
Stop Worrying About Promotions On Way To Top

Rosemary Counter, Financial Post

First Hand learns from career development expert Sarah Ellis that it takes confidence and bravery to step outside the promotion crapshot and chart your own…

Should the 45% Rule Guide Retirement Strategy?

Patrick Villanova, Yahoo Finance

Financial services giant Fidelity has a rule for retirement savings you may have heard of: Have 10 times your annual salary saved for retirement by age 67. This oft-cited guideline can help you identify a retirement savings goal, but it … Continue reading → The post Should the 45% Rule Guide Your Retirement Strategy? appeared first on SmartAsset Blog.

Let's Please Stop 'MacGyvering' Social Security

Geoffrey Sanzenbacher, The Hill

Without proper consideration, planned benefit reductions can hurt lower-income workers the most.

Wall Street Sees Nothing but Good News, Even When It's Bad

Matt Phillips, NYT

With expectations that interest rates will stay down and government spending will stay up, the stock market has learned to live with the pandemic, even as cases increase.

Next Big Investment Hub For Unicorns- And It's Not China

Sayan Ghosh, Forbes

Tiger Global Pumps billions Into India's Growing Unicorn Ecosystem.

Simplest Explanation for Delta Surge Is Still the Best One

Noah Millman, Week

How extreme contagiousness explains much of what we're seeing around the country

Dear Locked Down Australia, Where on Earth Are You?

Joel Bowman, Brownstone

Conspicuously absent is the Australian twang… the Antipodean swagger… that colorful, unmistakable brand of Aussie larrikinism.

Job No. 1: Try to Stop Bernie's $3.5T Monstrosity

David Harsanyi, New York Post

How radical is the Democrats' $3.5 trillion monstrous spending bill? It's not only the single most expensive legislation in American history, it may well be the most far-reaching expansion of the w…

America Can Afford Biden's Home Investments

Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation

It is not enough—but it's a start.

Biden's Comp Order Is Much Worse Than Decreed Illness

James Edwards, RCM

President Biden made a big deal in the rollout of his executive order on market consolidation about the price of prescription drugs. The order weaponizes antitrust and damages the patent system. That's not strong medicine. It's deadly poison.

SCOTUS Rightly Ends Eviction Moratorium

The Editorial Board, Pasadena Star News

Last week, the United States Supreme Court struck down the eviction moratorium ordered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The result was widely anticipated, given the Biden administ…

How Flying the Once Friendly Skies Became So Challenging

Mary Wilson, Slate

A travel rush has spurred tensions in the skies. But it's even deeper than that.

How Much Can You Spend in Retirement?

Rob Williams & Chris Kawashima, Schwab

How much can you spend in retirement without running out of money? The "4% rule" is a popular rule of thumb, but we think you can do better. Here are our guidelines for finding your personalized spending rate.

Negative-Yielding Bonds Are Like Options

Lauren Foster, Enterprising Investor

Anything that you want to price in finance has three key inputs, Vineer Bhansali says.

We Still Think Stocks Undervalued

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Tax-Efficient Investing: Why Is It Important?

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Tax-efficient investments are important because they can help lower your tax bill. Learn more with these tax-conscious investing strategies.

A Merger Arbitrage Opportunity

Asset Allocation Team, GMO

The remarkable selloff in the merger arbitrage space over the last month has led to compelling opportunity for long-term investors.

It Was All About the Tone of Powell's Comments

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The State of the Markets

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

How should we invest today? According to Commonwealth CIO Brad McMillan, with the economy in a growth phase, old strategies become new again.

The "Global Warming" Narrative Takes Yet Another Hit

Editorial, Issues & Insights

Antarctic sea ice is increasing, part of a trend that goes back more than 40 years.

American Worship of Suburban Living Is Killing Planet

Hayes Brown, MSNBC

Americans want bigger houses, farther from schools and shopping — and that's killing the planet.

Central Bankers Should Embrace Role of Future Guardians

Annelise Riles, Hill

With central banks now picking winners and losers, citizens should legitimately ask what criteria they use to do so, and call on bankers to establish responsible investing standards that contribute to a greater social good.

A Case That Federal Reserve Is Failing U.S.

Alexander Salter, Washington Examiner

The debate over inflation is getting more intense.

Get Used to Shortages of Everything

Peter Goodman & Keith Bradsher, New York Times

Pandemic-related product shortages — from computer chips to construction materials — were supposed to be resolved by now. Instead, the world has gained a lesson in the ripple effects of disruption.

Apple Has Altered App Store Rules. Critics Are Still Unhappy

Peter Kafka, Vox

Spotify and Epic Games are still pressing their legal campaigns. Don't expect regulators scrutinizing Big Tech to relax, either.

Customers Break Even with Apple Deal

Mark Jamison, American Enterprise Institute

Late last week, Apple and attorneys at the law firm Hagens Berman announced a class-action settlement of a 2019 case that small US iOS app developers had filed against Apple. The settlement includes $100 million for app developers, along with new opportunities to market app services not provided through Apple's App Store. It is unclear whether customers benefit.

As Stocks Continue Climb, Investors Start To Play Defense

Julia Horowitz, CNN

As the economic recovery from Covid-19 has progressed this year, investors have had plenty of opportunities to place winning bets. Wagering against the bull run in stocks hasn't been one of them.

Fed's Message From Jackson Is Clear, Explanation Isn't

Nicholas Sargen, The Hill

While Fed officials say they have the tools to bring inflation under control, the open question is how willing they will be to deploy these tools if they threaten the recovery.

The Fed Is Rather Tone Deaf to Sound Money

Trish Regan, American Consequences

The precarious economic situation we find ourselves in predates the pandemic – we chart America's historic financial flashpoints for answers.

Shari Redstone's ViacomCBS Mega-Merger Is Big Mess

Charles Gasparino, NYP

ViacomCBS chairwoman Shari Redstone is now in the hot seat after letting both iconic media brands fall in market value as she desperately searches for a buyer.

Restaurants Struggle In Role of Vaccine Policemen

Danielle Wiener-Bronner, CNN

When Cowbell, a comfort food restaurant in New Orleans, started requiring proof of vaccination for indoor dining, some customers were less than thrilled.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

40 Ways Things Are Getting Better

Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason

"What has gotten materially better in America in, say, the last twenty years?" So! Much!

The Stagflation Threat Is Real

Nouriel Roubini, Project Syndicate

There is a growing consensus that the US economy's inflationary pressures and growth challenges are attributable largely to temporary supply bottlenecks that will be alleviated in due course. But there are plenty of reasons to think the optimists will be disappointed.

A Fed Digital Dollar Risks Stifling Innovation

Eric Grover, City Journal

The Federal Reserve is studying the development of a digital dollar for public use, but money is too important to be left to central bankers.

Facebook is the AOL of 2021

Tiernan Ray, ZDNet

The 1990s had a word for being trapped inside a manipulative notion of human contact: AOL. Facebook and its ilk are the rebirth of that limited vision.

Fight the FOMO

Michael Batnick, The Irrelevant Investor

Everyone wants to get rich quick

Remember, Not All Risk is Rewarded

Charlie Bilello, Compound Advisors

"Higher risk, higher reward." This is one of the most repeated maxims in investing, and the basis of Modern Portfolio Theory. It's also intuitive: riskier investments should be compensated with a higher return. But what should happen and what actually happens is not always one in the same.

Private Equity Has Entered The Pro Sports World

Dan Weil, Institutional Investor

Buying stakes in NBA and MLB teams is just the beginning of the private equity takeover of major league sports.
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