
The Amazing Inside Story of Robinhood's Billionaire Founders

Jeff Kauflin, Forbes

Members of this online enclave are partying, quite literally, like it?s 1999â?Â"the infamously frothy day-trading year before the dot-com bubble burst in March 2000.

Sorry, Mayor, NYC Desperately Needs Its Billionaires

Nicole Gelinas, New York Post

It's one thing to opine that the rich must pay their "fair share," as Mayor Bill de Blasio ineffectually nattered on about for years. It's another thing to say that New York doesn't need â?" or want â?" them.

Pelosi's USPS Bailout Would Not Arrest Looming Insolvency

Jason Pye, Examiner

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is cutting the House's vacation short with the aim of returning to Washington to address the manufactured crisis du jour: the politicization of the U.S. Postal Service.

At Very Long Last, Is It Value's Time To Shine?

Eric Nelson, Servo Wealth Management

This is one of the greatest opportunities of your investing lifetime to ensure you have the right portfolio with appropriate amounts of value stocks. Growth has outperformed for a number of years, but a value resurgence is likely.

Uber and Lyft Are Toying With Drivers' Livelihoods

Greg Bensinger, New York Times

Both are threatening to pull out of California this week over a law requiring them to treat their workers as full-fledged employees.

California Regs Could Drive Uber and Lyft Out of Business

Christos Makridis, RCM

A California judge recently ordered “Uber and Lyft to reclassify their workers from independent contractors to employees with benefits.” While proponents of the new reclassification argue that it will help drivers, they fail to see the unintended consequences this policy will have for drivers and society at large. The reclassification will drive up Uber and Lyft costs. If applied across the board, it would potentially push them to the brink of insolvency, but for now Uber and Lyft are planning on exiting the California market if the ruling is not changed. Either way, the...

Playing Field Leveled. 401(k)s Can Now Invest In Private Equity

Jon Hartley, NRO

Allowing retail investors to have access to private-equity funds will improve economic mobility.

CA Shows Transition to Renewables Isn't Easy

Alex Trembath & Zeke Hausfather, Slate

Sometimes the features of a wind-and-solar system turn out to be bugs.

Mortgage Market Offers Clues About Economy's Health

Sanjiv Das, MarketWatch

Decline in mortgage forbearance applications is a positive sign

Joseph Biden's 564 Pages of Empty Promises

P.J. O'Rourke, American Consequences

Now I’ll tell you what you’re thanking me for… I just read Joe Biden’s presidential campaign platform so you don’t have to. If you’re thinking, “Thanks anyway, but I’ll read it for myself,” think again…

Unemployed Americans Need the Help of Congress Right Now

Editors, USA Today

For the estimated 30 million out-of-work Americans struggling to make ends meet during a virus-fueled economic collapse, Friday will mark four weeks of living on little more than a few hundred dollars a week in state unemployment compensation. That average income of $370 per week falls shamefully short of what the jobless need to survive, and it's why Congress and President Donald Trump agreed in March to add $600 a week in federal benefits.

Are Republicans Abandoning a 2nd Stimulus Check?

Ed Kilgore, New York Magazine

A new "skinny" Senate Republican stimulus proposal designed to appeal to fiscal hawks lowers its price tag by omitting a second installment of the wildly popular direct stimulus checks, which has looked to be the one certain element of any deal.

Home Sales: Best Ever, But Still Not Good?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Residential Construction: Supply Still the Issue

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

ERISA and ESG Investing

Bernard Sharfman, The FinReg Blog

5 Takeaways from Earnings Season

Jeffrey Buchbinder & Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial

The Good and Bad In the Jobless Numbers

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Gross Output Is Doing Better Than GDP

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Lockdowns Give Us What's No Ordinary Recession

Beth Akers, Manhattan Institute

Preposterous Notion That TikTok's a Security Threat

Ivan Eland, Independent Institute

President Trump, in his frenzy to blame China for almost everything to get re-elected, unilaterally issued an executive order, without due process, to ban from the United States for security reasons in 45 days, TikTok, a Chinese-owned app used by primarily young people to transmit funny dance videos. (Trump also banned a popular Chinese messaging app WeChat.)

China Does It To the U.S. Why a TikTok Ban Is Overdue

Tim Wu, The New York Times

Critics say we shouldn't abandon the ideal of an open internet. But there is such a thing as being a sucker.

Trump Immigrant Rules Would Have Kept Techs Like Me Out

Alfred Chuang, CNN

My dream as a child growing up in Hong Kong was to study in America, but my initial F1 student visa was rejected. The immigration officer asked me a trick question: Would I stay in the US and get practice experience after my studies? I said yes.

Dems Propose Taking Over Large Swaths of Economy

Adam Brandon, Fox Business

The Democratic Party is moving further and further left.

Employee Ownership, the Wealth Gap, and the Current Crisis

Corey Rosen, The Hill

This lack of access to wealth is economically, socially, and psychologically devastating. Wealth means options; wealth means security; wealth means we can plan for the future. With wealth, we can send our kids to college, take a chance on a new job or starting a business, handle an emergency, and much more.

Economy Is Improving, But Not Quickly Enough

Bruce Yandle, Washington Examiner

Last Friday's Census Bureau report on July retail sales for the nation brought a welcome dose of good news, but it also underlined some concerns for the future.

How Some Explain Stocks At a Record During Downturn

Jessica Menton, USA Today

Stephanie Schill, a married mother of two, was worried about her retirement savings when the coronavirus pandemic pummeled the global economy in the spring. Schill, a marketing manager for a dental company in Johnsburg, Illinois, said the firm cut her salary by a quarter and eliminated her 401(k) match to conserve cash and reduce layoffs.

Death of Corporate Office Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

Peter Morici, MarketWatch

Tipping Extra: The Truth About 2020 Charitable Giving

Peter Lipsett, The Examiner

Are we giving more, or are we giving up?

The Week the Hollywood Of Old Finally, Actually Died

Ben Smith, The New York Times

The streaming services are in charge, and bringing a ruthless new culture with them.

The Market Just Re-Taught Investors Good Lesson

Ethan Wolff-Mann, Yahoo Finance

The best 100 days of the stock market ever just happened. That illustrates one of the most important lessons in finance in terms more clear than ever before.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ultimate Stock-Pickers' Top 10 High-Conviction Purchases

Nupur Balain, MStar

Several funds see value in basic materials and communication services

The Value of a Dollar in Every State

Mike Sauter, 24/7 Wall St.

A dollar buys more in poor states.

How Wuhan Went From Quiet Streets to Packed Pools

Staff, BBC News

Images of crowds at a waterpark festival show how far the city has moved on from its January lockdown.

Ok Boomers, Let's Talk About Socialism

Neil Howe, Hedgeye

Is the pandemic turning millennials into socialists?

Multiculturalism, A Failed Policy

Gad Saad, Psychology Today

All cultures are not equal.

The Farmer Influencer & The Economics Of Streaming

Tyler Cowen, MR

Farmers are streaming their work on line and making more than they do from actual farming.

The Progressive Feeding Frenzy

Richard A. Epstein, Reason.com

The progressive agenda assumes that no amount of taking will ever lead to less earning.
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