
The World Health Org. Seeks Lockdowns Forever

Jeffrey Tucker, RealClearMarkets

The last 14 months elevated a global group of intellectuals and bureaucrats about which most people had previously cared very little. Among them, the ones who believe least in freedom entrenched their power, thanks to a big push by the lavishly funded but largely discredited World Health Organization. The WHO tapped an "independent panel" (the fix was already in: the panel's head is former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark) to figure out what the world did right and did wrong in response to Covid-19. The final report has all the expected verbiage about the needs for more global...

The CDC Is Presently Embracing the Power of the Vaccines

German Lopez, Vox

Why the agency now says vaccinated people can mostly shed their masks.

RAM Global Will Make Pathogen Testing Quick

John Burnett, RealClearMarkets

As the U.S. economy takes significant steps to lessen pandemic restrictions, the need for testing may still be an integral part of early detection and risk management for the foreseeable future. At least, that is what RAM Global is hoping for as the company positions itself as a high-volume and rapid, low-cost testing solution for COVID-19 and future viruses. But what makes RAM Global's testing solution unique?

Adam Smith Can Help Quarantined to Be Normal Again

Nicole Penn,Law & Liberty

The Scotsman's formula for mutual understanding and tranquility is not made for an ideal world, but rather the broken one we inhabit.

The Republican Theory of Joblessness Is Classic Marx

Ryan Cooper, The Week

Conservatives don't want to lose their industrial reserve army

Panicking About Jobs Report? Breathe. Look at the Data

Skanda Amarnath, NYT

Federal unemployment benefits are an unlikely reason for the underwhelming April jobs numbers.

Foreign Currencies' Rise Won't Wag USD's Demise

Ken Fisher, RealClearMarkets

Is doomsday finally here? For decades, pundits have warned the dollar's days as the "global reserve currency" are numbered. They say losing it will render America's ballooning debt unaffordable. Now they claim global greenback reserves' hitting 25-year lows and China's new digital yuan prove the end is nigh. So is it time to ditch your dollars before spiking interest rates spark a debt debacle? No. A slightly smaller slice of the global forex pie won't dent the dollar's status—which confers no material financial benefits anyway. Don't fear other currencies' rise. Cheer it.

Are You Invested in America's "Two-Hour Boom"?

Stephen McBride, RiskHedge

"It would have to sell every book being sold today to justify its stock price."

Best Retirement Portfolio Has More Stocks Than You Think

Eric Nelson, Servo

How much should you have invested in stocks during retirement? The answer might surprise you, keep reading to learn more...

After a Tough Decade, Sun's Shining On Value Stocks

John Coumarianos, Citywire

After a decade in the doldrums, value finally rules the roost.

Free Our Smartphones From Apple/Google Tyranny

Sumit Sharma, USA TODAY

Their stranglehold on the app market and smartphones means customers are losing money and choices. We must make sure third-party apps can compete.

Why Colonial Pipeline Could Be Wakeup Call

Trish Regan, American Consequences

The Colonial Pipeline attack reveals how vulnerable America's infrastructure is, especially to the possibility of a deadly EMP strike.

Life of Tax: How Much Tax is Paid Over a Lifetime

Editors, Self Financial

Ever wondered how much tax you will pay over your lifetime? We've worked it out for each state in the US. See the analysis here.

Is 1970s-Style Inflation Coming Back?

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

Although we expect higher prices over the next few years, a return to that level of inflation is unlikely.

April CPI: More Than Base Effects at Work

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Full-Time Job to Full-Time Parent?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Leaving your job to be a full-time parent has emotional, professional and financial implications. Be prepared.

Biden & Powell v. Summers & Dudley

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust

Tips for Handling Potential Capital Gains Change

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Although it's not clear what final legislation could look like, there are possible ways to mitigate any potential tax impact.

The Fall of the Titans!

Joe Steidl & Tiffany Su, Research Affiliates

The performance of a market-cap-weighted index is driven by a handful of stocks with the largest capitalizations, but these stocks do not remain at the top for long. A smart beta multi-factor strategy is a good solution for investors concerned about the concentration risk of a passive market-cap tracker.

Industrial Planning Did Not Deliver the COVID Vaccines

Alberto Mingardi, PS

Advocates of active government regard the development of effective COVID-19 vaccines as a case of successful "industrial planning." But the vaccines are a triumph not of state direction but of "innovism" – a private-sector-led, trial-and-error search for good things for which consumers are willing to pay.

Biden Threatens Germany's Biotech Industry

Claus Hecking, Der Spiegel

With their next-generation mRNA vaccines, the German companies BioNTech and CureVac are at the forefront of pharmaceutical innovation. But U.S. President Joe Biden's plan to suspend patent protections is threatening that position.

Will Biden/Powell Kill What Reagan/Volcker Killed?

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

Should we be worried about a wage/price spiral like the 1970s?

Panic Buying As House Prices Soar Around The World

Hanna Ziady, CNN

It wasn't long ago that real estate experts were bracing for the worst.

10 Superior Dividend Stocks For All Seasons

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

These stocks are good choices whether you're looking for dividend growth, down-market defense, or inflation protection.

The Inflation Genie Is Out Of The Bottle. What Now?

Neil Irwin, New York Times

Prices are rising fast, in ways that seem temporary, yet this could change expectations in ways that are self-reinforcing.

Six Reasons Why So Many Start-ups Fail

Tom Eisenmann, Harvard Business Review

It's not always the horse or the jockey.

The Man Who Explained Capitalism to the World

Rainer Zitelmann, The Examiner

Bob Chitester, 83, died after a seven-year battle with cancer. A Wall Street Journal article described Bob Chitester as "the man who made Milton Friedman a star." And it was right.

The GOP's 'Marriage Bonus' Is Social Engineering at Its Worst

Bruce Fuller, Hill

If your spouse dies or divorce leads to single parenthood, Republicans deem you morally unworthy of their "marriage bonus."

When C19 Hit, China Was Ready to Tell Its Version of the Story

Ben Smith, NYT

The government has been using its money and power to create an alternative to a global news media dominated by outlets like the BBC and CNN.

Taxes Must Go Up To Pay For Investment In Our Children

David Merage, CNN

I am the last person to advocate for raising taxes. I believe that higher corporate tax rates could divert capital away from the United States at a time when our economy is on the precipice of recovery. And I firmly believe that we, as private citizens, are better at managing our money than the government. But as a businessman, father and grandfather, I also recognize there is a critical need to invest in our children and for this, I support raising taxes.

Elon and His Merry Pranksters Enjoy $'s Wake

Bill Bonner, American Consequences

Living meme Elon Musk delights in his capacity to move markets with a tweet. But he and his Dogecoin followers are killing America's economy.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Are We Now In A 'Shortage Economy'?

Laurent Belsie, Christian Science Monitor

For decades the general trend has been toward an economy of abundance, not shortages. At least for now, the story is suddenly different.

How Long Will 'Transitory' Inflation Last?

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

Is this the start of an inflationary wave or just the latest run of noise?

The Inflation Trilemma

Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

You all know by now that the measured rate of price inflation came in at 4.2%, much higher than expected. Many people wish to maintain this is not a major problem, and maybe they are right. But here are three views you cannot hold simultaneously

Is It Inflation or Partisan Politics?

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

Why do Republicans only see inflation when a Democrat is President?

The Boy Who Cried Inflation

Emory Zink, Morningstar

Persistent warnings about rising inflation have proved to be false alarms. Could this time be different?

Biden's "Rescue" Plan Is Holding Back The Recovery

Peter Suderman, Reason

The economic aid package paid people not to work. So it's no surprise that many aren't working.

How To Nudge Managers To Outperformance

Julie Segal, Institutional Investor

Stock pickers who received "nudges" to reduce the behavioral biases hardwired into their brains left their benchmarks in the dust.
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