
The 'Revolution': First Class Versus Business Class

Kevin Williamson, National Review

The class war in our country isn't a matter of the poor vs. the rich; it's a matter of business class vs. first class, E-Class vs. S-Class.

Inequality Was Huge Pre-Pandemic. Stock Market Worsens It

Julia Horowitz, CNN

The gap between the world's rich and poor is expected to grow due to the pandemic, and a stock market high on government and central bank cash bears much of the blame.

Covid-19 Is Killing Economy That Was Already Sick

Eric Levitz, New York Magazine

As inequality has increased, the U.S. economy has become more dependent on the discretionary spending of the rich. But the coronavirus pandemic has upset the one percent's appetite for dine dining, theater, and other high-end services.

The Virus v. Economy Race Is On. Economy Is Winning

Bruce Yandle, The Examiner

A vital race is on between the coronavirus and the economy, and right now, it looks as though the economy (and all of us whose well-being depend on it) is winning. But let's not celebrate too soon. There are some long laps ahead, and a lot can happen along the way.

Rich Shrink Spending, Hurting Workers.

Emily Badger & Alicia Parlapiano, New York Times

The steepest declines in spending during the coronavirus recession have come from the highest-income places.

When It Comes to Fracking, Which Biden Should We Believe?

Steven Milloy, RCM

Joe Biden says he wouldn't ban fracking. But the Democratic National Committee's climate advisory panel, led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, says fracking should be banned. What are we...

My Thoughts On the New Bull Market Born On March 23rd

Ken Fisher, LinkedIn

A new bull market was born March 23rd. First, consider, a quick recap of 2020?s wild stock market, which I discussed at length in previous LinkedIn columns.

Zoom Offers Best Of Both Worlds: Growth Plus a Hedge

Michael Cannivet, Forbes

Stocks like Zoom are not inherently "risky" or "expensive." Those are just subjective interpretations. What really matters is the role a security plays in a portfolio, and whether that portfolio achieves your long-term goals.

The 2nd Biggest Worry For Investors Is That Trump Will Lose

Liz Peek, The Hill

Investors remember the last recession, and how the Obama-Biden team produced the slowest recovery since the Great Depression.

The Future In Front of Us Won't Require Shades

Joseph Calhoun, Alhambra Investments

The stock market has recovered most of its losses from the March COVID-19 induced sell-off and the enthusiasm with which stocks are being bought â?" and sold but mostly bought â?" could lead one to bel?

Question That Requires Asking: Is There a Warming Problem?

David Simon, RCM

In "Coronavirus and the Climate," Wall Street Journal columnist Walter Russell Mead swallows the big lie about global warming. Mead's column posted on June 15 begins by sharing a...

Essential Pieces of Information As Social Security Nears

Robert Powell, USA Today

To apply for Social Security online, you want to have all the information you need at your fingertips before you log into your account. So what information is that, and what steps must you take?

A Look At Trump's Deregulatory Record

Wayne Crews, Competitive Enterprise Institute

I remembered wondering in 2017 whether the federal government would be larger or smaller after four years of Trump. The debt has now topped $25 trillion and the deficit alone will top $4 trillion, a figure that, incredibly, is higher than all federal outlays as recently as 2015. In the meantime, President Trump can and should use a meataxe on regulation unilaterally.

Residential Construction: A Subdued Turn Toward Normal

Richard Moody, Regions

Is the Fed Creating Tomorrow's Crisis Today?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Should Smart Money Be Overweight NY Apartments?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Trump's Views on C-19 Treatments Wiser Than You Think

Michael Keane, SSRN

Many academics are advocating for the strict adherence to randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in order to find treatments for CoViD-19. The prevailing orthodoxy

A Mad Dash for Cash

Brett Ryan, Deutsche Bank Group

The Market's Headed For Choppier Waters

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

Good News for Trump. Economy Is Bouncing Back

Tim Worstall, Washington Examiner

The great fear of any president running for reelection is being found naked in bed with a dead economy â?" or, to be less extreme, trying to convince the voters to give him another four years when we're in a recession. Things are looking pretty good for President Trump, then, as all the signs show that the lockdown and the coronavirus-induced recession are going to be over by the time voters start making their ballots.

The Retail 'Recovery' Looks Extremely Vulnerable. Here's Why

Julia Horowitz, CNN

Even as Florida, Texas and Arizona have set daily records for new coronavirus cases this week, investors received a dose of good news: US retail sales surged 17.7% in May, far more than economists had predicted and a record increase.

Tear Down This Plexiglass Wall!

Anthony Gill, American Institute for Economic Research

Plexiglass. They put up plexiglass between us. This may not turn out well. Allow me to explain. On Monday, June 16, I was finally given government permission to return to the gymnasium that I had been affiliated with for over two decades. It actually is a satellite branch built in a large warehouse separate from the main facility. This smaller, “grittier” gym has more free weights to lift, tires to flip, and heavy bags to punch. I go for the boxing. I also go for the people. The desk staff knows me pretty well, so much so that I get a “special” set of towels. They like...

With the C-19 Bailouts, There's No Time for Treasury Secrecy

Kurt Schacht, The Hill

This is no moment for experimental or ad hoc oversight of those with unelected power.

Rich Kids Eating Up the Financial Aid Pot

Martin Kurzweil & Josh Wyner, New York Times

A large share of strapped school budgets is going to "merit aid" for wealthy kids, as part of a bidding war to enroll high-income students.

You Can't Make a Zombie Undead, But Hertz Buyers Are Trying

William Cohan, VF

Biden's Retirement Reforms Boldest We've Seen In Gens

Nick Buffie, MarketWatch

Biden?s Social Security proposals are targeted directly toward seniors in need

Elaine Chao Should Require Air Refunds and Safety

Anna Laitin & William McGee, USA

The COVID-19 crisis has dramatically impacted the lives of Americans — their health, their economic outlook and much more. Air travel is one area of life that has been completely turned upside down. For months, very few Americans stepped onto an airplane. As more and more people start to think about flying again, concerns about the layouts of airports and airplanes make them problematic transmission risks for travelers.

"V, L, U": The Look of the Recovery Doesn't Really Matter

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Profit margins matter more to stock investors in the short-term

Some Steps Congress Can Take to Empower Economic Recovery

Joy Ditto, Hill

It may take several months for the full effect of pandemic-related challenges for public power utilities to become apparent.

Why It's Finally Time for the U.S. to Spend on Infrastructure

Paul La Monica, CNN

In 2016, investors thought there would be a major focus on rebuilding the nation's infrastructure from the next president. Four years later, we're still waiting.

Watch the Important Reversal Pattern Market Is Tracing

Nigam Arora, MarketWatch

Offsetting this pattern is the Federal Reserve's unprecedented stimulus

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Coronavirus Recession Has Ended

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

But it’s a tentative “yes” and the answer has several qualifications and so it’s premature to celebrate what appears to be the end of the downturn.

In 2030 The World Is Software

Walter Thompson, TechCrunch

This storm shall pass. However the choices we make now will change our lives forever.

10 Cheap Innovative Stocks

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

These names from the Morningstar Exponential Technologies Index are trading at 4- and 5-star levels.

From Room To Zoom

Jeff Carter, Points and Figures

Can you run a VC fund using just video?

The Messiah of Mar-a-Lago

Shlomo Ben-Ami, Project Syndicate

The US was a tinderbox of racism, inequality, and broken politics well before Donald Trump entered the White House, but he lit the match and added fuel. Unless Americans vote him out in November, putting out the fires â?" and repairing the national and international damage â?" may well become impossible.

Stimulus, PPP and Re-Opening Won't Save The Economy

Dylan Matthews, Vox

Real-time data on how the economy responded to Covid-19 suggests the problem is the disease itself.

The Secret Project Funded By A Netflix Fortune

Theodore Schleifer, Vox

Park County hasn't been able to figure out who is behind a 2,100-acre center for education reform. We can reveal it's Reed Hastings.
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