
The Price of Freedom:What C19 Has Cost Us

P.J. O'Rourke, American Consequences

PJ O'Rourke dissects the disparities between economic success and personal liberties internationally, i.e., "Does money make you free?"

F.D.R. Took Down Business Giants. Biden Can, Too.

Mark Pryor, New York Times

Roosevelt's choice to run the antitrust wing of the Justice Department, Robert Jackson, took just 14 months to change the country.

Zombie-Economics of Demand-Side Religion

Alexander Salter, Washington Examiner

The federal government has spent an enormous amount of money fighting COVID-19.

Who Will Be The Biggest Losers From Biden's Tax Hikes?

Sarah Hansen, Forbes

The president is looking to collect hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes from big companies to help finance his ambitious spending proposals.

How Many Trillions More Will Be Spent on False Growth?

James Bovard, AIER

"Nowadays, the federal government is controlling almost everything except itself. Instead of economic salvation, Biden offers standard D.C. issue 'no-fault pseudo-benevolence.' How many more trillion dollars will America waste for another Beltway 'triumph of hope over experience?'" ~ James Bovard

The Exceedingly False Promise of Modern Monetary Theory

Chris Talgo, The Hill

MMT advocates claim they have the secret recipe to avoid the pitfalls of currency debasement and mountains of debt.

Ignore the Experts, Money Doesn't Curl Up and Fall Asleep

John Tamny, RCM

Centuries ago John Stuart Mill made the essential point that no act of saving ever shrinks demand. And for centuries demand-side economic thinkers have been ignoring this basic truth. Of the misconception that consumption drives economic growth, they've viewed the act of saving with terror. Their emotion has long been well overdone. Hysterically so.

NYC Perhaps Forever Changed By Remote Work

Matthew Haag, New York Times

New York City, long buoyed by the flow of commuters into its towering office buildings, faces a cataclysmic challenge, even when the pandemic ends.

A Case for Gov't As Borrower to Reduce Tyranny

Gary Marshall, RealClearMarkets

Many are resigned to the belief that salvation from the perpetual destruction of wealth, property and life by those directing ruinous government is a myth. But, an end of government tyranny is within our grasp, and a little exercise in thought and reason should reveal the solution to all our economic ills and slay this monster forever. I have detailed two facts in Public Finance that most in the field ignore perpetually and inexplicably. The first: that government is in deficit to the whole of its expenditures, that it has no money or funds with which to pay its bills, that taxpayers, rather...

Does Inflation Actually Benefit Value Stocks?

Derek Bergen, Applied Finance Group

With massive stimulus and deficit spending, rising inflation concerns have become a concern for investors. It is often assumed that higher levels of inflation bode well for the relative performance of value stocks. We explore the relationship between inflation and value stocks and why this link may not be as strong as investors might think. Navigating allocation decisions in the face of rising inflation requires more careful stock selection than the current set of passive investment vehicles or factor-based alternatives are equipped to deliver.

Archegos Has To Be the Dumbest Financial Story of 2021

Alex Kirshner, Slate

Not GameStop. Not SPACs. Not NFTs. Not even the big stuck boat.

Real Lesson From Archegos' Missed Margin Call

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Fears of a single fund's problems infecting the broad stock market proved false.

Bondholders' Old Foe Is Back

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tax Hikes Are Coming

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

What Does Archegos Mean for the Markets?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth

Commonwealth CIO Brad McMillan takes a look beyond the headlines of the Archegos story, including what effect it may have on the markets and investors.

Joe Biden's Economic Agenda: An Early Appraisal

Pierre Lemieux, Cato Institute

Could he be even more anti‐​market than Donald Trump?

Big-Gov't Republicans Enable Big-Gov't Dems

Dan Mitchell, International Liberty

I get asked why I frequently criticize Republicans. My response is easy. I care about results rather than rhetoric. And while GOP politicians often pay lip service to the principles of limited gove…

It's What You Value, and Where You Find It

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

Commodities: Biggest Winners Since the Low

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Thursday, March 25, 2021 Top Story

''Boring" Bonds Are Perhaps Sounding Alarm

Kim Iskyan, American Consequences

While bonds won't dazzle the investing world, Kim Iskyan this one vital economic tip that every bond investor already knows.

A Little Known Hedge Fund Has Caused a Lot of Market Chaos

Matt Egan, CNN

The names of the key players are different, but the lessons similar. The spectacular implosion of hedge fund Archegos Capital Management, much like the GameStop saga earlier this year, serves as a reminder of the dangers posed by extreme leverage, secret derivatives and rock-bottom interest rates.

Jr. Investment Bankers Burning Out

Sarah Kessler & Lauren Hirsch, New York Times

Junior bankers are burning out. What should banks do about it?

Why American Taxpayers Deserve Certainty, and Also Relief

Jeff Jones, The Hill

As the nation strives to return to normalcy in all aspects of our lives, the sooner we can get back into familiar routines the better. The new deadline of May 17 gives taxpayers reasonable additional time to file. We urge policymakers to keep this deadline, providing clarity and financial relief to taxpayers as quickly as possible.

What Explains Econ Success of Asian Americans?

Anthony O'Brien, The Examiner

White males earn more than all other ethnic groups, right? Wrong. According to the latest government data, Asian men earn, on average, 30% more than white men. Asian women earn 20% more than white women. To complete the picture, those four groups earn more, on average, than do black men and women,…

Why a COVID-19 Lockdown Commission Is Much Needed

Alan Dowd, AIER

"America's independent sector and civil society associations are founded on that very premise—the notion that we can do more in community than in isolation. No segment of American life is better suited to launch and lead a Covid-19 Lockdown Commission—and shine light on this mammoth policy...

Free States Trounce the Locked

Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education

When COVID-19 first came to our shores, it presented policymakers and elected officials with a crisis like nothing in living memory. In the year since, states have taken markedly different approaches to pandemic policy. Some, like New York, embraced sweeping government lockdowns and top-down mandates while others like Florida and South Dakota took a more humble, hands-off government approach, trusting individuals to make the best decisions for themselves.

The Lazy Way Experts Talk Devaluation and Democracy

Casey Carlisle, UncleNap

Jeff Deist recently poked holes in the lazy thinking required of Keynesian economists by asking, "Why is some inflation good, but not too much?" Of course, Deist knows that no mainstream economist can provide a definitive answer, and the broad range of answers provided by this PhD holder or that Nobel laureate only proves Deist's point. "Everyone knows the answer," the smug retort, and that is, bizarrely, accepted as gospel. Or, "leave those questions to us, peasant," is what's implied, and the masses respond with, "yes, sir," having immediately forgotten their question. That same...

Changing MBA Meaning: What BSchool Signals Post C19

Paulina Karpis, Forbes

After Covid, the MBA meaning has been downgraded. For a growing subset of employers, a MBA degree on a resume may pose a potentially negative signal.

Done Right, Social Security Reform Can Boost Econ.

Andrew Biggs, The Examiner

Social Security faces a $16.8 trillion long-term funding gap, which congressional Democrats have vowed to fix. But Social Security reform is far more than simply a budget challenge. Social Security is the largest federal spending program, the biggest tax most workers pay, and the biggest source of…

A Federally Guaranteed Income Would Bring On Dignity

Joseph Chuman, The Hill

$7.25 per hour translates into people working full time and not being able to earn enough to meet basic human needs.

The Gambling Co. That Had the Best Pandemic Ever

David Segal, New York Times

Lockdowns helped Britain's most profitable online betting outfit, bet365, hit the jackpot. For addicted gamblers, it has been a disaster.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will the Treasury Rout Continue?

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Quietly, high-quality bonds have taken a beating.

14 Billionaires Who Went Broke

Grant Suneson, 24/7 Wall Street

Hwang isn't the first billionaire to blow it.

Sorry My Family Office Crashed Your Stock

Joshua M Brown, The Reformed Broker

We are working hard to unwind these positions in an environmentally responsible way.

The Space Cadets At ARK Invest

Jamie Powell, Financial Times

Everything apparently will benefit from space exploration.

We Good Now? The WeWork Saga Continues

Packy McCormick, Not Boring

Maybe Adam Neumann was right about Adam Neumann.

How Rich Was Cleopatra?

Climateer, Climateerinvest

Try $96 billion

High-Octane Earnings: Estimates Are Rising

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

I am raising my S&P 500 operating earnings forecast for 2021 from $175 per share to $180, a 27.8% y/y increase from 2020.
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