
SPACs: Blank Checks and Full Imagination

Enrique Abeyta, American Consequences

By Enrique Abeyta I began my full-time career on Wall Street at Lehman Brothers in August 1995. Two years earlier, I spent the summer working for Lehman on the powerful fixed-income syndicate desk. When I started, Lehman was known as a fixed-income powerhouse. It was the only place I wanted to work. I imagined […]

The New York Times Wanted "Others" To Take On the Virus

Jeffrey Tucker, RCM

Anytime this past year, the New York Times would tell you based on your zip code how much danger you face from Covid, based on case trends. Even at the lowest level, they always recommended against travel and for having food delivered to you. Think about that. They did not suggest that you deliver food; they suggested that someone else do it for you. Nor did they suggest that you bring food to others from groceries and take-out restaurants; they suggested that you stay put and let someone else do that. That someone else was clearly not a reader of the New York Times. They do not speak to,...

Are GOP Business Ties Related to Jobless Cuts?

Yeganeh Torbati, Washington Post

Republican governors in 25 states are in the midst of a giant economic experiment, ceasing enhanced jobless aid for an estimated 4 million people, arguing that the generous benefits are dissuading people from going back to work. But a number of these governors have personal connections to businesses that are trying to find workers and could benefit from the policy change, according to a Washington Post review of financial disclosures from state elected officials.

The Latest Leak Reminds Us That We Can't Trust IRS

Charles C. W. Cooke, NRO

That's the real lesson to be learned from ProPublica's exposé of the richest Americans' tax information.

When Tech Ingenuity Buoyed Small Bus.

Sens. Saxby Chambliss & Kent Conrad, RCM

From lockdowns to layoffs, the COVID-19 pandemic has levied an enormous economic toll for more than a year. As scores of harrowing statistics reveal, COVID's acute impact on American businesses and the workers they employ has been both material and manifest. Federal Reserve economists, for instance, recently found that the pandemic resulted in the permanent closure of roughly 200,000 more businesses than a typical year. Nationwide, the United States is still down 8 million jobs, and our two states of North Dakota and Georgia experienced job losses of 6.5% and 4.6% - as well as a 3.5% and 2.5%...

Extended, Vaccinated Trumpian V-shaped Recovery.

Larry Kudlow, New York Sun

Several weeks ago I read a wonderful column by my old pal Gerry Baker of the Wall Street Journal. It was titled, "Did Biden Peak on Inauguration Day? Covid confusion, Mideast chaos and the threat of inflation — He doesn't have many victories to point

Biden's Global Tax: Important Step to Fairer World

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Is the world finally ready to take on tax havens?

Vote for Biden Tax Is a Vote for Global Control of U.S. Taxes

Alex Hendrie, RCM

The Biden administration is pushing a misguided 21 percent global corporate minimum tax on American businesses. At the same time, the administration is pushing for a global agreement amongst foreign countries to set a foreign minimum tax rate of 15 percent. This is a terrible idea that, if successful, will surrender U.S. sovereignty to foreign leaders in Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and the European Union in order to bind the world into higher taxes and bigger government.

The G7 Global Deal Is Much Less Than It Seems

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Seven nations' handshake is far from a global tax accord.

He Won the $4.3 Trillion Mortgage Market

Antoine Gara & Margherita Beale, Forbes

Nima Ghamsari and his Blend Labs weaned the nation's biggest mortgage lenders off of paper—and just in time to prevent a pandemic meltdown.

Federal Paid Leave Is Very Popular On All Policy Sides

Gregory Svirnovskiy, Vox

Democrats, Republicans, and independents overwhelmingly support federal paid leave policies.

Not Everyone Can Be a Tik-Tok Star. Get Back to Work

Megan Rose, Examiner

May's jobs report shows signs of labor-market acceleration, but it's also clear that people are still sitting on the sidelines. The United States added 559,000 jobs in May, below the 671,000 forecast. This follows the disastrous April jobs report that added 266,000 jobs after economists predicted 1…

Young Americans Rushed to Buy Life Ins. w/Some Regret

Mike Brown, Expertise

An Expertise.com survey revealed how many young Americans rushed to buy life insurance during the pandemic & are now regretting the decision.

We View the Unemployment Report In a Bullish Light

Ryan Severino, JLL

Nothing Normal About the Recovery

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Inflation: Defining Macro Story of the Times

Peter Hooper, Deutsche Bank Group

Services Spending Ready to Launch?

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Employment: Labor Supply Weighs On Hiring

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

2021 Mid-Year Outlook: U.S. Stocks and Economy

Liz Ann Sonders, Schwab

Peak growth rates for the economy and earnings are likely behind us, setting the economy up for a boom-settle scenario in the second half of the year.

Selling Your House Is the Easy Part, But What Will You Buy?

Anna Bahney, CNN

This is the best time to sell a home in 20 years. Inventory is near all-time lows and home prices are at peak levels. Even the most 'ho-hum' homes are getting multiple offers and selling lightening fast.

What 'Green' Really Stands For

Michael Fumento, Am. Institute for Economic Research

"The idea is always to lock us down both in terms of population and consumption and woe to anyone or anything that allows more consumption with equal or fewer resources. Don't fall for the safety arguments. The argument is against capitalism and humanity. That's no fish story." ~ Michael Fumento

C-19 Exposes Dire Need for Paid Leave

Vicki Shabo and Marcia St. Hilaire-Finn, USAT

Some politicians have personal histories or notions out of touch with today's wages, costs and lack of public investment. Policy should match reality.

Fauci Must Be Forced To Answer About the Masks

Karol Markowicz, New York Post

Were the masks you bought at your local store important? Now that we're turning the corner of the pandemic, Karol Markowicz writes that it's time to ask some tough questions.

Bon Voyage To Space Billionaires. We'll Be Fine Without You

Jeva Lange, Week

The rest of us will be just fine without you

Cutting Jobless Benefits Early Hurts Workers and States

David Cooper, The Hill

Cutting back aid for jobless workers now, while suitable jobs are still not available for many of them, is not just cruel — it is damaging to these states' long-term economic health.

Politics, Economics, Lockdowns: Int. w/John Tamny

Cheryl & Dan Todd, GFRadio

Our guest today is John Tamny. John is Vice President at FreedomWorks, and Director of its Center for Economic Freedom. He's also editor of RealClearMarkets,...

How Retire With $3 Million On a $70,000 Annual Salary

Sam Swenson, Motley Fool

Get a few key things right and let time do the work.

'Woke' Blackrock Will Laugh All the Way To Bank

Charles Gasparino, New York Post

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is boarding the environmental-activism train for immense profits, as long he's the one creating the ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) funds that are all …

The Terrible Cost of Mark Zuckerberg's Naïveté

Kara Swisher, The New York Times

The C.E.O. — and the rest of us — are paying the price.

'Kamikaze Capital' May Rein In Overpaid CEOs

Kim Iskyan, American Consequences

Even though many CEOs are of less use than a discarded paper bag, their reign of sky-high salaries seems to persist -- until now.

Save $1 Trillion By Reducing Federal Spending on Rich

Brian Riedl, Daily Beast

Before hiking taxes on the wealthiest Americans, start by slashing the spending that goes to them.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The G7 Tax Grab & the End of Hyper-Globalization

Dani Rodrik, Project Syndicate

The G7 agreement on taxation of global corporations still needs formal approval from a wider set of countries, and there remain many details to be worked out for it to be effective. Nonetheless, it would not be farfetched to describe the deal as historic.

Index Funds Have Too Much Voting Power

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

At long last, indexing's detractors have a legitimate complaint.

The Future of Bear Markets

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

What if both crashes and recoveries are faster in the future?

Elizabeth Warren's IRS Plan Is A Hunch & Some Bad Math

Eric Boehm, Reason

But it would triple the IRS budget and give the tax cops a lot more power to make life miserable for individuals and businesses.

Getting the Goalpost to Stop Moving

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

If expectations grow faster than income you'll never be happy with your money. One of the most important financial skills is getting the goalpost to stop moving. It's also one of the hardest.

Why Sweden Was Right

Eyal Shahar, Medium

Not a shred of doubt

The Fast & Furious Business Cycle

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

The current business cycle has been unprecedented.
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