
The Pandemic's Over. Stop the Eco Suicide, Get Back to Work

George Gilder, RCM

With the latest reports of plummeting death rates from all causes, this crisis is over. The pandemic of doom erupted as a panic of pols and is now a comedy of Mash-minded med admins and stooges,...

How the Republicans Became the Party of Death

Timothy Egan, The New York Times

People are disposable. So is income. For the 'pro-life' party, one is more important.

If GOP Governors Won't Re-Open, What's Point of GOP Govs?

John Tamny, RCM

"I want to be back in business right this second. But we've got to be smart about it. What happens if we open too soon and contribute to an outbreak? Traced to the Plaza Theater! You know...

Why GA Isn't Ready to Reopen, In Charts

Nathaniel Lash & Gus Wezerek, New York Times

It?s among the states least ready to roll back restrictions.

There Will Be Good "Blowback"

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

Two months ago, it had been mandatory in my local grocery to use only shopping bags brought from home. Plastic bags were illegal by local ordinance. Then the virus hit. Suddenly the opposite was true. It was illegal to bring bags from home because they could spread disease. Plastic bags were mandatory. As a huge fan of plastic bags, I experienced profound Schadenfreude. It’s amazing how the prospect of death clarifies priorities.

I Shouldn't Have to Buy Masks, Gloves on Black Market

Alexander Salerno, CNN

Because the United States outsources the production of medical supplies and test components to countries like Italy and China, we are in the midst of the greatest supply shortage I've ever seen, writes Alexander Salerno, a primary care physician at Salerno Medical Associates.

We Flattened Hospitals, Not the Covid-19 'Curve'

John Daniel Davidson, The Federalist

When the lockdowns began last month, we were told that if we didn’t stay home our hospitals would be overwhelmed with coronavirus patients, intensive care wards would be overrun, there wouldn’t be enough ventilators, and some people would probably die in their homes for lack of care. To maintain capacity in the health-care system, we all had to go on lockdown—not just the big cities, but everywhere.

This Deeply Unnatural Way of Living Can't Go On

Andrew Sullivan, New York Magazine

The psychological damage from the deeply unnatural way of life under coronavirus lockdown is only going to intensify.

Despite Record Levels of Spending, No Debt Doom

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Despite record spending to battle coronavirus containment's fallout, we don't think debt doom awaits.

'A Perfect Environment for Gold' - Fred Hickey Interview

Christoph Gisiger, themarket

Fred Hickey, editor of the investment newsletter «The High-Tech Strategist», warns that the stock market is still in a bubble. The veteran investor says why he avoids red hot technology stocks like Amazon and instead bets his money on gold mining companies.

The Corrupt Provision In the CARES Act

Lloyd Doggett & Sheldon Whitehouse, USA Today

Let's Not Let Covid-19 Kill Copyright

Harold Furchtgott-Roth & Kirk Arner, RealClearMarkets

While COVID-19 has exacted a heavy toll on millions of people around the globe, it's also inspired the generosity of millions more. Bars, fashion designers, and even tech...

New Home Sales: A Modest Preview of What's Ahead

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

What Happens When Corporate Bond Issuer Defaults?

Collin Martin, Charles Schwab

With the corporate default rate rising, investors may be wondering what they should do if their corporate bond issuer goes bankrupt.

Asset Allocation: The Defensive Risk Rally

Binky Chadha, Deutsche Bank Group

Is the Earnings Bar Low Enough?

Jeffrey Buchbinder, LPL Financial

Existing Home Sales: Lots to Unpack, None of It Good

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Economy, Inflation & Interest Rates

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Government Noses Its Way In Globally

Peter Hooper, Deutsche Bank Group

Factors Suggest This Rally Isn't a Real Recovery

Julie Segal, Institutional Investor

Value and small cap normally standouts during recoveries are dismal.

Protectionism Is No Cure for Pandemics

Amina Mohamed, Project Syndicate

Africa has learned the hard way that international cooperation is key to saving lives and extinguishing epidemics. But the mixed global response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, with many countries closing their borders and restricting exports of vital goods, suggests that the world is forgetting this lesson.

The Coronavirus Economy Will Bring Inflation

Nicholas Frankovich, National Review

As supply chains are reconstituted and some production re-domesticated, look for inflation, possibly in double digits.

The American oil boom is over

Nawaf Obaid, CNN Business

The industry has been hit by a perfect storm of historically depressed energy demand due to coronavirus containment efforts and the unwillingness of main oil producing countries to agree to the production cuts necessary to lift prices.

The Oil Industry Doesn't Need Government Protection

Mario Loyola, The Atlantic

Free market conservatives are suddenly high on big government.

Long Bonds Are for Fools

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

The investment hope is to sell them to greater fools.

Why You're Not One of the World's Great Investors

Barry Ritholtz, Yahoo Finance

You are not Jim Simons. Or Bill Ackman. Or Howard Marks. Or Warren Buffett. Get over it.

The Biggest Loser From The Oil Crash

George Friedman, MarketWatch

Russia's economy and power is highly dependent on oil and energy prices

The Innovations We Need To Reopen The Economy

Bill Gates, The Washington Post

Before the United States and other countries can return to business and life as usual, we will need some innovative new tools that help us detect, treat and prevent COVID-19.

Why This Pandemic Isn't A Black Swan

Bernard Avishai, The New Yorker

It is a portent of a more fragile global system according the Nassim Taleb.

Why "Free Lunch" Strategies Cause Corrections

Bruce Jacobs, Knowledge@Wharton

Cheap credit causes problems.

What's Different This Time

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Some things never change. Our perception of them does.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Learning The Wrong Lessons From The Virus Crisis

Caroline Baum, MarketWatch

An America that isolates itself from the world would be a poorer America

Economic Crisis May Kill More Than Coronavirus

Daniel Matamala, @ProMarket_org

Why does “saving the economy” still seem like a euphemism for the benefit of some unscrupulous few?

Why Aren't Stocks Down More?

Michael Batnick, The Irrelevant Investor

The winners are being separated from the losers.

Office Life Won't Be Normal For A Long, Long Time

Maxwell Strachan, Vice

Many experts want the WFH workforce to stay put until a vaccine is approved. If you do head back, expect indoor masks, staggered schedules, small meetings, and the death of open-office plans.

Reconsidering The 60/40 Portfolio

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

Will the traditional asset allocation model continue to provide acceptable returns?

10 Ways Post Virus Investing Will Change

Stephen Clapham, Behind The Balance Sheet

Thoughts on issues we may have to think about when investing post crisis.

The Privacy Factor in Ending the Lockdown

Stan Matwin, Project Syndicate

It has now become clear that the only way to protect public health and restart the economy is gradually, through widespread tracking and tracing. But to make such systems palatable in the world's democracies, regulatory and technological hurdles will need to be cleared.
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