workers.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Why Countries Still Prefer Open Trade

Editors, The Christian Science Monitor

The flow of new ideas across borders contributes to economic progress more than ever. That fact drives many of the latest trade deals despite the pandemic and anti-globalization.

The Secretive Town at the Center of the Oil Market

Leah McGrath Goodman, II

Cushing, Oklahoma, set the stage for the Great Oil Price Crash of 2020. But was it really to blame?

We Have No Idea What Happens Next

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Why you cannot predict the future.

The Siren Song of Austerity

J. Bradford DeLong, Project Syndicate

Among the many lessons of the 2008 financial crisis and its aftermath in the United States is that there is no good reason to start worrying about debt when unemployment remains high and interest rates low. The hasty embrace of austerity derailed the last recovery, and it must not be allowed to do so again.

Cancel Thanksgiving

James Hamblin, The Atlantic

This is a moment for creativity.

My Priceless Summer

Luna Soley, Outside

During her college break, the author went all in on solitude—living alone on a Down East island and working for one of the area’s few female skippers. Luna Soley reflects on a time of loneliness, hard work, and natural beauty.

Conspiracy Theories Flourish Among Paranoid Americans

Aja Romano, Vox

Americans are embracing dangerous conspiratorial beliefs, from QAnon to coronavirus denial.
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