
There's Ingenuity Behind Dow 30k That Some Media Are Ignoring

Trish Regan, AC

Six months ago, NBC News blasted this headline to its millions of readers: “Fact Check: Coronavirus vaccine could come this year, Trump says. Experts say he needs a ‘miracle’ to be right.” Yet the first coronavirus vaccine is expected to hit the market next week – December 2020.

S&P Should Keep Advancing, Watch for Warnings

Lawrence McMillan, MarketWatch

This is a positive seasonal period for the stock market

Investing Isn't Too Complicated. How I Go Started w/$1,000

Josh Rivera, USA Today

Although I've written and edited stories about the stock market, I've never thought about being a player in it. To me, investing meant rich white men running around the NYSE floor yelling "buy...sell" for some unexplained reason. And until recently, my main financial goal, like that of many, was just staying afloat. But even as this year's fears and challenges mounted — the global pandemic, furloughs at my job, a big move — I was determined to establish a more robust rainy day fund and (if all went well) more income.

A Persistent Partisan Divide in Consumers' Econ. Expectations

Market Minder, FI

The University of Michigan's Survey of Consumers continues showing partisan bias infects respondents' economic expectationsâ?"an error investors should try hard to avoid.

There's a Gloomy Mood Out There That We All Must Fix

Will Hild, RealClearMarkets

“Merry Christmas!” I know that Zoom Thanksgiving wasn’t what you were hoping for, but I bet that turkey was still mighty tasty. Remember the good food and drink. Let it keep your belly warm and your thoughts merry. You’re going to need those good feelings to carry through this holiday season.

We Have Central Planners In U.S. They're Venture Capitalists.

Eric Levitz, New York

WeWork, and the venture capitalists who enabled its rise, demonstrated that America doesn't need "big government" to have a small group of economic planners helping favored firms crush competitors on the strength of their connections.

Failure of the Printing Press Birthed MMT & the Printing Press

Jeffrey Snider, RCM

When in November 2002 Ben Bernanke said all the Fed had to do was use this "printing press" thing to unlock some inflation, everyone just believed the man. No one would've dared disagree. For days, headlines blared approvingly over his confidence and brazenness. Confronted by a situation in which deflation was its ultimate danger, Bernanke wanted the world to know the Fed had the power, more importantly the will, to overcome any such challenge. Many people are now catching on how the circumstances, like the truth, are at the very least much more complicated. More than a decade of trying,...

Despite GOP Ranting, Learn to Love Budget Deficits

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Why you should ignore the coming Republican deficit rants.

Walter Williams Achieved Goal of Dying While Teaching

Thomas Sowell, Townhall

Walter Williams loved teaching. Unlike too many other teachers today, he made it a point never to impose his opinions on his students. Those who read his syndicated newspaper columns know that he expressed his opinions boldly and unequivocally there. But not in the classroom.Walter once said he hoped that, on the day he died, he would have taught a class that day. And that is just the way it was, when he died on Wednesday, December 2, 2020.

The Major Steps Toward Planning for Early Retirement

Rob Williams, Charles Schwab

Retiring earlier than you planned may not be your first choice, but you can take steps to shore up your portfolio to help achieve your retirement goals.

The Many Victims of the Crazed Reaction to Virus

Veronique de Rugy, National Review

These victims are the products of this pandemic and our response, public and private, to it.

There's a 'Do As I Say, Not As I Do' Problem With the Virus

Joel Mathis, The Week

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

Auditing Climate Change Debate

John Merrifield & Matthew McGehee, Inst for Objective Policy

Fractional Shares: A New Way to Invest

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

What are fractional shares? This week's Ask Carrie explains how they work and how they can make stock investing easier and more accessible.

Looking Into the Future for Markets

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

S&P 4,200 - Dow Jones 35,000

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Pandemic Currency Panic

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

When Nurses Travel

Joshua Gottlieb & Avi Zenilman, University of Chicago

2021 Muni Bond Outlook: Storm Clouds Clearing

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

We expect the municipal bond market to return to a sense of normalcy in 2021.

The Good News About Gridlock

Katherine Mangu-Ward, Reason.com

Fans of limited government have a lot to be happy about. It's much harder to go big when you are constantly at risk of being told to go home.

What Janet Yellen Must Do

Joseph E. Stiglitz, Project Syndicate

Although the United States has survived four years of gross incompetence and pathological mendacity, it now faces the daunting task of achieving a sustainable post-pandemic recovery. Fortunately, no one is better equipped to deal with today's economic challenges than the next US treasury secretary.

With ESG Investing It's All About The Hype. Don't Believe It.

Robert Wright, AIER

In the end, then, the hip hop group Public Enemy was actually the investing public’s friend; when it comes to ESG, “Don’t Believe the Hype” because investors “Can’t Truss It.”

The Fed Needs To End Its Self-Defeating Policies

Milton Ezrati, City Journal

To stimulate economic recovery, the Fed needs to get out of its own way.

Our Stimulus Plan To Save Renters

Francis Suarez & Eric Garcetti & Ankur Jain, CNN

There's $45 billion tied up in security deposits.

Wealth Begets Wealth: How The Rich Get Richer

Shawn Langlois, MarketWatch

The wealthy earn higher returns.

Google's DeepMind Just Cracked Biology's Toughest Problem

Sigal Samuel, Vox

The artificial intelligence system AlphaFold can help us understand diseases like Parkinson's and discover new drugs, including for future pandemics.

A Year-End Bucket To-Do List

Christine Benz, Morningstar

These seven steps tackle a lot of jobs: refilling cash, rebalancing, tax planning, and charitable giving.

The U.S. Doesn't Need Nancy Pelosi's Absurd Stimulus Bill

Stephen Moore, The Hill

The nation does not need one more unwise federal bailout.

Bill de Blasio Lays Yet Another Wet Blanket On NYC

Nicole Gelinas, New York Post

Blas is bent on ruining Midtown's Christmas. Did you really think 2020 couldn't get dumber? On Wednesday, Rockefeller Center will light its Christmas...

He Delivered Pizza for the Hut, But Now Nears a Billion

Alexandra Sternlicht, Forbes

Let Nike pay billions for superstars to rock the swoosh. Twenty-eight-year-old Ben Francis has become a near-billionaire by paying relative pennies to social media fitness fanatics to pump up his brand.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The $2 Billion Mall Rats

Ian Frisch, Esquire

The inside story of a black sheep hedge fund, their massive bet that shopping malls would crash, and how they proved Wall Street wrong.

Get Rich As I Say, Not As I Do

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars & Data

On personal finance experts and why getting rich in theory isn't the same as getting rich in practice.

November Was A Strong Month For Dividend Stocks

Ironman, Political Calculations

Like the month that preceded it, November 2020 was a strong month for dividend paying stocks in the U.S. stock market.

My Truthful 2021 Outlook

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

The truth is that nobody knows what will come next year.

Does The Reflation Trade Have Legs?

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

The Treasury market’s inflation forecast broke above its pre-pandemic high this week, fueling speculation that a new era of firmer pricing pressure is dawning.

You're Welcome

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

Inflation expectations have risen, Told ya so.

Why Modern Finance Is Ruining the World

Julie Segal, Institutional Investor

There are plenty of investment opportunities to go around â?" yet investment professionals spend their time fighting over the limited alpha in tradable markets. Rishi Ganti and Orthogon Partners have a different idea.
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