
The Fed's Bailout of Everyone Could Prevent Total Collapse

Zachary Karabell, Time

With the Federal Reserve's massive intervention, we may avoid financial ruin. But the economic and health crisis will seriously test us.

Fed Can't Save Economy Any More Than Gosbank Could USSR

John Tamny, RCM

Somewhere along the way economists, pundits and politicians got it in their heads that people exchange, invest and lend with "money." No, money is merely the agreement about value that...

C-19 Slump Has Arrived. We're Botching Response

Paul Krugman, New York Times

But we're already botching the response.

The Monetary Authorities Are Not Capable People

Jeffrey Snider, RealClearMarkets

President Trump Can't 'Order the Nation Back to Work'

Roger Pilon, RealClearMarkets

Popularly Elected Pols Can't Take Right To Work

Andrew Napolitano, Washington Times

Forget Returning to Jobs As Usual After Covid-19

John Steele Gordon, New York Post

Undoubtedly there are more layoffs to come as companies still operating find they must reduce labor costs during the deep recession the pandemic is creating.

One Block in America. Six Businesses On the Brink of Disaster

Kyung Lah, CNN

As of 2019, there were an estimated 30.7 million small businesses in the US, employing 59.9 million people, or almost half of the private sector workforce. Small businesses drive the American economy, but as the coronavirus pandemic has proven, they do so from a cliff. Many are about to fall off.

Don't Ignore Fiscal Health During This Pandemic

Rep. Ted Budd, Washington Examiner

The coronavirus pandemic has struck our country in ways few of us could have imagined. The virus has touched nearly every one of our citizens either physically or economically and has forced Congress to consider measures that we normally would have dismissed. But while we're doing everything we can to mitigate the damage caused by COVID-19, we must continue to keep an eye on the health of our fiscal situation as well.

As Billionaires Stand Heroic, Bernie Sanders Looks Miserable

A.J. Rice, RealClear

Daughter Knows Best: An Interview with Moira Forbes

Steve Forbes, What's Ahead

In this special anniversary edition of What's Ahead, Steve takes a pause from the host chair to answer questions from Moira Forbesâ?"Executive Vice President of Forbes Media, Publisher of Forbes Women, and last but not least, Forbes Daughter #4.

Investor Patience and Discipline Will Win Again via Covid-19

Peter Mallouk, Worth

How do we get from this world to one in which people get on planes, go out to dinner, to dentist appointments and to Disney World?

Covid Econ Impact Will Be Less Than '08

Preston Caldwell & Karen Andersen, Morningstar

Our outlook on how the U.S. will cope during and after the shutdown.

Distinction Between a Company & Its Stock Price

Chris Brightman, Research Affiliates

All companies are getting walloped in the current market. Which stocks are the true bargains, likely to outperform when the market rebounds? Chris Brightman explains that the outlook for a company's prospects can be very different from the outlook for its stock's performance.

Investment-Grade Bonds: What Income-Focused Must Know

Collin Martin, Schwab

Should I Change My Investment Strategy?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

If retirement is on the horizon, should you get out of stocks in today's environment? Jumping in and out of stocks isn't a strategy, says Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz. Instead, look at the big picture.

ISM Manufacturing: Headline Number Overstates Case

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

With Volatility Comes Opportunity

Rob Arnott & Feifei Li, Research Affiliates

Rob Arnott shares his perspective on the ongoing market. He suggests the time to buy is when investors are at "peak fear." In the weeks ahead, that point will come and bargains will make themselves self-evident to the disciplined investor. The window of opportunity will be short, but highly rewarding over the longer term.

Don't Let Covid-19 Lead to More Gov't

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

After Best/Worst of Times,Which Way Now?

Howard Marks, Oaktree Capital Management

We had the best of times and the worst of times - all in March.

Zucman & Saez Can't Be Serious

Phillip Magness, American Institute for Economic Research

"Never let a crisis go to waste,” the old adage goes. Unfortunately, political activists and public officials from across the spectrum are now taking this advice to heart amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. While many policy responses to the current crisis are well-meaning, even if misguided, be vigilant of those who would cynically weaponize it to advance their pre-COVID ideological goals. We may see this latter tendency in a new proposal by Berkeley economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman, the data-massaging duo behind a flurry of misleading and false...

Several Warning Signs of Layoffs On the Way

Geoff Williams, U.S. News & World Report

The coronavirus has put a lot of employees on edge. Look for these signs of layoffs in your company.

High Jobless Numbers Show CARES Doing Job

Allison Schrager, Manhattan Institute

It's Not Too Late To Stem Unemployment

Derek Thompson, The Atlantic

It didn't have to be this way.

China Must Close Down Its 'Wet Markets' Right Away

Bradley Blakeman, The Hill

Are Bank Investors Ready for Lower Dividends and Book Values?

Jon Ogg, 24/7

Everything was looking perfect for the banks at the start of 2020. Interest rates were expected to remain stable for the year, business was booming and regulators seemed to be easing up. Then the raging bull market quickly turned into a roaring bear market.

Trump Net Worth Drops $1B As Covid Affects His Business

Dan Alexander, Forbes

We valued the president at $3.1 billion a month ago. Now he?s worth $2.1 billion. Here?s why.

Relief Package Pays Jobless More Than Work

Stephen Moore & Phil Kerpen, The Hill

It makes little sense to remove economic incentives for workers.

How Powell, Mnuchin Got to Work Saving Econ

Alan Rappeport & Jeanna Smialek, NYT

The deal makers face their biggest challenge yet: keeping companies afloat long enough to get America past the coronavirus.

How to Handle Your Credit Card Bill If Laid Off

Bob Musinski, U.S. News & World Report

Coronavirus and the Gig Economy

Kevin Williamson, National Review

A pandemic hasn't completely suspended the operation of economics in the labor market. Quite the opposite.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

A Mistake In The Virus Models?

Greg Mankiw, Greg Mankiw's Blog

The current models have a major omission.

Can The SBA Handle The CARES Act Crush?

Veronique de Rugy, National Review

The CARES Act was praised for approving $350 billion to assist small businesses.

The Craziest Month in Stock Market History

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars & Data

Quantifying just how crazy March 2020 was for the stock market and investors.

Inherent Uncertainty

Bob Seawright, Above the Market

During a crisis like this it is easy to recognize that our lives are inherently uncertain.

The Common Sense Way To Stop Spreading the Virus

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

Masks for everyone.

A Long Way Down To Value

Macromon, Global Macro Monitor

Stocks would have to fall another 40% to reach prior bear market valuation lows.

A Bull Market You Probably Haven't Noticed

Emiko Terazono, Ozy

Globally, the markets are down, and the economy is floundering. What's in demand? Vitamin C.
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