
The Virus Will Spread Either Way, So Stop the Shutdown

Joseph Ladapo, USA Today

We are fretting and we are fuming. As a country, we have been caught miserably flat-footed after receiving warnings about what lay ahead when cases of COVID-19 began exploding in Wuhan, China. Messages from local and state leaders about how to respond to the pandemic change almost daily — a sure sign they have no idea what they are doing. Shutdowns are happening here in California and in New York, and will probably spread to the rest of the nation.

Trump Can't Revive the Economy Through Human Sacrifice

Eric Levitz, New York

President Trump has signaled that he may disavow attempts to slow the spread of coronavirus through social distancing measures, arguing that "THE CURE CANNOT BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM!" But letting COVID-19 spread freely won't revive the economy.

The Unintended Consequences of Economic Shutdown

Rob Arnott, RealClearPolitics

How Democrats Push Far-Left Agenda, Hurting The Country

Steve Forbes, Forbes

Congress will probably get a rescue bill passed, but the question is how much unnecessary harm will it do? Meanwhile, the Fed is stepping up to the plate, big-time.

Trump's Call to Resume Normal Living Would Be Wrong

Rex Nutting, MarketWatch

There?s no reason to think the economy would do much better under full-fledged plague conditions

Businesses Never 'Run Out of Money.' Investors Lose Patience

John Tamny, RCM

"What would I do? I'd shut it down and give the money back to shareholders." - Michael Dell, commenting on a near-bankrupt Apple Computer in 1997 No companies ever run out of...

To Fight Coronavirus, Cut Red Tape

Sendhil Mullainathan & Richard Thaler, New York Times

Two economists suggest suspending these 5 types of regulations because they are slowing the medical response to the pandemic. And they are asking for more ideas.

Covid Overreaction: Numbers Don't Support Econ Damage

Richard Epstein, Hoover

The hasty and disproportionate responses to COVID-19 will prove far more devastating than the disease.

Americans Must Be Allowed to Safely Get Back to Work

Doug McCullough, RCM

Make "Safety" not "Essential Services" the Test Ravaged by COVID-19, the American economy is on the precipice of economic free fall. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis...

The U.S. Needs a Coronavirus Plan B Rescue Plan - Fast

Dennis Kelleher, The Hill

We all hope that the nearly $2 trillion rescue plan Congress and the administration are working on enacting this week is properly designed and will work, but it is not going to be immediately self-executing

800 Medical Specialists Caution Against Draconian Steps

Edward Stringham, AIER

If you depend only on mass media during this crisis, one’s perspective can become distorted. You might gain the impression that the whole world agrees that a full lockdown of life itself is the only way to control the spread of Coronavirus and minimize the fatalities. But this doesn’t take into account what actual medical professionals are saying right now.

Government Regulation Restrained a Covid-19 Drug Fix

James Copland, City Journal

Early administrative failings of the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control greatly exacerbated the Covid-19 crisis in the United States.

The Coronavirus Contraction

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Covid-19 and Global Economy: Plunging Into Void

Peter Hooper, Deutsche Bank Group

Market Valuation Analysis

Derek Bergen & John Holt, Applied Finance Capital Management

The uncertainty of the timeline for a "return to normalcy" has created liquidity concerns across practically all economic sectors. Companies of all sizes and levels of financial strength are drawing on open lines of credit to weather worst case scenario contagion estimates. Commercial landlords will likely see missed rent payments with little demand to lease shuttered storefronts, while rising unemployment may lead to a spike in residential mortgage and rental delinquencies; this has clearly impacted the recent performance of financial stocks, REITs and mortgage insurers. To continue to...

Coronavirus Fears Affect Municipal Bond Market

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

Year-to-date total returns drop amid concerns about market liquidity and municipal finances.

Coronavirus Hits Markets Hard

Liz Ann Sonders & Jeffrey Kleintop & Kathy Jones, Schwab

Recent stock action suggests some investor exuberance is being worked off.

Next Fed Steps: CP, QE and Beyond

Matthew Luzzetti, Deutsche Bank Group

'Severe Recession' Will Be the Outcome of All This

Peter Hooper, Deutsche Bank

The Coronavirus 'Cure' Is Crushing the U.S. Economy

Rich Lowry, New York Post

The nation-wide coronavirus shutdowns over the last two weeks have ground parts of the American country to a halt.

Here's a Plan to Get America Quickly Back to Work

Thomas Friedman, New York Times

Some experts say it can be done in weeks, not months â?" and the economy and public health are at stake.

Economic Recovery Requires Getting Retailers Back to Work

Brian Dodge, The Hill

The vast majority of retailers are in the same situation as the nation's airlines and hotels â?" closed or closing.

Market Performance By President, From Reagan to Trump

Matt Egan, CNNMoney

President Donald Trump often cites the stock market as a scorecard of his policies. Here's how the S&P 500 performed under each president from Reagan to Trump.

Stop Saying 'Stimulus': Congress Must Provide Life Support

Caroline Baum, MW

Businesses and workers need cash to pay their bills until the economy can revive

Even In a Crisis, Cancelling Student Loans Is a Bad Idea

Beth Akers, Economics21

Beat C-19: Leave People Alone

Richard Ebeling, American Institute for Economic Research

The world has rapidly moved into a seemingly aggressive paternalistic planning mode in the face of the Coronavirus crisis. Many voices are heard to say that personal and economic liberties must be restricted or even temporarily banned. At the same time, many of those same voices are saying that at a moment like this government spending, for all intents and purposes, has no limit. Welcome to the world of a really lot bigger government.

Covid-19: A Rich Man's Virus That the Poor Will Suffer the Most

John Tamny, RCM

At lunch last week at a diner-style restaurant with an old friend in a fancy part of northern Virginia, the friend talked of how his daughter had been working as a hostess at one of the most famous...

How to Help Jobless in Covid Economy

Mark Zuckerman & Andrew Stettner, USA Today

Right now, the COVID-19 health emergency is forcing countless workers across the country into full or partial unemployment. Hardest hit are employees in the retail and service sectors, jobs that already offer low pay and few benefits. And the worst is yet to come: Nearly 80 million jobs are at risk due to coronavirus, Moody’s Analytics estimates. Goldman Sachs estimated that an unprecedented 2.25 million Americans will have filed for unemployment last week alone.

Moving Past Quarantine: Getting U.S. Back to Work Safely

Arpit Gupta, City Journal

How to get Americans back to work safely

This Is Not the End of World & You're Not a Prepper

Mark O'Connell, New York Times

The prepper vision of the world is bleak and ruthless. Something better is happening now.

Econ. Theory In a Time of Crisis

Peter Boettke, American Institute for Economic Research

Ludwig von Mises remains in my judgment the greatest economic analyst of the 20th century. He was sharp and pointed, and yet comprehensive. His critique of socialism was decisive and his price theoretic rending of the manipulation of money and credit remains I would argue the top contender for an economic theory of macroeconomic volatility.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

A Peak At Trouble In The Private Equity World?

Julie Segal, Institutional Investor

Quant managers' private equity replication funds have tanked. Real private equity investors should take note.

Two Things Can Be True At Once

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

"How are you holding up?"

Saudi Arabia's Radical New Oil Strategy

Bernard Haykel, Project Syndicate

Although Saudi Arabia's recent decision to hike oil production coincided with the broader COVID-19 crisis, it reflects a broader and more fundamental strategic shift led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. With a global clean-energy transition inevitable, MBS is desperate to cash out while the Kingdom still can.

How Are Diversified Portfolios Holding Up

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Performance of different asset allocations.

Got Gold?

Macromon, Global Macro Monitor

The Fed's effective nationalization of the financial markets in the past week has spiked gold prices. It does appear the first phase of the bear market and bursting of multiple asset bubble is almost complete. Phase 1, an initial massive deleveraging, brought gold down 15 percent from its recent high before the big spike over?

17 Stocks With Fortress Balance Sheets

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

These sturdy companies can withstand the economic slowdown--and they're on sale, too.

This Time Truly Is Different

Carmen Reinhart, Project Syndicate

The vast uncertainty surrounding the possible spread of COVID-19 and the duration of the near-economic standstill required to combat it make forecasting little different from guessing. Clearly, this is a "whatever-it-takes" moment for large-scale, outside-the-box fiscal and monetary policies.
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