
The Market Convulsion Is Reaction to Politicians, Not Economy

Peter Earle, AIER

What is the story of the coronavirus, the market crash, and the economic upheaval that will likely follow? The pundit and intellectual classes are hard at work to tell the story in a way that confirms their ideological biases. Their message: in times when everyone turned against the public sector, with budget and staffing cuts, we learned that only the government can save us from a worse calamity. Let this be a lesson unto us all! Or maybe not.

Trump's Coronavirus Response Protects Workers and Economy

Andy Puzder, Fox

Showing strong and effective leadership when we need it most, President Trump addressed the nation Wednesday night and unveiled a two-pronged program of health and economic actions to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Payroll Tax Cut Would Gut Social Security, Workers

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

A payroll tax cut was a bad idea in President Obama's time, and even worse now.

History Will Show Inept Pols Stepping On the Recovery's Neck

John Tamny, RCM

"Capitals are increased by parsimony, and diminished by prodigality and misconduct." - Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, p. 367 "Raising money is hard. Over my career of...

Why This Is Different from '08

Paul Davidson, Nathan Bomey & Jessica Menton, USA Today

A plunging stock market. The widening shadow of recession. Fed interest rate cuts and government stimulus. It's beginning to feel a lot like 2008 again. And not in a good way. For many Americans, the stomach-churning market drops and growing recession talk of the past few weeks – triggered by the global spread of the coronavirus – are reviving memories of the 2008 financial crisis and Great Recession.

Relax: If You're Long-Term, This Isn't Time to Cave

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

As the Dow Jones Industrial Average enters bear market territory?and the S&P 500 flirts with it?it is worth remembering the name given to a pullback doesn't determine returns from here.

Mark Spitznagel on Making Money While Markets Correct

Richard Bradley, Worth

Spitznagel's done it before. Can he do it now?

Black Swans Started Selloff, Econ. Gravity Will Finish It

Michael Cannivet, Forbes

Black swan events are challenging, because they seem to come out of nowhere. But even in a volatile climate like now, correctly diagnosing where the overall trend is going is paramount.

Dow Skids Into Bear Mkt., Heralding Uncertain Future

Matt Phillips, New York Times

The Dow Jones industrial average closed down more than 20 percent from its high last month, ending a bull market that ran for more than a decade.

Don't Be So Quick to Write Off Treasuries as Investment

Matt Whittaker, U.S. News

The Ones That Got Away at the FTC

Harold Furchtgott-Roth & Kirk Arner, RealClearMarkets

Fishermen often tell tales about "the one that got away." In these stories, a fisherman hooks an enormous fish that, after an extended struggle, ultimately manages to escape...

Looking Into the Inner Life of the American Communist

James Rogers, Law & Liberty

The title of Vivian Gornick’s 2020 re-release of her 1977 book, The Romance of American Communism, isn’t quite right. It would be better titled as “The Romance of the American Communist Party.” To be sure, ideology and the Party overlap, significantly. But it is with the Party in particular that the romances described in the book are had—and with which they end. These romances mostly end bitterly, with the destruction of the Party’s living spirit in 1956. It died on February 25, 1956 to be exact, when Khrushchev delivered his...

Speculating On Econ. Implications of Coronavirus

William Poole, Merk Investments

How Has the Mortgage Market Changed Since 2008?

Francesca Ortegren, Clever

A Coronavirus Recession?

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

The Best and Worst States For Hiring Veterans

Various, InMyArea.com

Just under 20 million residents of the United States are veterans of America's armed forces, and while ...

Why Muni Investors Should Keep an Eye on Puerto Rico

Cooper Howard, Schwab

Decisions made during the island's restructuring process could have an impact on credit protections for some types of municipal bonds.

Heightened Market Volatility; Heightened Econ Uncertainty

Richard Moody, Regions

Why You Should Hold Bonds Even When Yields Are Low

Kathy Jones, Schwab

Historically, there has been no better hedge against an equity market decline than long-term Treasury bonds.

The Impact of Coronavirus on the Economy

Karen Andersen, Morningstar

The hit to 2020 should be significant, but we see minimal long-term economic impact, and the treatment pipeline is progressing.

5 Questions About A Fiscal Response To Coronavirus

Tyler Cowen, MR

What is the proper fiscal response to the virus? I'm not sure and here's why...

The Wealth and Health of Nations

willem h buiter 1 & Willem Buiter, Project Syndicate

The COVID-19 outbreak's implications for the global economy are highly uncertain but potentially disastrous. To understand the risks, one should remember Adam Smith's insight about the true engine of wealth creation, the division of labor, which itself is dependent on the size and extent of markets.

What Lies Ahead For Stocks?

Jeremy Siegel & Mark Zandi, Knowledge@Wharton

What lies ahead for global markets? Jeremy Siegel and Mark Zandi provide insights.

Oil Gets Cheap: What Would Ben Graham Do?

Vitaliy Katsenelson, Contrarian Edge

What should you do when assets get cheap?

Don't Be Fooled By The Oil Price Rebound

Irina Slav, OilPrice.com

Hedge funds axed their long positions in crude last week, fearing a long standoff between Saudi Arabia and Russia

Bernie Is Done. Healthcare Stocks Are A Screaming Buy

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

Joe Biden's looming victory over Bernie Sanders removes political threat of Medicare for All

The Benefits of Inequality

Michael Tanner, National Review

If billionaires lose a few billions, it doesn't necessarily make anyone else richer.

Panics Come & Go. Buying Opportunities Long Lasting

John Huber , MarketWatch

Every panic of the past â?" even 'mini-panics' such as those in 1998, 2011 and 2018 â?" fades away, which is an important lesson for investors

A Short, Sharp Global Recession Is Looking Inevitable

Julia Horowitz, CNNMoney

The coronavirus outbreak has triggered extreme fear in financial markets as investors face up to an unsettling reality: The pandemic, unprecedented in modern times, could tip the world into a short, sharp recession.

Coronavirus Won't Be Econ. Catastrophe, Unless We Let It

Zachary Karabell, Time

Monday's stock market crash over coronavirus fears isn't irrational. It is a moment to panic, but just don't act on it.

Covid-19 Is Attacking Your Stocks. Here's How to Fight Back

Garvin Jabusch, Worth

An epidemiological and health crisis can quickly become a financial crisis, even where there was not an existing financial crisis before.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Similarity of the Coronavirus to 9-11: It's Transitory

David Merkel, The Aleph Blog

The coronavirus, no matter how ugly it gets, is transitory.

Russia's Coming After America's Shale Industry

Charu Kasturi, Ozy

Russia and Saudi Arabia might appear to be the main protagonists of the oil price war that has bloodied markets this week. In reality, the battleground is America.

US Could Lose 1 Million Jobs

Douglas A. McIntyre, 24/7 Wall St.

A quick spread of the coronavirus could send workers home for long periods.

Recessions and Market Crashes

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

A short history of recessions and bear markets.

Perspective on Waterfall Declines

Jeff Hirsch, Almanac Trader

We've seen declines like this before.

The Magazine That Broke Up Standard Oil

Terry W. Hartle, The Christian Science Monitor

"Citizen Reporters" tells of tenacious journalist Tarbell, and the eccentric editor S.S. McClure, who gave McClure's magazine its clout.

Different Kinds of Decline

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Not all decline is the same.
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