
Sweden Will Prove Economy-Wrecking Alarmists Wrong

John Fund & Joel Hay, NRO

Unlike other countries, it has so far avoided both isolation and economic ruin.

Lockdown Can't Last Forever. Here's How to Lift It.

Gabriel Leung, New York Times

We need to hit and release the brakes on physical distancing, again and again, until we safely get to immunity.

Replacing Fear-Based Mythology & State Power With Reason

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER

To the extent we can replace fear-based mythology, predictions, and state power with knowledge rooted in empirical realities, that is to say, actual facts, we get closer to comprehending the possibility of calm and focus on what matters.

By Slamming Breaks on Life, We Tragically Let C19 Win

Alex Berezow, USA Today

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, democratic governments across the world have implemented unprecedented peacetime lockdowns. One California city is even using night vision equipped drones — made in China, ironically — to enforce it. A city in Washington encourages citizens to snitch on those who violate the “stay home” order. Let’s pause a moment to consider the serious ramifications of what we are doing.

Ray of Light as Restrictions Ease, Infections Slow?

Market Minders, Fisher Investments

In some European nations, the conversation is shifting to easing restrictions as infection rates slow.

All Bear Markets Are Different In a Different Way

Joseph Calhoun, Alhambra Partners

It doesn't take much effort to find bearish sentiment about stocks or the economy right now. CNN's Fear & Greed Index, an amalgam of seven discrete market sentiment indicators, is still in the ?

'Time Out', These 3 Months 'Didn't Happen' Approach to C19

J. Scott Scheel, RCM

COVID-19 has the potential to have an unprecedented financial impact on our economy. In prior emergencies, ambitious proclamations were made promising relief and support, and yet in the end,...

Let's Create Relief Package That Puts Reaganomics to Rest

Brad Bannon, The Hill

The coronavirus stimulus package is a bonus for big corporations and a big loss for ordinary Americans.

Layoffs Are Always Sad. Peter Navarro's Wouldn't Be

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

Hoping Innovation Emerges from the Desperation

Charles Sauer, Washington Examiner

As the father of three girls, I sometimes get a little overwhelmed when thinking about COVID-19 and social distancing. They, as many are, are losing out on school, birthday parties, playing with friends, and just the basic social interactions that are so transformative at their age. However, what gets me through is that despite the very real threat and consequences, there is also a silver lining. The thing that inspires me and makes me proud to be living at this moment, and excited to educate my kids about what is happening, is the innovative response that we are also seeing.

C19 Demands Bus. Experts Unbound by Modern PR Fetishes

Eric Dezenhall, RCM

3 Risks American Investors Are Facing in China Right Now

Jonathan Russo, Worth

With lifetime tenure and the absolute power of China's Communist Party, all trade and investments in China are subject to President Xi Jinping's whims.

Do the Least Harm, Not No Harm

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

As the Markets Burn

Jim Masturzo, Research Affiliates

Major adjustments in capital markets around the globe have changed our long-term expected return forecasts for the 100+ assets we model. Before the corona crash we forecast long-term real returns for US equities to be only 1% a year. Now new, lower valuations suggest higher returns.

Coronavirus & Munis: Questions and Answers

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

The municipal bond market has been hit hard by COVID-19 and market volatility. Here are our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

We're Only Beginning to Get the Real Economic Data

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Covid Econ Impact Will Be Less Than '08

Preston Caldwell & Karen Andersen, Morningstar

Our outlook on how the U.S. will cope during and after the shutdown.

Distinction Between a Company & Its Stock Price

Chris Brightman, Research Affiliates

All companies are getting walloped in the current market. Which stocks are the true bargains, likely to outperform when the market rebounds? Chris Brightman explains that the outlook for a company's prospects can be very different from the outlook for its stock's performance.

Investment-Grade Bonds: What Income-Focused Must Know

Collin Martin, Schwab

C19 Pandemic Is Not Exponential

Joakim Book, American Institute for Economic Research

Albert Einstein is – falsely – held to have said that the eighth wonder of the world is compound interest. In an idyllic past that many of us still remember, deposit accounts at banks earned (above-inflation) interest; we were actually paid for the money we set aside to the bank. Compound interest captures this amazing feature of money already earned to earn you even more in the future. Over long time periods it produces truly amazing results.

President Trump's Potemkin Recovery from Covid-19

Frank Rich, New York Magazine

President Trump doesn't have a plan to combat the coronavirus pandemic, so he keeps creating phony ones, Frank Rich writes.

Covid-19 May NOT Require a National Lockdown

Quin Hillyer, Washington Examiner

The media should stop clamoring for a nationally ordered lockdown, or "quarantine," to respond to the current pandemic. The president almost certainly lacks constitutional authority to order one, and it may not even be the wisest approach.

Should You Take the Three Extra Months to File Taxes?

Ann Carrns, New York Times

If you're owed a refund, it may be better to file quickly. You can also file your return now but wait until July 15 to pay any taxes owed.

Small Business Lifeline Must Not Fail

James Pethokoukis, American Enterprise Institute

Pelosi and Democrats Seek a Big Tax Cut for Blue States

Justin Haskins, The Hill

Pelosi and her liberal allies in Congress never let a good crisis go to waste, and, apparently, this massive crisis is no different.

Coronavirus Means Easier Access to Retirement Savings

Robert Powell, USA Today

Working From Home Isn't a Utopia, It's a Total Drag

Johnny Oleksinski, New York Post

As the days, weeks and, potentially, months of coronavirus self-quarantine tick down, we'll begin to see all the old office tropes with new eyes.

We Can't Destroy the U.S. Economy for the Sake of NYC

David Marcus, The Federalist

I imagine there are some people who love New York City more than I do, but I do love it. I love it with fervor of the convert. A Philadelphian by birth, for 20 years I have now walked the storied steel canyons of the world’s current capital. There’s a reason the United Nations meets here, why artists and would-be stock barons alike come here. Now we are in the grip of the coronavirus, locked down. But our peril must not mean that the nation we represent must be destroyed.

Already In a Recession, Can We Make It Short?

Jay Shambaugh, Brookings Institution

The Hamilton Project seeks to advance America's promise of opportunity, prosperity, and growth.

More Than Ever, We Need Information to Flow Freely & Openly

John Matze, RCM

With the novel coronavirus pandemic sweeping our nation, governments, corporations, and private citizens are going to great lengths to try to contain its spread. Gatherings are being canceled or...

A Much Broader Swath of Joblessness

Ben Casselman & Patricia Cohen, New York Times

After the initial impact of shutdowns on a few industries, the coronavirus pandemic is leaving a much broader swath of unemployment.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

A Classic Bear Market Bounce

Macromon, Global Macro Monitor

Big move today in stocks with the S&P500 closing up 7.03 percent. We are so glad we are out of the market. We believe stocks are now in phase two of a vicious bear market, where after the initial sharp sell-off, the major indices retrace close to 50 percent of their initial down move. See?

Navigating the Pandemic Trilemma

Harold James, Project Syndicate

The broad consensus of the COVID-19 era holds that measures to protect public health imply hard trade-offs with economic growth and political liberty. In fact, there are plenty of ways to adapt political and economic imperatives to policies needed to combat the pandemic.

Failing Math: Led Astray By Models

Jeffrey P. Snider, Alhambra Investments

When it's all over with, I think we're going to find out we've all been unnecessarily harmed by two stochastic models. And in the greatest tragic irony of them all, it was entirely predictable.

Poland vs Sweden

Izabella Kaminska, FT Alphaville

The countries represent the two extremes of the COVID-19 response.

Silver Lining: Time to Look at Tax-Loss Selling

Christine Benz, Morningstar

There's no telling if stocks have bottomed, but selling losing positions can help you find a silver lining in a down market.

How High Will the Unemployment Rate Rise in April?

Mish, Mish Talk

Leisure and hospitality jobs once again provide an accurate recession signal.

Entrepreneurs Will Get Us Out Of This Mess

Peter Boettke, Coordination Problem

A mantra we have used on this site since changing our name a decade ago is that we study economics as a coordination problem, and we see entrepreneurship as the solution to that problem.
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