
Team Biden's Lefty Bid to Batter Big Businesses

Charles Gasparino, New York Post

The Biden administration is appointing 'woke' progressives Lina Khan and Karl Racine into important market regulation positions — just to punish juggernaut companies like Amazon, …

The Tax Code's Unfair Achilles Heel for Rich

Edward Fox & Zachary Liscow, The Hill

The public's predisposition against taxing unsold gains suggests looking at other taxes that fall on the capital income of the rich.

Biden's Limp Efforts to Protect Corps. from Foreign Taxes

Andrew Wilford, RCM

One would think that an attempt by foreign countries to aggressively target American-based businesses for special taxes would sound the alarm for any president seeking to help our economy recover from the COVID-19 crisis. Unfortunately, President Biden's response to aggressive actions by foreign countries to impose new "digital taxes" on innovative American companies has been so unthreatening that there is little chance our European counterparts will take it seriously. European countries have for years salivated at the thought of getting a bigger share of the tax revenues from largely...

Bitcoin Won't Replace USD Because Bitcoin Is Much Worse

John Tamny, Forbes

Good money is a stable measure of value, and right now government money isn't living up to its billing. Neither is Bitcoin.

Pity FOMC Trying to Divine a Future It Can't Know

Alex Pollock, RealClearMarkets

Pity the poor members of the Federal Open Market Committee! These Federal Reserve Board Governors and Federal Reserve Bank Presidents all know in their hearts, for sure, each one, that they do not and cannot know the financial and economic future—that they do not and cannot know, among other things, how bad the current hot inflation is going to get, or how long it will last. Yet they are forced to make forecasts and statements published all over the world about things they cannot know. Their statements move markets and influence behavior, so they have to guess and worry about not only...

An Investment Style Meant to Protect You From Inflation

William Baldwin, Forbes

Inflation is already at 5% and probably headed higher. What are you going to do about it?

Why a Return to Normal May Be Unlikely for the Economy

Anneken Tappe, CNN

The US economy has come a long way since last year's devastating downturn. But a return to "normal" may not be possible.

Did Economists Really Support the Lockdowns?

Jeffrey Tucker, RealClearMarkets

There was never anything remotely resembling a consensus for lockdowns in any broad circle of academic opinion. Not in epidemiology. Not among medical practitioners. Not among political scientists. And certainly not among economists. However, we were told otherwise. Daily. For a full year.

Don't Let Feds Dictate CA Housing Policy

David Davenport, Washington Examiner

Longtime Speaker of the House of Representatives Tip O'Neill might once have been right when he said, "All politics is local." These days, one wonders.

Investment Firms Are Buying the Most Important Houses

Elena Botella, Slate

Invitation Homes bought 90 percent of the homes for sale in some ZIP codes in Atlanta in the early 2010s.

As Wall Street Evolved, One Firm Stayed Course

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

A counterbalance to the risky and speculative culture on Wall Street: a centuries-old firm you've never heard of.

How to Manage Your 401(k) Plan w/o Lifting a Finger

Catherine Brock, Motley Fool

Learn the easy way to retire wealthy.

Turn Turn Turn: Rotations Persist

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

It's been a highly-rotational stock market this year in terms of leadership; with aggressively-speculative themes peppered in. Remember, neither FOMO nor HODL are investment strategies.

Fed Still Hasn't Found What it's Looking For

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

The Fed kept rates unchanged, but updated median projections from the FOMC show two rate hikes likely by the end of 2023.

Intrinsic Value in Passive Indexing

Derek Bergen, Applied Finance

While Applied Finance has long advocated for investors to consider the strategic advantages from incorporating a valuation-based discipline in portfolio construction and stock selection, this study provides compelling evidence that even passive allocations benefit when index weights are formed on intrinsic value characteristics instead of using market cap as a proxy.

Fed to Remain Accommodative, Despite the Dots

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Will the Fed Sit Tight—or Tighten Policy?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial

With inflation a concern, what should we expect from the Fed? Commonwealth CIO Brad McMillan says despite the headlines, the Fed will likely sit tight.

May Retail Sales: A Little Context Goes a Long Way

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

2021 Mid-Year Outlook: Fixed Income

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

We see the recent plateau in yields as a pause before the next wave higher.

Big Oil Takes a Beating, Investors Are Riding High

Jeff Sommer, New York Times

While major oil companies have been losing public battles over climate change, energy stocks and oil prices are soaring.

It's Too Late To Avoid A Major Oil Supply Crisis

David Messler, OilPrice.com

The level of capital investment in oil exploration and production in the last few years has been far too low, and now it is likely too late to avoid a supply crisis

The Dollar Bears Are Taking A Beating After The Fed

Saikat Chatterjee, Reuters

A hawkish shift from the Federal Reserve has woken up a slumbering dollar, sending the U.S. currency to its highest level in months and stoking expectations that an unwind of bearish positions could fuel more gains.

The Long-Term Forecast for U.S. Stock Returns

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Expect 7.5%.

Uncertainty In The Spotlight After Fed Meeting

James Picerno, Capital Spectator

Wednesday's policy meeting was supposed to be a non-event.

Joe Biden's Antitrust Revolutionaries

Eric Posner, Project Syndicate

A growing debate over the scope and purpose of US antitrust law has pitted traditional technocrats against an ascendant movement that is demanding stronger legislation and more aggressive enforcement. At stake are not just questions of pricing or output, but the proper functioning of American democracy.

Crypto Bros Built A Wall Street On The Internet

Justina Lee, BusinessWeek

Automated protocols running on the internet are paying traders to provide liquidity for unregulated, decentralized markets.

The Fed Is Distracted By Political Activism

Alexander W. Salter, AIER

We know all too well that when it comes to bureaucratic mission creep, it's incredibly difficult to put the genie back in the bottle.

A Series of Unforeseen Events

Michael Johnston, Evergreen Gavekal

One of the unexpected, world-defining events of the past year has been the global shortage of semiconductor chips.

Did the Fed Just Raise Interest Rates?

Thomas L. Hogan, AIER

In the Fed's current floor system, the rate of IOR is the key tool of monetary policy. If the Fed raised the rate of IOR, then it raised interest rates.

What Free Market Health Care Would Look Like

John Osterhoudt, Reason

Dr. Lee Gross' direct primary care practice takes the complexity and unaffordability out of health care.

The Housing Conundrum: Reason To Worry?

Bill McBride, Calculated Risk

My Spidey senses are tingling again, however it isn't obvious why this time - or what the outcome will be.

All Things Transitory

Cullen Roche, Pragmatic Capitalism

What's transitory and what's not?

Housing Is On Fire. The Fed Keeps Adding Gasoline

Matt Egan, CNN

Bidding wars. All-cash offers. Homes selling for $1 million over asking. The housing boom has officially reached the ridiculous stage.

The Inflation Surge Appears To Be Peaking

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell admitted in yesterday's press conference that if inflation runs hotter for longer than it expects, the central bank would react accordingly by adopting a more hawkish stance. But for now, that scenario remains a low-probability scenario, he says.
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