
The United States Has Built a 'Financial Berlin Wall'

Kevin Williamson, National Review

Our class-warrior politicians have built a barrier of financial laws to keep Americans in â?" or, at least, to punish them for leaving.

Will Your Taxes Be Going Up Under Biden's Tax Plan

Steve Forbes, What's Ahead

Assuming a Biden win, what to expect.

If Mitch McConnell Wants To Kill the Stimulus Bill, Let Him

Jordan Weissmann, Slate

Democrats want it. The president wants it. Americans need it. If GOP senators want to kill it, they can own it, too.

For LT Investors, Presidential Elections Don't Matter

Jeff Sommer, The New York Times

There is heartbreak almost everywhere you look, our columnist says, but the stock market usually rises anyway.

Interest Rates Influence, Don't Dictate, Mkt. Trends

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

"Yield chase" theory's inability to explain leadership trends illustrates the issues with overrating interest rates' ability to sway stocks.

Here Are Some of the Simple Investing Mistakes to Avoid

Robin Hartill, Motley Fool

Even seasoned investors make mistakes at times. But when you start investing, you're prone to letting your emotions take over. Maybe you get excited when the stock market surges and want to take on more risk – or you panic when it plunges and are tempted to sell off.

Censoring the Biden Story: Social Morphs Into State Media

Jonathan Turley, The Hill

The tech companies' actions are an outrageous example of open censorship and bias.

Conservative Twitter Critiques Sound Very Left-Wing Liberal

John Tamny, Forbes

If a business is offending its users, the slights represent a market opportunity.

The Best Way to Beat China to 5G Is To Not Be Like China

Andrew Wilford, RCM

A recent announcement from the Department of Defense (DoD) should be concerning to any Americans hoping to benefit from a thriving and innovative fifth generation, or 5G, cellular network. A request for information from the department signalled its interest in retaining control of and operating a subset of 5G wireless spectrum for its own purposes, despite prior promises that it would auction these off to commercial entities. Advocates of the DoD’s idea see it as a national security issue that the United States compete with China by retaining state control of its 5G...

Is Morgan Stanley's James Gorman Next Wall Street King?

Charles Gasparino, NYP

Jamie Dimon has long been considered the King of Wall Street for running JPMorgan Chase bank profitably and for the most part scandal-free. But competition is afoot from James Gorman, a former McKinsey consultant-turned-chief executive of Morgan Stanley.

Creative Ways Airlines Are Adapting to Survive Pandemic

Anita Elash, The Week

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

The Lockdowns In Europe Are a Warning to the United States

Julia Horowitz, CNN

The coronavirus is surging again in Europe, forcing harsh new restrictions in London and Paris as governments carefully weigh their next steps. That's bad news for the region's economic recovery â?" and puts the United States on notice ahead of a difficult winter.

Now May Be Good Time to Think Roth Conversion

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Several factors may make it worthwhile to convert all or part of a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA in 2020, depending on your circumstances.

LT View Calls for Calm Right Now

Daniel Kern & Renee Kwok, TFC Financial Management

An Analysis of Joe Biden's Economic Agenda

Various, Hoover Institution

Reforming New York City's Public Retirement System

John Hunt, Manhattan Institute

For years, the Manhattan Institute has warned about the unsustainability of New York City's public retirement system. "Pension contributions stand at a near-record 11% of the city's total budgetâ?"and 36% of payroll alone," wrote E. J. McMahon and Josh McGee in 2017. "They consume 17%...

Global Impact of a "Blue Wave" Election Outcome

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

The potential economic and market impacts a "Blue Wave" for the U.S. election could have on five key areas: taxes, labor, the environment, oil and trade.

Anticipating Tax Changes

Solomon Teller, Green Harvest Asset Management

What If the Bank of England Goes Negative?

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Negative interest rates aren't a net benefit, in our view, but they aren't necessarily bearish, either.

Too Many Bulls: Why Market Weakness Will Persist

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Market timers had been more bullish than at almost any other time since such data began being collected in 2000

Who's Who in Biden's Economic World

Greg Robb, MarketWatch

Here is a list of economists and policymakers who could potentially play key policy roles in a Biden administration.

A Biden Presidency Could End The U.S. Oil Boom

Dan Doyle, OilPrice.com

Should a Biden presidency prevail in the upcoming elections, the U.S. oil and gas industry will be facing regulatory headwinds that will far exceed the blow back it faced under the Obama administration

Central Banks: Who's Afraid Of Rules Based Policy?

John Taylor, Project Syndicate

In addition to introducing a massive policy response to the COVID-19 crisis, the US Federal Reserve this year has announced a fundamental change in its overall strategy. Yet in doing so, it has unnecessarily introduced more uncertainty into the policy mix, setting a bad example for the world's other major central banks.

Brexit: The Messiest Of Messy Divorces

Tim Bartz & Claus Hecking, Der Spiegel

Britain will be leaving the EU common market at the end of the year and there are still important issues to be hammered out. Both sides could be facing a disaster in the form of huge traffic jams, job losses and rising prices.

The Retirement Income Puzzle

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

When outperforming your portfolio's withdrawal rate isn't enough.

The Need For True Equity in Equity Compensation

Carine Schneider, TechCrunch

I believe creating a broader picture of compensation is essential for startups, global conglomerates and every company in between.

Remedies For A Global Recession?

Editors, Christian Science Monitor

Economists wonder why the pandemic's economic effects are not as severe as they expected. Every global downturn has spawned new and practical solutions.

Coronavirus And The Future of Financial Planning

Christine Benz, Morningstar

It's time to rethink what our financial goals can and should look like.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Swimming with the Target-Date Whale

Vincent Deluard, Evergreen Gavekal

Do target date fund flows explain corrections and v-shaped recoveries?

Inside The U.S. Treasury On Black Monday

Liam McPherson, Global Macro Monitor

An insider's view of the Treasury on Black Monday, 1987.

Knowledge Takes The Sword Away

Rusty Guinn, Epsilon Theory

Not less, tho’ dogs of Faction bay, Would serve his kind in deed and word, Certain, if knowledge bring the sword,That knowledge takes the sword away— ‘Love thou thy land, with love far-brought’, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

A Dangerous New Double Standard

Matt Taibbi, Substack

The decision to ban a New York Post expose about Hunter Biden flies in the face of years of "hack and leak" stories

Is The 4% Retirement Withdrawal Rule is Now the 5% Rule?

Ben Carlson, AWOCS

Does low inflation actually make it safe to make larger withdrawals?

The September Retail Sales Shocker

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

This is a very odd recession.

The New King of Electric Supply?

Justine Calma, The Verge

Solar power has become the cheapest source of electricity in history in some parts of the world.
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