
The Biggest Barrier to NYC Recovery Is Not Its People

Bob McManus, New York Post

So New York stopped prosecuting turnstile jumpers, and now folks are smashing windows in the subways. Has there ever been a more delicious vindication of a...

Economy Is Still Collapsing, and GOP Has No Plans to Fix

Ryan Cooper, The Week

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

Europeans Discover the Myth About 'Safety Nets' the Hard Way

John Tamny, RCM

Economic discussions would be much better if it were understood that no one receives dollar, euro, yen, pound or yuan “aid.” They receive the goods that those currencies can be exchanged for. Money on its own doesn’t feed, shelter or clothe. It’s only useful insofar as it’s accepted by the producers of actual goods and services. This simple truth is hopefully useful as a backdrop to what’s happening in Europe right now. As Liz Alderman of the New York Times reported on Tuesday, Europeans are presently suffering rather painful job cuts. In Alderman’s...

When Minimum Wage Rises, a Million More Fall Below Min.

Alan Reynolds, AIER

If Joe Biden were to win the presidency and also a Senate majority, we already know one part of his economic agenda because it has already been enacted by the House. On July 16, 2019 House Democrats voted to raise the federal minimum wage to $8.40 on enactment, then adding $1.10 each year until it reaches $15 six years after enactment. If it was signed into law next year, the minimum wage could climb to $15 by 2027. Yet once the minimum reached $9.50 in 2022, further increases would depend on passing a Government Accountability Office report about its impact on affected businesses and...

Smart Ways to Claim Social Security In Covid Era

Barbara Eisner Bayer, Motley Fool

Are you ready to apply for Social Security benefits? Have you made your retirement plan, run the different scenarios, and decided that now's the time? Unfortunately, Social Security offices are closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, so you can't just walk in and discuss it with a counselor. There are, however, several other ways to claim your benefits, and they're much simpler than walking into an office.

Why Retailer Target Is Having Pretty Good Pandemic

Josh Barro, New York Magazine

General merchandise retailers like Walmart and Target have done especially well under COVID, for a few reasons.

Dustin Moskovitz: A 'Slow Burn,' Second Act After Facebook

Alex Konrad, Forbes

Nearly a decade ago, Zuck?s college roommate became the world?s youngest self-made billionaire by moving fast and breaking things. Now Moskovitz is set to take his radically chiller cloud standout Asana â?Â" a software success story powered by patience and the pandemic â?Â" public.

C-19 Misinformation Sets Up Econ. Crises

Sonal Desai & Jonathan Rothwell, USA Today

In a pandemic, our physical health is intertwined with the behaviors of our neighbors and fellow citizens, who we depend upon to prudently assess risk and comply with public health guidelines. Fear of a deadly virus is arguably a good thing, but it can also go too far, when it leads to behaviors that do little to reduce transmission but stymie social and economic life.

Amid C-19 Hysteria, Crucial Freedoms Disappearing

Ron Paul, Washington Examiner

At the start of the pandemic, we saw businesses across the country forced to close their doors due to city, state, or federal guidelines. This resulted in an unemployment rate that skyrocketed to levels not seen since the Great Depression. The public began finding itself forced into poverty by the very government that was founded on the principles of freedom and self-determination.

The Dems Promote Bigger Tax Cuts for Rich Than the GOP

Stephen Moore, The Hill

Democrats want to undo this tax limit for blue states.

On China, GOP Sheds Any Pretense of Free Market

Jeanne Whalen, Washington Post

Since the Reagan years, Republicans have opposed the federal government picking winners and losers in the economy through government programs. But China?s rise is forcing them to rethink that.

Five Questions About Capitalism for Edward Conard

Kevin Hassett, National Review

On capitalism, taxes, and the very rich.

No Evidence the Lockdowns Worked

Various, National Bureau of Economic Research

How Do You Recognize Financial Abuse?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Financial abuse comes in many guises and impacts men and women alike, warns Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz. Here are some common signs you shouldn't ignore.

Thoughts on Why Green Dot Investors Are In Green

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Making Sense of Calls for Eurozone Outperformance

Market Minder, Fisher

We think investors benefit from owning eurozone stocks for diversification purposes, but the region's value bias argues against outperformance over the foreseeable future, in our view.

The Dismal Economics of Offshore Wind

Jonathan Lesser, Manhattan Institute

Offshore wind is becoming increasingly popular among politicians and policymakers; however, the actual costs are likely being downplayed.

New Home Sales Reach All-Time High. Now What?

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Housing Revival

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Are We All Keynesians Again?

Andres Velasco, Project Syndicate

A common refrain nowadays is that after COVID-19, Milton Friedman is out and John Maynard Keynes is in. But if, as the famous quote often attributed to Richard Nixon puts it, "we are all Keynesians now," we must remember what Keynes taught: fiscal policy should be tightened during good times, precisely so that it can be expansionary during bad times.

Biden's Tax Plan: Back to Low Growth

Noah Williams, City Journal

The impact of Joe Biden's tax plan would be less income across the spectrum and a sluggish economy.

Sacrifice For Thee, Vast Wealth For Me

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

American Airlines CEO isn't feeling any pain.

The Story Behind Citi's $900 Million Mistake

Alicia McElhaney, Institutional Investor

How a major cosmetics company's loan restructure led to allegations of "nefarious" conduct and "disloyalty."

Donald Trump's War on Economic Freedom

Jacob Sullum, Reason.com

In the president's mind, trade is not a right to be respected but a process to be managed by politicians.

Yes, Some Are Moving Out But Cities Are Far From Dead

Robert Reffkin, CNN

While some people are saying that New York City is dead, I have full conviction that the future of New York is bright. I live here. I work here. I'm raising my family here. Like Jerry Seinfeld wrote in his op-ed earlier this week, I strongly believe that New York will be back.

What's a Palantir? Tech's Next Big I.P.O.

Cade Metz & Kate Conger & Erin Griffith, NYT

A tech start-up named for objects in "The Lord of the Rings" has become a major government contractor. But what it does is not easy to understand.

Investors Should Be Wary of Buffett's Crash Warning

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

Leaving the party too early can cost you as much as leaving too late

Ignore the Wretched Alarmists, NYC Will Rise Yet Again

Steve Cuozzo, New York Post

New York City is dead! So claimed hedge-fund entrepreneur, prolific author and â?" keep this in mind â?" professional comic James Altucher.

Will C-19 Expand or Reduce Inequality In the U.S?

Vivekanand Jayakumar, The Hill

Thankfully, due to modern-era health care systems, improved hygiene standards, and communication technologies, casualties from the COVID-19 pandemic are likely to be far lower than in prior worldwide pandemics.

DOJ's Antitrust Division Undermines Dep't Investigations

Matt Mackowiak, Examiner

Attorney General Bill Barr announced last month that his department would take a hard look at the Big Tech companies for antitrust violations. Both Republicans and Democrats applauded this move and hope the Department of Justice's investigations will stifle Silicon Valley's many monopolies.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

If You Aren't "Cheesing" You're Nuts

Rusty Guinn, Epsilon Theory

Cheesing is how Kodak happens.

From Bitcoin To QAnon Is A Short Trip

Izabella Kaminska, FT Alphaville

There are a lot of similarities between the two movements.

Fed Policy Has Not Been Stimulative This Year

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

It doesn’t much matter how you measure monetary stimulus, the Fed hasn’t done much of it during 2020.

The Fed Needs The Power To Buy Corporate Bonds

Robert McCauley, VoxEU

Congress should authorize the Fed to buy and sell corporate bonds directly.

H-1B Visa Ban Creates "Near-Shoring" Boom

Walter Thompson, TechCrunch

Nearshoring is mutually beneficial because developers don't have to give up their culture for a great employment opportunity and businesses can reap the benefits of diversification.

Donald Trump, Big Spender

John Stossel, Reason.com

The GOP is hardly the party of fiscal responsibility these days.

Working In An Office Is So Pre-Pandemic

Matt Egan, CNN Business

Bustling skyscrapers and office parks packed with workers could be a relic of the pre-pandemic world.
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