
The Mother Fracker Reckons with the Mother of All Busts

Jeffrey Ball, Texas Monthly

ne morning in mid-April, Scott Sheffield, the chief executive of Pioneer Natural Resources, one of the largest oil producers in America, seated himself in the wood-paneled boardroom of his company’s headquarters in Irving, gazed into his computer’s camera, and begged a trio of Texas politicians for a lifeline. Over the past two months, oil prices had tanked 60 percent, effectively ending a years-long Texas boom and heralding what many in the industry were calling “the mother of all busts.” As an estimated 30,000 viewers around the world watched online, Sheffield...

The Real Pandemic Was a Problem Related to Nursing Homes

Peter Earle, AIER

Over the last week, many governors have reinstituted coronavirus policy implementations which had been in various phases of cessation. Why? This is because of an alleged “spike” in new COVID-19 infections. Other states have abbreviated their phased lifting of lockdowns. This is despite the fact that current US deaths from COVID-19 are now 90% off their peak.

Could We Really Have Another Pandemic Alongside Covid?

Shannon Palus, Slate

Obviously, scientists should keep an eye on a new virus pigs are transmitted to humans. But it's not a real cause for concern (yet).

The Rising Gold Price Is a Warning Signal for Investors

Steve Forbes, What's Ahead

Gold's best moments rarely occur in concert with stocks.

American Companies Are Sick. Here's How to Cure Them.

Tim Wu, New York Times

Mergers and buyouts work, but they can exacerbate economic inequality. Here are some different strategies.

Joseph Biden's Plan to Wreck the U.S. Economy

Tim Worstall, Washington Examiner

To the extent that anyone believes "Sleepy Joe" is concocting policy for his campaign, someone needs to wake him up. Whoever it is that is actually making the policy proposals has put themselves into a difficult corner, one that will wreak havoc on the economy.

Addressing the 'Mad Rush' of Rich Out San Francisco

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Econ. Mistakes for Congress to Avoid Assuming a 2nd Wave

Brad Polumbo, FEE

HEROES Act Would Help Families Weather the Covid Storm

Lisa Graves, The Hill

Nationally, the minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 an hour since 2009.

The Scam Second Wave Is More Testing, Cherry Picking

Michael Fumento, Town Hall

“A Second Wave of Coronavirus Is Coming.” So warned the Grey Lady recently. As well as many other outlets, adding that we might expect further waves, nay tsunamis, even after that. What, wait! When did the first wave end?

Many Sm. Business Owners Fear Devastating 2nd Shutdown

Jeanne Sahadi, CNN

The economic shutdowns and confusing scramble for federal PPP loans and other aid were hard enough for small business owners.

Americans Remain Generous Despite Bad Econ

Una Osili & Patrick Rooney, USA Today

This month, Giving USA announced that nearly $450 billion was donated in the United States in 2019, setting a new baseline for philanthropy before the pandemic. Amid the wide-ranging turmoil and devastation from the COVID-19 pandemic and racial and social justice protests, there is a tremendous outpouring of generosity. It has been inspiring to see contributions from people of all backgrounds — celebrities, athletes and citizens at all income levels. Philanthropy alone cannot meet the colossal needs caused by COVID-19 and fully address the urgent calls for racial justice. The...

How Well Has Socially Responsible Investing Done?

Michael Iachini, Charles Schwab

It's natural to ask if there's a downside to SRI.

Trump's Regulatory Reform Agenda By the Numbers

Wayne Crews, CEI

The administration released the Spring 2020 Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. Its purpose is to lay out regulatory priorities of the federal bureaucracy and report on recently completed actions.Under Executive Order 13771, the administration directed agencies to eliminate at least two regulations for every significant one added, and keep net new

With Q2 Data Coming Soon, Expect Awful

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Analysts have expected dismal Q2 data for months.

A Mid-Year Outlook for Corporate Bonds

Collin Martin, Charles Schwab

For the second half of 2020, we don't expect a repeat of the first.

Why Stocks Can Predict The Next President

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog Although the fight against COVID-19 continues to dominate the headlines and our thoughts are with those affected, this is an election year and as we get closer to November it will begin?

The Treasury Market Is Predicting One 'L' Of a Recovery

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

What a C-19 Second Wave May Mean for Investors

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

A second wave of global COVID-19 is getting a lot of media attention, but the appearance of a global second wave of cases is primarily driven by the different timing of first waves across countriesâ?"rather than second waves within countries.

It's Not #Karen We Should Be Worried About, Beware #Liz

Igor Norinsky, City Journal

Busybodies are one thing; witch-hunters are another.

Bring Back Summer Jobs Mr. de Blasio

Sara Heller & Judd B. Kessler, New York Times

There is still time, and it can be done safely. The economic and social payoff is totally worth it.

New York City to Parents: Choose Job, or Your Kids

Karol Markowicz, New York Post

Can Gov. Andrew Cuomo take a break from his televised pretend-victory lap, put his head together with Mayor Bill de Blasio and figure out how to open schools across the state full-time in September?

More Than Critics Will Admit, Free Markets Are Quite Green

Lawrence Reed, FEE

A new book set for release today may change the way we view the conservation of nature’s splendors. Titled Green Market Revolution: How Market Environmentalism Can Protect Nature and Save the World, its publishers are the Austrian Economics Center and the British Conservation Alliance, to which I serve as an advisor. Details below, but first a few points.

Two Questions That Financial Advisers Must Say Yes To

Pam Krueger, MarketWatch

Investors still must do the work to make sure an adviser acts in their best interest

Look For Taxes To Be Increased Sometime In the Year 2021

Scott Sumner, The Hill

A Birthday Appreciation of Bastiat

Art Carden, American Institute for Economic Research

The French economist, statesman, and economic journalist Frederic Bastiat would have turned 218 years old today; unfortunately, he died of tuberculosis in 1850 at the age of 49. Unfortunately, he died young of a disease that afflicts far fewer people now—but he left an enduring intellectual legacy reflected in organizations and fellowships that bear his name and perhaps most notably in the “one lesson” at the root of Henry Hazlitt’s classic Economics in One Lesson.

Keep Tax Day on July 15, Get Procrastinators Refunds

Grover Norquist, The Examiner

The pandemic hit the United States just as most people were preparing their 2019 tax returns for April 15. To make life a little less complicated, the Treasury Department postponed Tax Day from April 15 to July 15.

These Giants Are Driving the Market Now, But Watch Out

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Powerful stock-market leaders ultimately take a fall

Here's My 'Script' for the Stock Market for the Rest of 2020

Justin Spittler, RiskHedge

Have you ever hesitated to tell the truth because you KNEW it would make someone angry? That was me in early May, when I made a controversial call.

How to Be a Stockbroker If You're Inclined

Coryanne Hicks, U.S. News & World Report

How to Ready Your Finances for Retirement

Emily Brandon, U.S. News & World Report

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

What Day Is It Today? Time, Capitalism & Coronavirus.

Emily VanDerWerff, Vox

The sun coming up in the east and setting in the west is real. Thursday is not.

US Farmers Are On The Brink. We Need This To Survive

Daniel Kelley, CNN

For farmers to truly survive and thrive, they need the freedom to trade with partners across the globe without prohibitive tariffs and restrictions standing in the way, writes Daniel Kelley, a corn and soybean farmer near Normal, Illinois.

The Stock Market Is Suspiciously Healthy. Thank the Fed.

Brian Doherty, Reason

The government is doing what it can to help out Big Money.

I'm Worried

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

A list of my current worries.

Confessions of a Former 'FIRE' Skeptic

Christine Benz, Morningstar

How I learned to stop worrying and believe that these people are actually onto something.

The Economic Incentives Of Woke Capitalism

Helen Lewis, The Bluestocking

Progressive values have become a branding tool.

Stop Firing The Innocent

Yascha Mounk, The Atlantic

America needs a reckoning over racism. Punishing people who did not do anything wrong harms that important cause.
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