
Stocks Recovering While Economy Collapses Makes Sense

Zachary Karabell, Time

While the economy is contracting, the market is soaring. If you look closely at what's up and down, it actually makes senseâ?"for now.

Where Are All the Austrian Scholars' Super Yachts?

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

At present, more than a few are riddled by the near-term health of the stock market. They are because the economic news gets worse and worse. So why the somewhat ebullient stock market? The answer is...

Where Are Re-Opening Experiments?

Robert Wright, Am. Institute for Economic Research

Why isn’t anyone conducting experiments to better discern when certain socioeconomic activities can safely commence?

Until There's a Cure, "Social Distancing" Must Continue

Benjamin van Rooij, The Hill

To stay the course, we must keep a united front in support of social distancing and resist the temptation to ease the current measures too soon.

How We Should Think About Odds of Dying from Covid-19?

Lucian Pugliaresi, RCM

As government officials consider relaxing the lockdown of the national economy, there remains concern among many in the population that the risks of dying from Covid-19 are too high and that...

Age and Income: What You Need for Retirement

Paul Katzeff, Investor's Business Daily

Are you saving enough for a comfortable retirement? Knowing how much to save for retirement is a key question in planning. Yet many people don't know how to figure out the right amount of retirement savings and don't even try, even though knowing is vital to their financial health.

Banning Mergers and Acquisitions: Very Bad Idea at Bad Time

David Bahnsen, NR

AOC and Elizabeth Warren are from the government and they want to help.

Q1 GDP Is Really Just An Educated Guesstimate

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

As the BEA stressed, Q1 GDP is mostly an educated guesstimate of COVID-19's impact, not an airtight calculation.

Speculating That the World May Never Recover Thirst for Oil

Julia Horowitz, CNN

The coronavirus pandemic has destroyed demand for gasoline and jet fuel as billions of people hunker down at home, and there's no guarantee it will ever fully recover despite rock-bottom prices.

Silicon vs. Viruses: Thoughts on Fighting the Next Epidemic

Mark Mills, City Journal

Thoughts on fighting the next epidemic

States Must Get Message About Potential for Bankruptcy

Michael Greve, USA Today

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s proposal to consider bankruptcy proceedings for states would encounter acute constitutional difficulties. Moreover, experience with municipal bankruptcies counsels against the proposal.

Treasury Deserves Credit for Fast Relief Efforts

Bruce Thompson, Washington Examiner

You would never know it from the media, but the Treasury Department has been doing an excellent job rolling out millions of emergency relief payments and loans authorized by the CARES Act. Despite constant criticism, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and his team at the Treasury deserve a great deal of credit for getting billions of dollars of stimulus payments and small-business loans out the door much faster than has ever been done in the past.

Looking for Best Place to Stash Your Cash?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

There are many places to stash your cash, but the shorter your timeframe the more careful you need to be, says Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

QE Infinity and Beyond

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

The Fed's Tone Was Market Friendly

Steven Englander, Standard Chartered Bank

GDP: Bad, and Getting Worse

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

The Facade of Financialized Demand

Cole Smead, Smead Capital Management

Addressing An Upside Down World

Solomon Teller, Green Harvest Asset Management

There May Be More From the FOMC: Just Not Yet

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Governments Can't Plan Economic Reopening

Benjamin Powell, Orange County Register

President Donald Trump and governors around the country are clashing over who has the authority to decide when and how to “reopen” the economy. Yet government officials can’t know how to plan that reopening for precisely the same reasons that they can’t know how to plan an economy that’s already open.

Why I'm Actively Reopening My Georgia Nail Salon

Jenna Cao, The New York Times

When the government is mostly just helping big business, the rest of us have to begin to find a new normal, as best as we can.

How Elon Musk May Soon Bank Biggest Payday Of His Life

Alan Ohnsman, Forbes

Six weeks ago, with U.S. stock indices and Tesla shares plunging, the odds Musk would achieve the first tranche of his 12-part $55 billion compensation package looked slim. Things have changed.

Don't Let Eviction Bans Morph Into a Housing Crisis

Ariel Nelson & Eric Dunn, The Hill

Tenants must not face more harm after this rule ends.

States Are Already Free to Seek Bankruptcy Shelter

Edwin Schindler, New York Sun

Blue State governors are up in arms about the prospects that the corona pandemic and their own mismanagement might force their states into bankruptcy. The political optics of their longstanding fiscal failures could be exposed, as well as their coddling of public-employee unions. They are going to have a hard time, though, arguing that there is a constitutional bar against Congress permitting states to declare bankruptcy.

How to Protect Your Credit Score Amid C-19

Beverly Harzog, U.S. News & World Report

IF YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT protecting your credit score during the coronavirus pandemic, then you're in the right place. It isn't easy to maintain a good score while you're experiencing a reduction in hours or maybe even a job loss.

What's 'Essential' Is Subjective

Gerald Dwyer, American Institute for Economic Research

The government lockdowns and stay-at-home orders are long on lists of things that are essential and not essential without defining or saying what determines whether something is essential or not essential.

Why the NCAA's Right to Support Athlete Compensation

Pat Forde, Sports Illustrated

There are many logistical challenges ahead, but change is finally coming to the NCAA over student-athletes' name image and likeness rights.

You're Not Jim Simons, or Ackman or Buffett (Nor am I)

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

Macro Perspective on the Capital Markets, Economy, Geopolitics, Technology, and Digital Media

Tax Complexity Is a Big Barrier to Economic Growth

Travis Nix, Washington Examiner

April 15 was supposed to be Tax Day for the millions of individuals and businesses who file income taxes, but it has been delayed until July 15 due to the coronavirus. Tax Day normally causes frustration for taxpayers as they spend their valuable time trying to figure out all the deductions they can take and how to minimize their tax burden. Many give up altogether and spend their hard-earned money on a tax preparer.

Make Community Service Jobs to Put Millions Back to Work

Carl Van Horn, The Hill

Federal funding is necessary, on a temporary basis, to keep people working so they can pay their rent, buy food, and stay in the labor force.

Guarantee Wages for Quarantined

Brandon Marshall & Abdullah Shihipar, New York Times

Punitive responses will just burden those who have already been hit hard by the coronavirus.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

"BITFD": Epsilon Theory Comes of Age

Michelle Celarier, Institutional Investor

The metamorphosis of former hedge fund manager and Epsilon Theory founder Ben Hunt.

The Risk Of Another Lost Decade For Stocks

Adam Collins, Movement Capital

True risk is an extended period of zero returns.

When You Have No Idea What Happens Next

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

8 Cheap Stocks with Solid Brands

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

These consumer names are undervalued according to our metrics.

That Old Canard

Rusty Guinn, Epsilon Theory

In the last week or so, however, we have observed a surge in “how the world will be different” language across financial media.

What Does Margin Debt Drop Mean For Stocks?

Jason Goepfert, SentimenTrader

Market crash causes investors' leverage to plunge

Market Challenges the Classic Stocks-Bonds Portfolio

Robin Wigglesworth, Ozy

Investors are "at the mercy of the gods" now that bonds are behaving like equities.
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