
The Economy Is Down. Why Are Home Prices Up?

Ruchir Sharma, The New York Times

Government efforts to stimulate growth are lifting markets of all kinds everywhere.

Don't Trust Big Banks' 2020 Election Predictions

Charles Gasparino, New York Post

The geniuses who run the big banks and financial firms and too often dominate economic commentary have never been that smart, and probably shouldn't be trusted to either predict the election or how good (or bad) things will get whoever is elected.

Econ. Needs Election Clarity

John Allison & Lisa Blau & Garrett Johnson, RealClearMarkets

In 2020, the economy suffered an unexpected shock. The pandemic has killed 225,000 Americans, forced millions into unemployment, and closed many businesses. Now, the nation faces a new threat to the economy, one that is preventable. Holding a stable national election and maintaining global confidence in American democracy will support the economic recovery. But a bitterly contested election will have immediate and long-term consequences for the economy.

How Stocks Did, Reagan to Trump

Matt Egan & Annalyn Kurtz & Tal Yellin & Will Houp, CNN

President Donald Trump often cites the stock market as a scorecard of his policies. Here's how the S&P 500 performed under each president from Reagan to Trump.

Stocks Overvalued, According to Almost Every Measure

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

The stock market is hugely overvalued when judged against almost any historical standard. That's the conclusion that jumps out from the accompanying table,...

They've Been Writing America's Obit Since Before It Was USA

John Tamny, Forbes

Hard as it may be for some to grasp, raging stupidity can be a contrarian indicator.

A Case That Now Is the Wrong Time for Biden's Taxes

Kevin Hassett, National Review

Biden intends to reverse the policies that led to higher investment, productivity, and wage growth at precisely the wrong time.

Trump Has No Reason to Brag About GDP Number

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

The GDP growth number looks big but isn't, despite Trump's boasting.

GDP Report Shows Economy Isn't Reliant on Gov't

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Though little noticed, Q3's report offers a small hint that the nascent economic recovery doesn't depend on government assistance as much as folks seem to believe.

Revenue-Starved States Shouldn't Bludgeon the Recovery

Andrew Wilford, RCM

States facing down budget deficits are likely to be tempted to employ tax hikes as a way to make the budget math work. But this siren song could threaten the recovery from the economic circumstances causing the budget issues in the first place. It’s true that state revenues are down substantially due to the pandemic and its associated lockdowns. According to the National Association of State Budget Officials (NASBO), total state revenues are down byabout 3 percent year-over-year, with gaming and corporate income revenues taking the largest dips.

Lockdowns Revived the Castes

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

If you test positive or refuse to be tested at all in New Zealand, prepare to be shipped out to a quarantine camp recently established by the government. Shocking, yes, but we have an analogous system in the US. If you test positive (which is not the same as actually being sick), you will be removed from school or forbidden from coming into the office. You could lose your job – or refused the opportunity to earn money. In many places in the country and the world where you travel today, you are subject to quarantine unless you can present a clean Covid test, regardless of profound...

Stephanie Kelton Is the MMT Opposite of Judy Shelton

Editorial, New York Sun

One of the things to watch for if Vice President Biden wins the election is whether his administration is going to base its economic policies on something called the Modern Monetary Theory. This is the idea — articulated most clearly by economist Stephanie Kelton — that our government doesn’t have to balance its budget like a household because, unlike a household, it can use a computer to create money to lend to itself.

Beware of These Alt. Minimum Tax Triggers

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Common tax items that can trigger the AMT.

An Election Pattern You Might Not Know About

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Economic Blog With Election Day a mere five days away, we at LPL Research thought we would add one last election forecaster to the mix of what we've presented over the last several monthsâ?"as much b?

Fine-Tuning Treatments for C-19

Henry Miller, American Council on Science and Health

There are about 2,000 drugs and vaccines (mostly the former) now in clinical trials. ACSH advisor Dr. Henry Miller argues that to get COVID-19 under control we will need therapeutics no matter how effective vaccines are. Here's why.

How Would Biden’s Tax Proposals Impact Your Tax Liability?

Kyle Pomerleau, AEI

In our recently updated analysis of Joe Biden’s tax proposals, we found that the Biden plan would raise federal revenue by $2.8 trillion over the next decade. Almost a quarter of that new revenue would come from individual income and payroll tax increases that fall primarily on high-income households.

ETFs and Taxes: What You Need to Know

Michael Iachini, Charles Schwab

Different ETF structures have different tax implications. Be informed and avoid unpleasant surprises come tax time.

Extreme Poverty Plummets

Robert Murphy, Foundation for Economic Education

Capitalism rushes people out of desperation.

Is Your Financial "Go Bag" Packed, Ready?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Having a digital or physical financial "go bag" as part of your emergency plan is more important than ever these days, says Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

Dire Rates: The Biden Tax Plan

Kevin Hassett, National Review

Biden intends to reverse the policies that led to higher investment, productivity, and wage growth at precisely the wrong time.

How A Century of RE Tax Breaks Enriched Donald Trump

James B. Stewart, NYT

The real estate industry has long enjoyed uniquely favorable tax treatment thanks in part to Mr. Trump's actions before and after he became president.

A Stock Market Bubble Is Forming

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

However, it has not (yet) become a mania.

The Stock Market Is Overvalued. Here's The Proof

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

The stock market is hugely overvalued when judged against almost any historical standard. That's the conclusion that jumps out from the accompanying table,...

Paul Krugman, The Lock'em Down Economist

Jenin Younes, AIER

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

The Economy Could Lose a Generation of Working Mothers

Bryce Covert, Vox

Hundreds of thousands of women have been pushed out of work during the pandemic. It's a catastrophe that could set them â?" and America â?" back years.

Universal Basic Income: An Unequivocally Bad Idea

Nick Buffie, Quillette

I first heard the phrase "Universal Basic Income" when I was sitting in a Wesleyan sociology class. The liberal version of UBI is unworkable, and the conservative version would throw millions into poverty. Regardless of how one tinkers or modifies the details, UBI is an Unequivocally Bad Idea.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

MMM Good or MMM Bad?

David Hay, Evergreen Gavekal

For all of us Baby Boomers, Campbell Soup's iconic tag-line of "MMM Good" was burned into our collective memories at a young age. As we now transition into senior citizenship, we are discovering that it may well be a case of MMM Bad, totally unrelated, however, to what formerly was America's favorite soup company.

Not Your Older Sister's Recession Either

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

This is a very strange recession.

Is The 40 Year Bond Bull Market Finally Over?

James Picerno, Capital Spectator

Predicting the end of the secular decline in interest rates has been a hardy perennial — and perennially wrong. Given this history, any observer of bond yields must be wary of declaring that a 40-year trend has reached its end.

How Could the Election Impact U.S. Equities?

Preston Caldwell, Morningstar

In the event of a Biden win, aftertax earnings could take a hit from higher corporate taxes.

Steve Bannon & The Nationalism-ists

Brian Doherty, Reason.com

The members of Steve Bannon's international circle share an outlandish spiritual-historic vision, but their threat to liberty is more mundane.

Presidential Terms & Market Cycles

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

When it comes to the markets or economy, presidents get far too much blame when things go poorly and far too much credit when things go well.

The COVID-19 Fatality Rate (for Businesses)

Robert VerBruggen, National Review

The most dire numbers in a new Federal Reserve report pertain to restaurants.
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