
The Greatest Part of Life in the 21st Century? Not Being Dead

Art Carden, AIER

"Is the modern world perfect for everyone? Of course it isn't, but it's trending in the right direction. The Covid pandemic has been a setback, but it has only delayed the day when everyone has first-world problems like a closet full of clothes with nothing to wear. That day is coming, though...

Immigrants Don't Steal Jobs. They Create Them

Stephen Moore & David Simon, Hill

Workers benefit when we have more talent in the nation.

Biden Has a Chance to Supercharge Economy

Thomas Friedman, New York Times

The president has a chance to supercharge the economy.

What If Trump Had Been Trump Last March: A Counterfactual

John Tamny, RCM

"While my advisers tell me that the response to this new virus will be different in all fifty states because of something about "states' rights" in the Constitution, my billions of supporters in the U.S. and around the world can be sure that I won't abandon them. I will not sit back and watch liberal governors destroy this beautiful economy my policies have created. No great nation remains great by destroying businesses and jobs. So mark my words that if any governors in any of our 50 states locks down, those Governors will soon have a regular visitor with a big, beautiful 747 widebody to...

Biden's Infrastructure Might Be S&P Wake-Up Call

Jed Graham, Investor's Business

President Biden wants to hike corporate and capital-gains taxes to pay for his priorities, even if it hurts the S&P 500.

Here Comes Biden's Econ.-Swallowing Infrastructure Push

Bruce Yandle, WE

Speaking just outside Pittsburgh on the heels of a $1.9 trillion stimulus package, President Joe Biden announced the first of a two-part, multitrillion-dollar push to revitalize America's infrastructure. One can't help but wonder if there is any limit to what might be included and how the whole…

Biden Too Worried About Deficit, Not Enough About Climate

Kate Aronoff, TNR

His infrastructure plan was supposed to be his big shot at climate legislation. It's not nearly enough.

Raising This Tax Would Ensure Rich Pay Their Fair Share

Chuck Collins, CNN

Senator Bernie Sanders has introduced the For the 99.5% Act, which would raise billions to rebuild our country— while also saving our democracy from plutocratic overreach and shutting down a destructive hidden wealth system that benefits the super-rich.

Keep Expectations of Biden Stimulus In Check

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

An eight-year spending roadmap that may or may not come to fruition won't juice the economy now.

Vaccine Passports Are Just the Beginning...

Buck Sexton, American Consequences

The lockdown Left continue escalating their virtue signaling with the proposal of vaccine passports -- feeling free yet, America?

How to Turn $500K Into a Lifetime Income Stream

Alessandra Malito, MarketWatch

With the right asset allocation and withdrawal strategy, investors may not worry so much about the large sum of money in their accounts.

The MBA Schools That Have the Highest Paid Grads

Ilana Kowarski, U.S. News

MBA HOPEFULS OFTEN apply to business school with the expectation that obtaining the degree will help them advance in their career. Many executives say attending business school contributed to their career success. And according to admissions experts, job applicants with MBAs on their resumes stand out to employers so much so that students don't necessarily need to attend the most prestigious schools to reap significant professional benefits.

Stocks Love April

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Trend Inflation Dashboard for Data Decode

Matthew Luzzetti, Deutsche Bank Group

Bondholders' Old Foe Is Back

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tax Hikes Are Coming

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

What Does Archegos Mean for the Markets?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth

Commonwealth CIO Brad McMillan takes a look beyond the headlines of the Archegos story, including what effect it may have on the markets and investors.

Joe Biden's Economic Agenda: An Early Appraisal

Pierre Lemieux, Cato Institute

Could he be even more anti‐​market than Donald Trump?

Big-Gov't Republicans Enable Big-Gov't Dems

Dan Mitchell, International Liberty

I get asked why I frequently criticize Republicans. My response is easy. I care about results rather than rhetoric. And while GOP politicians often pay lip service to the principles of limited gove…

To Thrive, U.S. Cities Will Have to Overcome Tough Trends

Richard Schwartz, CJ

To survive and thrive, cities will have to overcome a number of formidable trends.

Biden Should Cut Regs To Unleash the Green Economy

Quill Robinson, The Hill

Biden's infrastructure plan will be a smart investment only if he is willing to take the steps to relieve burdensome and costly regulations.

Hoping Patronage Will Bring 21st Century Enlightenment

Joakim Book, AIER

"If we widen our scope, large companies have long donated funds to support causes they think are important or channel the values they wish to portray, often entirely detached from their business. A twenty-first century age of patronage is here. Perhaps it will support the foundation for a...

Amazon's Power and the Road to Persecution

Emilie Kao, Washington Examiner

Public education, the Presbyterian scholar and pastor J. Gresham Machen once wrote, is one of the greatest achievements of the modern era. And yet, he warned, "when once it becomes monopolistic, it is the most perfect instrument of tyranny which has yet been devised."

Faster Inflation Is Coming. Just How Bad Will It Be?

Mohamed El-Erian, Bloomberg

The potential consequences of higher prices fall largely into three camps: transitory, irritating or troubling.

Despite Pandemic, MBA Salaries Soaring

Ilana Kowarski, U.S. News & World Report

GIVEN THE MASSIVE damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which has not only claimed lives but also destroyed livelihoods, some may question whether an MBA degree could translate into a well-paying and interesting job opportunity at the moment.

Silicon Valley Is Starting to Bring Workers Back to the Office

Rishi Iyengar, CNN

After years of building huge modern offices and a work culture that many industries have emulated, Silicon Valley was among the first to shutter those offices and go fully remote when the coronavirus pandemic began.

''Boring" Bonds Are Perhaps Sounding Alarm

Kim Iskyan, American Consequences

While bonds won't dazzle the investing world, Kim Iskyan this one vital economic tip that every bond investor already knows.

A Little Known Hedge Fund Has Caused a Lot of Market Chaos

Matt Egan, CNN

The names of the key players are different, but the lessons similar. The spectacular implosion of hedge fund Archegos Capital Management, much like the GameStop saga earlier this year, serves as a reminder of the dangers posed by extreme leverage, secret derivatives and rock-bottom interest rates.

Jr. Investment Bankers Burning Out

Sarah Kessler & Lauren Hirsch, New York Times

Junior bankers are burning out. What should banks do about it?

Why American Taxpayers Deserve Certainty, and Also Relief

Jeff Jones, The Hill

As the nation strives to return to normalcy in all aspects of our lives, the sooner we can get back into familiar routines the better. The new deadline of May 17 gives taxpayers reasonable additional time to file. We urge policymakers to keep this deadline, providing clarity and financial relief to taxpayers as quickly as possible.

What Explains Econ Success of Asian Americans?

Anthony O'Brien, The Examiner

White males earn more than all other ethnic groups, right? Wrong. According to the latest government data, Asian men earn, on average, 30% more than white men. Asian women earn 20% more than white women. To complete the picture, those four groups earn more, on average, than do black men and women,…

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Businesspeople Earn Every Penny

Bryan Caplan, Econlib

I just wanted to make and sell some T-shirts.

Bill Hwang...Stay Away From Raccoons

Howard Lindzon, Howard Lindzon

The markets are dealing with a new virus I call Hwang Flu. It starts with a raccoon and is spread by the banks. Retail investors get stuck with the medical bills.

MMT for Conservatives

Jonathan Culbreath, The American Conservative

Re-thinking the conservative approach to government spending.

Why Poverty Is So Harmful to Your Health

Drew Millard, GQ

A conversation with Dr. Michael Stein on the toll simply not having enough money takes on your body.

Why We Can't Stop Talking About Billionaires

Theodore Schleifer, Vox

Tech billionaires emerged from a year of hardship as more than leaders of iconic companies. They are central — almost too central — characters in American life.

Archegos Blow Up Could Crack Open a 'Regulatory Piñata'

Julie Segal, II

Regulators have already started examining what needs to be done after a family office reportedly triggered a $35 billion market meltdown.

Will the Treasury Rout Continue?

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Quietly, high-quality bonds have taken a beating.
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