
The 65 Year Old Helping to Undeplatform Parler

Benjamin Wallace, New York Magazine

In 2019, Jeffrey Wernick invested in the Parler start-up and became a strategic adviser. Since some of its users were in the insurrectionist crowd that stormed the Capitol on January 6, the social network has borne nearly fatal consequences.

Do We Really Have To Test Churchill's Maxim With 'Wealth Tax'?

John Childs, NYS

The first thing to be said about Senator Elizabeth Warren's plan for a wealth tax — she's promising to release the particulars soon — is that it attacks one of the pillars of American greatness. It is hard to imagine anything more un-American than an attack on wealth. Accumulation of wealth is central to our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is the fruit of that uniquely American personality trait — optimism.

Biden Beats Trump When It Comes to Billionaire Support

Michela Tindera, Forbes

Think America?s richest people all backed a fellow billionaire in the 2020 election? Think again.

Biden and Fed Leave the '70s Behind

Jim Tankersley & Jeanna Smialek, The New York Times

Administration and Fed officials argue that workers not getting enough stimulus help is a larger concern than potential spikes in consumer prices.

Like Tom Brady, NYC's Richest Will Flourish Elsewhere

Steve Cuozzo, New York Post

Tom Brady won the Super Bowl for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers after 20 years in New England.

Mitt Romney's Child Tax Credit Rates Careful Consideration

Andrew Wilford, RCM

We live in a time where "bold reform" is a phrase usually reserved for policy proposals that are only "bold" because everyone else knows they won't work. From wealth taxes to massive federal minimum wage hikes toemployee head taxes and more, it's usually only proponents of horrendous ideas that get to tout themselves as "bold" because of how boldly they ignore all the experts. Yet when it comes to bold proposals that actually succeed in advancing the debate, Senator Mitt Romney's plan to comprehensively reform how the social safety net addresses child poverty stands out. That's because...

Supporting Employees During C19 Protects Company Bottom Line

DJ Paoni, Hill

The only way we can come out from this stronger and more resilient, is if we do it together.

Kevin Durant's Genius Vivifies Abject Stupidity of Lockdowns

John Tamny, RCM

In June of 2019 basketball great Kevin Durant tore his Achilles tendon. In the words of the Wall Street Journal's Ben Cohen, what Durant suffered was "basketball's most devastating injury." Despite this, Cohen goes on to write that in 2021, there "is nothing about Durant that suggests he is diminished in any way." Durant is back, and arguably playing better than ever. Keep in mind that before the injury he was playing at a Hall of Fame level, and that with the exception of LeBron James, he was arguably the best basketball player in the world. Cohen quotes surgeon Robert Anderson as saying...

To Union Allies of the Victor Go Pension Spoils

Aharon Friedman, Washington Examiner

Last week, the House Ways and Means Committee approved a massive taxpayer bailout of private sector multiemployer defined benefit pension plans, or MEPs, as part of a budget reconciliation package that is purportedly meant to deal with COVID-19. Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders claims MEPs are underfunded because "of the greed on Wall Street." But MEPs are troubled because of mismanagement, not because of COVID-19 or Wall Street.

Oren Cass Offers Familiar Paternalism

Richard Ebeling, Am. Inst for Economic Research

Political paternalism - the belief that those in government possess more knowledge, wisdom, and ability to plan, guide, and direct various aspects of people's lives better than those people themselves - comes in many forms. The American "progressive" movement is euphoric with being, once again, close to power with the new Biden Administration in the hope of intensifying and extending their version of political paternalism on the country.

Making A Case for Crypto As the Next Big Thing

Eric Wade, American Consequences

February 15, 2021 Dear reader, These days, news about bitcoin and cryptos is everywhere. We recently covered the topic on my latest American Consequences podcast, and I’m working on a feature story about bitcoin for our next magazine, publishing soon (keep an eye on your inbox!). In the meantime, we wanted to share with you […]

Italy's Econ. May Be a Bigger Challenge Than Euro for Draghi

Julia Horowitz, CNN

Mario Draghi, Italy's new prime minister, is no stranger to high-stakes jobs.

Lesson Learned? Takeaways From GameStop Saga

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

As quickly as it soared to the moon, GameStop came back down to earth; but the lessons learned are key to turning day trading speculators into longer-term investors.

Surprise! Factor Betas Don't Deliver Factor Alphas

Various, Research Affiliates

By buying or overweighting characteristics-based factor exposure and selling or underweighting beta-based factor exposure, investors can position their portfolios to reap the rewards of factor investing while bearing less risk.

The Earnings Recession Has Ended

David Kastner, Charles Schwab

The financial sector has struggled as of late, but we think this is a potential opportunity for investors.

Should I Take the Lump Sum Option from My Pension?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, CS

Take a lump sum or lifetime income from my pension? The best choice for you depends on your individual circumstances.

January Was a Month of Transition

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Why Immunity Is Closer Than You Think

Brian Wesbury, First Trust Advisors

A Tax-Smart Approach to Your Cost Basis

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Understand tax rules to keep more of your gains.

A Currency That Rises In Value Will Change Everything

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER

Maybe widespread ownership and use of Bitcoin and other cryptos can make a cultural and economic contribution to converting us from profligate to thrifty in the way our great-great grandparents could celebrate.

Schrödinger's Bitcoin

Willem H. Buiter, Project Syndicate

Notwithstanding the recent spectacular surge in its price, Bitcoin will remain an asset without intrinsic value whose market value can be anything or nothing. Only those with healthy risk appetites and a robust capacity to absorb losses should consider investing in it.

California Is Making Liberals Squirm

Ezra Klein, The New York Times

If progressivism can't work there, why should the country believe it can work anywhere else?

Amazon Transformed The Geography Of Wealth

Vauhini Vara, The Atlantic

Understanding America in the giant company's shadow

The High Cost Of Protectionism

Scott Beyer & Ethan Finlan, City Journal

President Biden's "Buy American" commitments will conflict with his goal of improving mass transit.

The Latest Evidence That Investors Have Lost Their Minds

Julia Horowitz, CNN

Ken Goldin has sold sports trading cards for four decades. What happened earlier this month still shocked him.

The Wall Street Investor Unfriendliness Checklist

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Why Does Janet Yellen Sound Like Trump on Trade?

Eric Boehm, Reason

In comments to The New York Times Magazine published this week, the new treasury secretary says free trade has been "so negative" for "a large share of the population." That's just wrong.

When a Stock "Goes Viral"

Michael Johnston, Evergreen Gavekal

Until recently, the concept of taking someone or something viral was mostly reserved for content creators and influencers on platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, etc. However, last month, the phenomenon took on new life, as millions of users on Reddit and Discord effectively took this playbook to the stock market.

5th Grade Math Reveals Alternative To Crazy Tech Stocks

Bryce Coward, KLC

Yes, there is an alternative to crazy expensive tech stocks.

Good News In A Terrible Time

Sumner Secretan, Stock Answers

Forget GME, Positive Developments in the Fight Against Covid are the Real Big Story

The Big Push To Accelerate V-Day

Alex Tabarrok, Marginal Revolution

How to accelerate the vaccine push.

The Century-Old Tax Could Help Pay For the Pandemic

Norma Cohen, FT Alphaville

Why an Excess Profit Duty, implemented in 1917 to help pay for the war, ought to be reconsidered today.

Maybe YOU'RE Overbought

J.C. Parets, All Star Charts

What overbought conditions? We haven't even broken out yet. Take a look at what's actually going on! After 14 years of no progress, Financials just went out at a new all-time high! This is arguably the most important sector in the world. We don't have bull markets without Financials, at least, participating. Just imagine them ?

Stop Stressing About Inflation

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

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