
The Real XOM Story Is Boundless Ego Of BlackRock's CEO

Peter Flaherty, RCM

Last week, Exxon Mobil, one of the world's largest publicly traded international oil and gas companies, lost a critical board fight with Engine No.1, a "woke" small investor group. The win was predictably spun by the mainstream media as a David vs. Goliath story as well as a milestone moment for a new type of altruistic Environmental, Social and Governance investor. The truth, however, is more cynical than heroic. Among other things, this is a story of how a billionaire like Larry Fink, a true Wolf of Wall Street, uses other people's money to simultaneously camouflage his checkered past and...

Just How Doable Is $100K In Retirement Income?

Paul Katzeff, Investor's Business

Many retirees want $100,000 of yearly income. Top financial advisors recommend specific funds to reach that retirement planning goal.

Why Today's Inflationphobia Is Way Over Inflated

Ken Fisher, RealClearMarkets

Does inflation doom loom? After all, the Fed's humongous monetary "stimulus" exploded the money supply. Then, too, Uncle Sam drunken-sailored nearly $3 trillion in 2020 COVID "relief"--another $1.9 trillion this year—and up to $4 trillion more under discussion. All sloshing and splashing around. With GDP now nudging pre-lockdown levels, pundits near-universally envision increased inflation. But maybe not! First, despite conventional wisdom, Fed policy may not actually have stoked true money creation. Second, so-called fiscal "stimulus" doesn't drive hot growth—a historical reality few...

What You Can Do To Boost Your Retirement Income

Maurie Backman, Motley Fool

Low on funds for your senior years? Here's how to compensate.

Shocking Jobless Numbers Are Cause for Econ Optimism

Ryan Cooper, Week

Why workers are winning the recovery

The 1980s Called, And It Wants Its Industrial Paranoia Back

John Tamny, RCM

How soon we forget. It was 24 years ago this summer that Steve Jobs was coaxed back to Apple. The only thing was that investors weren't interested. Titans of tech at the time like Michael Dell d

PRO Act Would Suffocate Worker Choice & Dreams

Michael Bellaman, Examiner

Our nation's workers can choose how to pursue their own unique career dreams. A worker gets to choose which company they want to work for, which career they want to pursue, whether they work independently or pursue an entrepreneurial path, and whether to join a union or not. These freedoms are just…

We Ran the Treasury. This Is How to Fix Tax Evasion.

Various, New York Times

America loses hundreds of billions of dollars to tax evasion every year. We need to give the I.R.S. the tools to combat it.

A Deeper Look Into NY Times' China-Lockdown Excitement

Jeffrey Tucker, RCM

Recall that the lockdowns that came to the U.S. in 2020 had an unusual origin. It was from Wuhan, China. That city's experience became the test and the model. We saw all the images of the wicked effects of the virus. People were dying on the streets and body bags were piling up. But the government came to the rescue. It dragged people into quarantine. It locked people into their apartment units. It banned travel. The power of the Communist Party in all its glory was deployed. Lo and behold, the virus went away.

America Needs Pvt. Investment, Not Public Infrastructure

Benjamin Powell, Hill

The American economy would be better off if the whole deal was scrapped and more avenues for greater private investment in infrastructure were created while increasing our overall economic freedom by cutting taxes and lowering spending.

Turns Out MoviePass Was Even Shadier Than We Thought

Alissa Wilkinson, Vox

The service's most devoted users were apparently getting scammed by the company.

A Top-Heavy S&P 500 Won't Mean the End of the Bull

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Megacap companies boast powerful earnings and deserve their outsized valuation.

Young Americans Rushed to Buy Life Ins. w/Some Regret

Mike Brown, Expertise

An Expertise.com survey revealed how many young Americans rushed to buy life insurance during the pandemic & are now regretting the decision.

We View the Unemployment Report In a Bullish Light

Ryan Severino, JLL

Nothing Normal About the Recovery

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Inflation: Defining Macro Story of the Times

Peter Hooper, Deutsche Bank Group

Services Spending Ready to Launch?

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Employment: Labor Supply Weighs On Hiring

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

2021 Mid-Year Outlook: U.S. Stocks and Economy

Liz Ann Sonders, Schwab

Peak growth rates for the economy and earnings are likely behind us, setting the economy up for a boom-settle scenario in the second half of the year.

Real Wages Under Biden Have Fallen. This May Be Telling

Tyler Goodspeed, Hill

Real wages have been eroded by large month-over-month increases in overall consumer prices.

Biden Wants to Raise Corp. Tax. He May Need World's Help

Emily Stewart, Vox

Biden wants to raise taxes to pay for infrastructure. He might need the world's help.

Why the GOP Should Quit the Infra Deal

Wayne Crews, Competitive Enterprise Institute

The GOP should go nowhere near any trillion-dollar infrastructure deal with the White House.

Infrastructure's Important, But Housing Is More Imp

Jim Parrott & Mark Zandi, CNN

It is unnerving to see so little attention given to what may be the most critical infrastructure need of all: the nation's dire shortage of affordable housing. If Congress is to take overhauling infrastructure seriously, it has to tackle the shortfall.

Some 'Must Knows' Before Claiming Social Security

Diane Mtetwa, Motley Fool

Before you take Social Security, make sure you can answer these questions.

'Woke' Asset Managers Rip You Off, With Your Money

Editorial, Issues & Insights

Conservatives in Congress need to speak up about the nasty trend of investment firms using our money to go all woke.

It's Long Past Time for Us New Yorkers to Unmask

Karol Markowicz, New York Post

My fellow New Yorkers, you know what we are doing is crazy: Unmask. It's time. It's long past the time. What happened to us? How are we entering summer 2021, with many of us still masked, despite a…

Selling Your House Is the Easy Part, But What Will You Buy?

Anna Bahney, CNN

This is the best time to sell a home in 20 years. Inventory is near all-time lows and home prices are at peak levels. Even the most 'ho-hum' homes are getting multiple offers and selling lightening fast.

What 'Green' Really Stands For

Michael Fumento, Am. Institute for Economic Research

"The idea is always to lock us down both in terms of population and consumption and woe to anyone or anything that allows more consumption with equal or fewer resources. Don't fall for the safety arguments. The argument is against capitalism and humanity. That's no fish story." ~ Michael Fumento

Fauci Must Be Forced To Answer About the Masks

Karol Markowicz, New York Post

Were the masks you bought at your local store important? Now that we're turning the corner of the pandemic, Karol Markowicz writes that it's time to ask some tough questions.

Bon Voyage To Space Billionaires. We'll Be Fine Without You

Jeva Lange, Week

The rest of us will be just fine without you

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Beijing's Useful Idiots

Ian Birrell, UnHerd

Science journals have encouraged and enforced a false Covid narrative

Would You Pay $8.50/Hour For Autonomous Driving?

Tim De Chant, Ars Technica

Automaker also plans to offer video games that drivers can play while charging.

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Scott Grannis, Calafia Beach Pundit

On the surface, conditions in the US look pretty fantastic these days.

Lumber Prices Show How Governments Break Economies

J.D. Tuccille, Reason

Lockdowns, tariffs, and other market interventions made wood an expensive commodity.

How To Build A Better Retirement

Joe Kesler, Humble Dollar

RETIREMENT CAN BE the best time of our life—but only if we manage it right.

Senate's Industrial Policy Bill Is A Lobbyists Dream

Eric Boehm, Reason

The U.S. Innovation and Competition Act is a lobbyist-crafted proposal that funnels emergency spending to politically connected special interests.

The G7 Tax Grab & the End of Hyper-Globalization

Dani Rodrik, Project Syndicate

The G7 agreement on taxation of global corporations still needs formal approval from a wider set of countries, and there remain many details to be worked out for it to be effective. Nonetheless, it would not be farfetched to describe the deal as historic.
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