
This Is Not a "Natural Disaster," It's Instead a Man-Mad One

Lionel Shriver, Spectator

Should our future permit an occupation so frivolous, historians years from now will make a big mistake if they blame the nauseating plummet of global GDP in 2020 directly on a novel coronavirus. After all â?" forgive the repetition, but certain figures bear revisiting â?" Covid's roughly 290,000 deaths ...

We Suffer Shutdown Fatigue Because C19 War Has Stagnated

Michael Hiltzik, LAT

The U.S. is suffering shutdown fatigue because the COVID-19 war has stagnated.

Are We In a Post-Liberal Era?

Stephen Davies, American Institute for Economic Research

Wisconsin's Re-Opening Is a Hot Coronavirus Mess

Christian Schneider, USA Today

Family Guy v. CNN: Which Explains Economics Most Expertly?

John Tamny, RCM

"Yeah, and there's 6 billion things left to name." Those are the words of Peter Griffin in a Biblical era Family Guy episode which unspooled recently on the Fox Network. The episode...

Much Too Much Ado About Negative Interest Rates

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Delving into a counterproductive but mostly inconsequential monetary policy.

Dividends Have Disappeared in 2020. Will They Ever Return?

Hanna Ziady, CNN

Dividend payouts could tumble by nearly $500 billion this year, a steeper drop than during the global financial crisis, as the worst global recession in decades is forcing companies to preserve cash.

Dud Stock Picks Signal the End of the Warren Buffett Era

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

The chairman of Berkshire Hathaway seems to prefer the S&P 500 to his own company?s stock

Why Blackrock's Stakeholder Path Won't Work

Bernard Sharfman, RealClearMarkets

The more times I read Larry Fink's (CEO of BlackRock) most recent letter to CEOs, A Fundamental Reshaping of Finance, the more concerned I become. As I now understand the letter, BlackRock...

Cities Could House Everyone if They Chose To

Binyamin Appelbaum, New York Times

Our housing crisis is a symptom of America's wealth â?" and its indifference.

We Need a Modern "GI Bill" to Protect American Opportunity

Tania Tetlow, The Hill

I worry that we have lost sight of the fact higher education is the fundamental infrastructure of the American economy.

Suffocating Healthy Farm Animals Now Isn't 'Euthanasia'

Dena Jones, The Examiner

With the COVID-19 outbreak shutting down, at least temporarily, an estimated 20 major slaughterhouses and processing plants in North America, millions of farm animals are left in limbo with nowhere to go.

Thoughts on What Oil Prices May Be Signaling

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Monthly Market Risk Update

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Taking This Recovery View Right To the Bank

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

How Can Oil Actually Go Negative?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Valuation Investing During Financial Crises, Recoveries

John Holt, Applied Finance

Over the past 25 years, Applied Finance has studied market patterns and trends using millions of Valuations. The firm's live database goes back to 1998, with further data starting from the early 1990's. The two [...more]

Roth vs. IRAs: Which Is Right for Your Retirement?

Rob Williams, Charles Schwab

Important distinctions exist between traditional and Roth IRAs, including eligibility and contribution limits. Here's a guide to help you decide what's best for you.

S&P 3,100, DJIA 27,570

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

We Must Reform Capitalism, Not Abandon It

Ray Dalio, CNN Business

We need to reform capitalism, but certainly not abandon it, writes Ray Dalio, the founder, co-chief investment officer and co-chairman of Bridgewater Associates.

It's The End Of The Warren Buffett Era

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

The chairman of Berkshire Hathaway seems to prefer the S&P 500 to his own company?s stock

The Coronavirus Is Killing The Middle Class

Eliza Griswold, The New Yorker

The disaster has become so dire so quickly owing, in part, to the legacy of the 2008 financial crisis.

Covid-19 Looks Like A Turning Point In History

Lawrence Summers, Financial Times

The pandemic will be remembered alongside 1914 Archduke assassination and 1938 Munich Conference

What Happens With Oil Prices Next?

Jose Antonio Gonzalez Anaya, Project Syndicate

It is impossible to say what will happen to oil prices as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and global recession. But there are signs that, though demand will take time to recover, supply may be adjusted faster than during past crises.

Active Management's Dilemma

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

How to do something different, without doing something bad?

No, Jeff Bezos Isn't About To Become A Trillionaire

Theodore Schleifer, Vox

What a viral headline about Jeff Bezos becoming a trillionaire gets right and wrong

You Panicked & The Robinhood Kids Caught The Bottom

Howard Lindzon, HL

The first half of 2020 had been a great century of investing.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Have All These New "Investors" Lost Their Minds?

John Cassidy, The New Yorker

On Thursday, E-Trade, the discount brokerage, reported that its daily trading volume in April was more than three times as large as it was in April, 2019. Other discount brokers have reported similar figures. TD Ameritrade said that it did more than three million trades a day in April, compared with eight hundred and seventeen thousand a year earlier.

Get Ready For The March of the PE Zombies

Sebastian Canderle, Enterprising Investor

Thanks to the mass-adoption of cov-lite structures, the manipulation of corporate earnings and government-led bailouts, private capital firms have substituted creative destruction with a more insidious process: endemic sclerosis.

The Worst Washington Post Article Ever?

John Gruber, Daring Fireball

A Washington Post story today on Apple and Google’s joint effort on COVID-19 exposure notification project, from reporters Reed Albergotti and Drew Harwell, is the worst story I’ve seen in the Post in memory. It’s so atrociously bad — factually wrong and one-sided in opinion — that it should be retracted.

The False Dichotomy of the Reopen Debate

Billy Binion, Reason.com

Staying inside forever and going back to normal today aren't the only choices.

Save Lives or The Economy? It's Not That Simple

Claire Jones, FT Alphaville

The lockdown dilemma is not quite as binary as is often made out.

Cannonball Run Record Falls Amid Coronavirus

Cameron Kir, Which Car

The Cannonball Run record was beaten seven times in five weeks

A Truth That's Told With Bad Intent

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

A truth that’s told with bad intentBeats all the lies you can invent. William Blake (1757 – 1827)
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