
The Non-Tantrum Inducing Fed 'QE' Taper's Here

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

In the end, the Fed's quantitative easing taper was kinda boring.

James Glassman Predicted Dow 36K In '99. It's Finally Here

Julia Horowitz, CNN

Journalist James Glassman and economist Kevin Hassett wrote in late 1999 that the Dow Jones Industrial Average could hit 36,000 as soon as 2005.

Henry Kissinger Worries About a Future That Will Be Brilliant

John Tamny, RCM

Many decades ago Bill Gates indicated that Goldman Sachs was Microsoft's biggest competitor. The statement probably sounded odd to some since Microsoft was a lucrative GS client, not to mention that the two commercial giants were in different businesses. Except that Gates was talking about a different kind of competition. Specifically, Goldman was a formidable Microsoft foe in the competition for human capital. Both companies wanted to hire the top athletes as it were, and Goldman was winning the services of more than a few of the kinds of employees Gates coveted.

The New Magazine Alexander Hamilton Might Have Written For

Peter Coy, NYT

National Development calls for a strong government guiding a more self-sufficient economy.

Fixing New Jersey's Busted Budget

Thad Calabrese & Thomas Healey, City Journal

Four steps to put the Garden State's fiscal house in order.

What It Really Means to Tax America's Rich

Emma Kerr, U.S. News & World Report

Tax the rich has become a rallying cry for progressives highlighting issues of inequality in the U.S., but only in the last few years has the idea of a wealth tax truly permeated the public discourse.

To Revive the Economy, Shrink the Role of Government

Rep. Bryan Steil, The Hill

Endless increases to our deficit will not help return us to the greatest economy of our lifetimes, which we had before the pandemic. We must return some sanity to Washington, which starts with getting our fiscal house in order and right sizing the role of government.

Lab Grown Meat May Be the Next Big Fad to Fizzle

Will Coggin, RealClearMarkets

What will be the next big thing that becomes a flop? Cell-cultured meat is a prime candidate. Interest in meat alternatives mushroomed following the 2019 IPO of Beyond Meat. Last year, over $3 billion poured into startups producing meat alternatives. This includes hundreds of millions into startups that produce cell-cultured, or lab-grown, meat. Unlike "plant-based" meat, which uses a variety of additives mixed with plant protein to mimic the taste and texture of real meat, cell-cultured meat aims to grow real animal cells in giant metal vats called bioreactors--without the need for...

How Donald Trump's D.C. Hotel Cashed In On Jan. 6 Riot

Zach Everson, Forbes

Sky-high room rates. Record in-room service. Appearances from Trump family members. Here's a behind-the-scenes look at what was happening inside the Trump hotel on the days surrounding the storming of the Capitol.

Inside the Black Market For Fake Covid-19 Vaccine Cards

Nicole Karlis, Salon

Fake COVID vaccine card dealers are now offering to forge digital medical records, too. Here's how it all works

FB Is Backing Away From Facial Recognition. Meta Is Not.

Rebecca Heilweil, Vox

The social network is scaling back facial recognition, but similar technology could show up in the metaverse.

How You Can Needlessly Lose 100% of Your Money

Jeff Remsburg, InvestorPlace

Scammers take SQUID investors for 100% … meanwhile, an Ultimate Crypto altcoin goes vertical … how to protect yourself from one, while benefiting from the other

When Inflation is High, Buy High?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Which indices performed better during historical periods of high and low inflation -- Growth vs. Value?

Special Report: Seasonal Tailwinds

Steven Vannelli, Knowledge Leaders Capital

We find compelling evidence that seasonal factors exist, historically leading November and December to be the highest 2-month combined returns all year. In our allocation portfolios, we have increased our equity exposure significantly in an effort to capitalize on these year-end trends.

Dividends by the Numbers in October 2021

Ironman, Political Calculations

While the overall picture for dividend paying firms indicates October 2021 was a period of relative strength for the U.S. stock market, there is a developing cause for concern.

Eyes on the Federal Reserve

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Investors will be focused on the Federal Reserve this week and our expectation is that it will finally announce an overdue tapering of quantitative easing. In addition, we expect Chairman Jerome Powell to make it clear in the press conference that he expects tapering to be completed by mid-2022.Inflation is clearly a problem. The CPI is up 5.4% from a year ago. When October data arrive the year-ago comparison will likely be 5.7%, the largest increase since the early 1990s. Some of this is "transitory," but not all of it, not by a long shot. Housing rents were held down artificially until...

Cities With Highest Millennial Home Ownership

David Heacock, FilterBuy.com

Help Protect Your Position Using Stop Orders

Randy Frederick, Charles Schwab

Help protect your position. Stop orders may help you obtain a predetermined entry or exit price, limit a loss, or lock in a profit.

Eurozone Follows America's Lead: Econ Update

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

In which we look at Q3 GDP and October inflation.

Why Biden Should Replace Powell With Brainard Now

Simon Johnson, PS

Under the leadership of Jerome Powell, the US Federal Reserve seems headed for a massively consequential monetary-policy mistake. The best way to prevent it is to replace Powell with Lael Brainard, a Fed governor since 2014.

Car Shortages Are Putting the World's Economy at Risk

Jack Ewing, NY Times

Because so many jobs depend on automaking, the industry's production problems are causing the pain to ripple.

40 Defensive Stocks on Sale

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

These quality names are trading at 4- and 5-star levels.

It's Still the Economy, Stupid

Nick Gillespie, Reason

One of the hardest political lessons to learn is that pocketbook issues are the main driving force of electoral successes and failures.

Munger: Taxing Stock Buybacks Is Literally Insane

Matt Egan, CNN

Democrats want to tax stock buybacks to help pay for President Joe Biden's $1.75 trillion spending plan. Billionaire investor Charlie Munger isn't happy about it.

A Charitable Fund Inspired By Ben Franklin

Sigal Samuel, Vox

A new philanthropic initiative aims to act as an insurance policy for humanity's future.

When Will America's Oil Industry Open The Taps?

Haley Zaremba, OilPrice.com

Oil prices have skyrocketed this year, but America's oil industry is still exercising some surprising restraint, and it could be a big win for shareholders

Service Workers Are Paid More Than Ever. And It's Not Enough

Rani Molla, Vox

Service workers are getting paid more than ever. It's not enough.

The Great Resignation: Ignore Talk, Watch This Movie

Michael Bernick, Forbes

The "Great Resignation" is a main narrative today, with worker shortages. The 1976 movie, Lifeguard, now streaming on Amazon Prime, is a starting point for how to address these shortages.

Retirement Saving Strategies That Limit Your Sacrifice

Emily Brandon, U.S. News

The new year is an excellent time to start saving a little bit more for retirement. Preparing for retirement doesn't have to be a chore. A few small changes can result in a much bigger retirement account balance, given enough time to compound.

This Is Not a Pandemic of the "Unvaccinated"

Günter Kampf, Brownstone Institute

Some politicians speak about the "pandemic of the unvaccinated." Social cohesion should not be jeopardized over narrow and erroneous views.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

7 Charts on the Fed's Tapering News

Eric Compton, Morningstar

Higher inflation may be transitory, but watch the job market for Fed rate hike cues.

Build SALT Back Better

Eric Boehm, Reason

Removing the cap on the state and local tax deduction would be a massive tax break for wealthy Americans who choose to live in high-tax states.

Investors Are Back in Full Risk On Mode

Jason Goepfert, SentimenTrader

For the first time in well over a month, investors are back in full risk-on mode.

The Cusp Of A New Monetary Policy Regime?

Mark Rzepczynski, DSGMV

What if there was a "Great Bond Reset" and equities didn't notice?

Never Own A Battleground Stock

Michael Batnick, The Irrelevant Investor

Don't buy high multiple stocks on the way down

Don't Underestimate Corporate America

Sam Ro, TKer by Sam Ro

Corporate America doesn't rollover when confronted by challenges. It figures things out, improves processes, and grows.

Woke Week

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

The institutions of civil society are now thoroughly politicized.
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