
Sorry, the Federal Reserve Cannot Fix Racial Inequality

Allison Schrager, City Journal

Calls to use monetary policy to help disadvantaged African-Americans are misguided.

Elite Needs to Give Up Gross Domestic Product Fetish

Oren Cass, New York Times

"Material living standards" are not the same thing as "quality of life."

Why High Debt Doesn't Imperil Economic Growth

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Debt levels are rising in the US and UKâ?"but trouble doesn't necessarily loom.

The World's On Fire Because the Growth Never Was

Jeffrey Snider, RealClearMarkets

They didn’t do these things in those days. This was before the current age of transparency in central banking, back when Montagu Norman’s dictum was more widely regarded. Monetary policy didn’t need hype and hoopla, the central banker just made some money and sat back to watch its predictable magic. In a way, that’s kind of what they hoped they’d be doing. On February 12, 1999, Masaru Hayami’s Bank of Japan released its historic press release; and only that release, no frills, no spectacle. The text didn’t even use the word “zero” anywhere...

Some Small Signs of Hope That Lockdowns Could Soon End

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER

For so many months, it’s been nonstop bad news on business closures, arts trashed, museum shuttering, unemployment, missed surgeries and diagnostics, plus rising loneliness, drug overdoses, depression, and suicide. Every day has been as dark or darker than the previous one. And yet here we are with a political class, all over the world, refusing to admit error and fearing the reopening because they don’t want to be seen as reversing course on the most catastrophic policies in modern history.

Why Attacks on Judy Shelton by Fed Insiders Are Worrying

Alexander Salter, RCM

Dr. Judy Shelton, one of President Trump’s nominees to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, has been under constant attack since she passed her Senate committee vote. In addition to receiving pushback in the press, she is now being harshly criticized by the central banking community, primarily for her favorable view of the gold standard. A group of former Fed staffers, economists, and bank presidents just wrote a letter to the Senate, recommending her bid be rejected. But the reasons they give should make us seriously concerned about the Fed’s ability to uphold the public...

Based on Retirement Age, How Much Do You Invest In Stocks?

Paul Katzeff, IBD

One of the keys for solid retirement planning is having enough stocks and stock funds in the diversified portion of your nest egg. But how do you know how much stock is enough?

To Lift Capitalism Go Pro-Market, Not Pro-Business

Vivekanand Jayakumar, The Hill

There is growing concern that market concentration poses a threat to the long-term stability and health of the American economy.

'Alexa, Where Is the Milk?' Amazon Launches Grocery Stores

Alicia Wallace, CNN

At Amazon's newest grocery store, you can ask Alexa voice assistants where to find milk, scan and check out your groceries using your shopping cart, and pick up books you ordered off the e-commerce giant's website.

Books: Christopher Buckley's Exc. 'Make Russia Great Again'

John Tamny, Forbes

Christopher Buckley Buckley gets Trump. That he does will have some of Trump?s bitterest critics hoping for a Trump victory if only to get at least one more satire of #45 from the funniest writer alive.

Are U.S. Technology Stocks Headed For a Fall?

Daniel Kern, U.S. News & World Report

TECHNOLOGY STOCKS HAVE led the surge from the market’s March lows, continuing a multi-year trend. Over the past five years, the “FAAMG” group, an abbreviation coined by Goldman Sachs (ticker: GS) for five of the top-performing tech stocks in the market – Facebook (FB), Amazon (AMZN), Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT) and Google (GOOG), have added the most in market capitalization to the S&P 500, compared with the other companies in the index.

California's "Green Dream" Is Actually a Nightmare

Mark Perry, Washington Examiner

Think the rest of the country will avoid electricity shortages of the kind that have led to rolling blackouts recently in California? Don't bet on it. Not enough baseload power from fossil fuel and nuclear plants and an increasing reliance on intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind and solar across the country are likely to keep power failures in the national spotlight for years to come.

The Historic Opportunity We See for Value Investors

Jeff Troutner, Equius Partners

What Drives Market to All-Time Highs?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Comm. Real Estate: Who's Been Swimming Naked?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

A New Approach for Curbing College Tuition

Beth Akers, Manhattan Institute

Over the last two decades, the cost of higher ed has grown faster than almost any other sector. This new report identifies four sources leading to these rising costs.

No Evidence the Lockdowns Worked

Various, National Bureau of Economic Research

How Do You Recognize Financial Abuse?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Financial abuse comes in many guises and impacts men and women alike, warns Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz. Here are some common signs you shouldn't ignore.

Thoughts on Why Green Dot Investors Are In Green

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

America's Coming Double Dip

Stephen S. Roach, Project Syndicate

Soaring financial markets are blithely indifferent to lingering vulnerabilities in the US economy. But the impact of consumers' fear of COVID-19 on pandemic-sensitive services are unlikely to subside, undermining the case for the uninterrupted recovery that investors seem to expect.

Want More Econ. Growth? Cut Government Spending

Veronique de Rugy, Reason

Research suggests reducing spending will boost consumption in the short- and long-run.

The Conscience of Silicon Valley

Zach Baron, GQ

Tech oracle Jaron Lanier warned us all about the evils of social media. Too few of us listened. Now, in the most chaotic of moments, his fears—and his bighearted solutions—are more urgent than ever.

No, Active Funds Don't Do Better In Difficult Markets

Ben Johnson, Morningstar

Investors should focus on the long-term signals, pick their spots, and keep a close eye on costs, based on analysis from Morningstar's midyear Active/Passive Barometer.

Where To Hide In A Pricey Stock Market & Low Yields

Lee Jackson, 24/7 Wall St.

These five dividend-paying large-cap pharmaceutical stocks look like outstanding ideas for nervous investors looking for income and a degree of safety. They have come way in from their 52-week trading highs and are offering investors outstanding entry points.

A Five Point Plan For Five Stock Market Challenges

Michael Brush, MarketWatch

You need this five-part plan to protect your portfolio

Stressed Remote Workers Turn To Hotels For Relief

Harriet Baskas, NBCNews

Remote workers are turning to renting hotel rooms to escape the stress of the home office during the pandemic. Hotels, needing revenue, are rolling out perks.

Even Corporate America's CFOs Say Stocks Are Overvalued

Matt Egan, CNN

Even Corporate America thinks Wall Street's meteoric recovery may be getting out of hand.

Are We All Keynesians Again?

Andres Velasco, Project Syndicate

A common refrain nowadays is that after COVID-19, Milton Friedman is out and John Maynard Keynes is in. But if, as the famous quote often attributed to Richard Nixon puts it, "we are all Keynesians now," we must remember what Keynes taught: fiscal policy should be tightened during good times, precisely so that it can be expansionary during bad times.

Biden's Tax Plan: Back to Low Growth

Noah Williams, City Journal

The impact of Joe Biden's tax plan would be less income across the spectrum and a sluggish economy.

Sacrifice For Thee, Vast Wealth For Me

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

American Airlines CEO isn't feeling any pain.

The Story Behind Citi's $900 Million Mistake

Alicia McElhaney, Institutional Investor

How a major cosmetics company's loan restructure led to allegations of "nefarious" conduct and "disloyalty."

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The US Housing Market Since 1976 In Pictures

Ironman, Political Calculations

We're going to tell a story about the history of the market for new homes in the U.S. almost entirely in pictures today.

Time For Some Context, Again

Macromon, Global Macro Monitor

Money Fueled Bubble Speculative manias gather speed through expansion of money and credit.

Bourgeois Libertarianism Can Save America

Brian Doherty, Reason

Reliance on persuasion, freedom, property, and markets might deliver both peace and justice where "No Justice, No Peace" has so far failed.

Alternative Forms of Wealth

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Wealth takes many forms, not all of them monetary.

Lumbering Along

Cullen Roche, Pragmatic Capitalism

Three things I think I think

If You Aren't "Cheesing" You're Nuts

Rusty Guinn, Epsilon Theory

Cheesing is how Kodak happens.

From Bitcoin To QAnon Is A Short Trip

Izabella Kaminska, FT Alphaville

There are a lot of similarities between the two movements.
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