
The Puzzle of Low Interest Rates

N. Gregory Mankiw, The New York Times

Economists don't entirely know why rates have been so low for so long, or whether they will turn out to be mainly a boon or a danger.

The Buffett Indicator Is Flashing Bright Red

Mark Decambre, MarketWatch

An often-cited measure of stock valuations, popularized by Warren Buffett, is affirming a growing fear on Wall Street: equity prices are richer than their fundamental underpinnings.

A Family Co. Became Most Important Manufacturer Of 2020

Alex Bhattacharji, Inc.

Presenting Inc.'s Company of the Year: A medical supplier in remote Maine executed a lightning-fast expansion to meet an historic challenge.

Here's When to Invest in Value (Hint: Maybe Now)

Amy Whyte, Institutional Investor

The value premium is highest after extreme upturns and downturns but nearly nonexistent any other time, academic researchers argue.

The California Exodus: Blue State, Red Tape

Kerry Jackson, City Journal

California is shedding residents and businesses.

The COVID Crisis Of Confidence In Progress

Editors, The Christian Science Monitor

The huge setback for humanity need not lead to a bleakness about the future. One lesson lies in the last crisis that was fully global.

China Has Fiscal Flexibility To Spend, Grow More

Yu Yongding, Project Syndicate

In 2020, China's economy will probably grow by 2-2.5% significantly better performance than the other major economies, which are facing contractions. But China still faces serious challenges, which can be addressed only by implementing a more expansionary fiscal policy in the near term.

How Pandemic Policy Has Benefitted The Corporate Elite

Ash Staub, Human Events

A plot against small businesses?

I Need More Government Aid Or My Business Is Over

Jeff Good, CNN Business

I shut down in March. Without more government assistance I'll have to shut down again. And this time it will be permanent.

Totally Toxic: Energy Is The New Tobacco

David Hay, Evergreen Gavekal

The Best Things About The Worst Year Ever

Daniel Riley, GQ

Yes, there was suffering, heartache, and noise. But if you look carefully, this strange year also served up something surprising: reasons to be hopeful. Here are 18 new ideas that just might shape our whole future.

How Retailers Track Your Every Move

Sara Morrison, Re/code

Retailers track your every move in exchange for coupons and convenience

Auditing Climate Change Debate

John Merrifield & Matthew McGehee, Inst for Objective Policy

Fractional Shares: A New Way to Invest

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

What are fractional shares? This week's Ask Carrie explains how they work and how they can make stock investing easier and more accessible.

Looking Into the Future for Markets

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

S&P 4,200 - Dow Jones 35,000

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Pandemic Currency Panic

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

When Nurses Travel

Joshua Gottlieb & Avi Zenilman, University of Chicago

2021 Muni Bond Outlook: Storm Clouds Clearing

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

We expect the municipal bond market to return to a sense of normalcy in 2021.

A Monetary Mind at the Treasury

John B. Taylor , Project Syndicate

Former US Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen's forthcoming appointment to lead the Department of the Treasury is good news for advocates of rules-based monetary policymaking. Following a period of emergency measures, what the US needs now is a return to clear and predictable decision-making.

The Reasonable Optimist

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

The ease of underestimating how bad things can be in the short run and how good they can be in the longer run is a leading cause of bad forecasts, bad decisions, and confused people.

Waiting For Fama, French And Godot

Evan Simonoff, Financial Adviser

Waiting for value stocks to end their lagging performance versus glitzy growth has become as exhausting and surreal as waiting for Godot.

What Will Zoom Do After The Vaccine Kills COVID?

Rani Molla, Vox

A look at what's in store for Zoom in a post-pandemic world.

The Flawed Reasoning of the Techlash & Progressive Movements

Dirk Auer, Quillette

Around the globe, governments are looking for ways to tax, fine, regulate, or break up Big Tech—part of a reaction against companies like Google and Amazon that has become known as the “techlash.”

The Easiest Way For Biden To Stimulate The Economy

Max Gulker, Reason

The current administration's trade policies have left the incoming president some low-hanging fruit.

Explaining the Frenzy in the Housing Market

Issi Romem, The New York Times

One long-lasting result of the pandemic may be innovations that make home buying faster.

The Good News About Gridlock

Katherine Mangu-Ward, Reason.com

Fans of limited government have a lot to be happy about. It's much harder to go big when you are constantly at risk of being told to go home.

What Janet Yellen Must Do

Joseph E. Stiglitz, Project Syndicate

Although the United States has survived four years of gross incompetence and pathological mendacity, it now faces the daunting task of achieving a sustainable post-pandemic recovery. Fortunately, no one is better equipped to deal with today's economic challenges than the next US treasury secretary.

With ESG Investing It's All About The Hype. Don't Believe It.

Robert Wright, AIER

In the end, then, the hip hop group Public Enemy was actually the investing public’s friend; when it comes to ESG, “Don’t Believe the Hype” because investors “Can’t Truss It.”

The Fed Needs To End Its Self-Defeating Policies

Milton Ezrati, City Journal

To stimulate economic recovery, the Fed needs to get out of its own way.

Our Stimulus Plan To Save Renters

Francis Suarez & Eric Garcetti & Ankur Jain, CNN

There's $45 billion tied up in security deposits.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The $2 Billion Mall Rats

Ian Frisch, Esquire

The inside story of a black sheep hedge fund, their massive bet that shopping malls would crash, and how they proved Wall Street wrong.

Get Rich As I Say, Not As I Do

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars & Data

On personal finance experts and why getting rich in theory isn't the same as getting rich in practice.

November Was A Strong Month For Dividend Stocks

Ironman, Political Calculations

Like the month that preceded it, November 2020 was a strong month for dividend paying stocks in the U.S. stock market.

My Truthful 2021 Outlook

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

The truth is that nobody knows what will come next year.

Does The Reflation Trade Have Legs?

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

The Treasury market’s inflation forecast broke above its pre-pandemic high this week, fueling speculation that a new era of firmer pricing pressure is dawning.

You're Welcome

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

Inflation expectations have risen, Told ya so.

Why Modern Finance Is Ruining the World

Julie Segal, Institutional Investor

There are plenty of investment opportunities to go around â?" yet investment professionals spend their time fighting over the limited alpha in tradable markets. Rishi Ganti and Orthogon Partners have a different idea.
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