
This Time's Different. Why I Think NYC's Dead Forever

James Altucher, New York Post

In a self-published essay that went viral, author James Altucher explains why New York City can't come back from COVID-19.

Want to Exit City for Suburbs? We've Seen This Film

Annalee Newitz, New York Times

The 20th century is full of examples of the false promise of suburban living.

The World's Warning Us About a Scary Covid-19 Winter

David Andelman, MSNBC

COVID-19 spikes in South Africa and Melbourne offer America clues ahead of winter 2020.

Fear: Viral, Wreckful Monster

Donald Boudreaux, American Institute for Economic Research

eading the late Hans Rosling’s 2018 book, Factfulness, during the summer of 2020 creates a sensation of surrealness that would have been absent had I read this volume in 2018 or 2019. On nearly every page of Factfulness Rosling busts the popular myth that we denizens of modernity face imminent calamities that will destroy us and the earth. Widespread fears – such as of overpopulation, of terrorism, and of the rich getting richer while the poor stagnate – are methodically revealed to be either completely unjustified or exorbitantly exaggerated.

CEOs Selling Stock. Perhaps Bad Sign for the Epic Market Rally

Matt Egan, CNN

US stocks are on the cusp of a remarkable feat: setting new all-time highs during the middle of a pandemic.

Why Does Anyone Care What Jerome Powell Thinks?

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

“This is the time to use the great fiscal power of the United States to….get through this with as little damage to the longer-run productive capacity of the economy as possible.” – Jerome Powell, in April of 2020 Let’s get it out of the way up front that credit conditions are tight at the moment. The sign of this truth is that interest rates are so low. Think about it, then think about it some more.

Warren Buffett's Easy Lessons for Wealth Success

Barbara Eisner Bayer, Motley Fool

Warren Buffett, the investing legend, is turning 90 on Aug. 30. He's achieved his fame through his phenomenal success with his company, Berkshire Hathaway, and his outstanding generosity. Have any doubts? Then consider this: If you had invested $1,000 in Berkshire's Class A shares in 1964, it would have been up 2,744,062% by 2019 and worth about $21.6 million. Now THAT's success.

Large Firms Reap Benefits From Central Bank Ease

Bill Campbell, RealClearMarkets

Among many of his central bank peers, Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey has championed the unprecedented balance-sheet expansion by the world’s central banks in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, Mr. Bailey argues that the central banks have created the reserves needed to meet the market’s demand for high-quality liquid assets. His argument, however, glosses over an important element for a sustainable long-term recovery. Reserve expansion has benefited large firms and institutions but left small and medium enterprises (SMEs) behind. This business category...

Private Equity In Your 401(k). Is That a Very Good Idea?

Charlie Nelson, MarketWatch

There are both opportunities and challenges that savers should know

Fortnite's Owner Is Waging a Righteous War Against Apple

Cory Doctorow, Slate

Epic is risking a lot in this lawsuit, but it could win a huge payoff.

Apple Has Advantages That Some Might Think Very Major

Michael Cannivet, Forbes

Whether Apple?s actions constitute monopolistic practices will be decided in the courts. However, it is clear Apple has several key ?advantages? over other companies.

How Payroll Tax Cuts Aid 140M Workers

Stephen Moore & Alfredo Ortiz, RealClearMarkets

President Trump recently delivered on our recommendation to suspend the payroll tax. His executive order defers payroll tax obligations for employees earning less than $104,000 (about 90 percent of all American workers). Combined with the employer payroll tax relief in the CARES Act, which passed by a strong bipartisan vote, the president's order will provide meaningful tax relief to nearly all working Americans. This tax cut will significantly boost the economy and accelerate its recovery. Now employers from Wall Street to Main Street must act to comply with this executive order...

ERISA and ESG Investing

Bernard Sharfman, The FinReg Blog

5 Takeaways from Earnings Season

Jeffrey Buchbinder & Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial

The Good and Bad In the Jobless Numbers

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Gross Output Is Doing Better Than GDP

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Lockdowns Give Us What's No Ordinary Recession

Beth Akers, Manhattan Institute

Some Retirement Income Mistakes to Avoid

Rob Williams, Charles Schwab

Avoiding simple mistakes can extend the life of your portfolio.

July CPI: Large Increases Unlikely to Be Sustained

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Presumed Winners and Losers of Coronavirus

Judith Miller & Douglas Schoen, The Hill

The downturn from the crisis harms some more than others.

State & Local Budget Pain Looms

Jeanna Smialek & Alan Rappeport & Emily Cochrane, NYT

Providing more aid to struggling governments has become one of the biggest issues tangling up the debate over another pandemic rescue package.

Uber and Lyft Could Shut Down In California This Week

Sara Ashley O'Brien, CNN

When faced with tough legislation over the years, Lyft and especially Uber relied on a tried and tested playbook: threaten to suspend service in the area. The threat, which the companies would sometimes follow through on, appeared designed to rile up customers and drivers, and put more pressure on lawmakers.

Gig Economy Is Bridge Over Pandemic and Beyond

Eli Lehrer, Washington Examiner

In a nation struggling with double-digit unemployment and economic contraction, jobs sit at the top of the policy agenda. Many of the 15 million or so positions lost to the pandemic will take time to come back. Some never will.

Send Your Kid to Graduate School to Defer Student Loans?

Peter Dunn, USA Today

Dear Pete, My son graduated from college in May and hasn’t been able to find a job. He’s living at home with me and has roughly $55,000 in student loans, which he’ll have to start making payments on in January. We’ve discussed having him go back to grad school in order to wait out the job market, so he can get a job worthy of his degree. Plus, if he does this he’ll be able to put his loans in deferment, thus relieving the need to pay on those loans for the time being. Do you think this is a good idea?

Some of the Most Useful Ways to Ready for Retirement

Christy Bieber, Motley Fool

Americans' retirement confidence has dropped compared with a year ago, no surprise considering the country is in a recession and the long-term economic impact of the coronavirus remains unknown. Almost everyone faces economic trouble over the course of their career, and you can't let these tough times affect your future as a retiree. Fortunately, you don't have to.

So Long Freedom, Hello Hysteria?

Robert Wright, American Institute for Economic Research

The Declaration of Independence sought not simply to free most of the mainland North American colonies from increasingly oppressive British rule, it sought to free Americans for all time from all oppressive governments. While much of the document details specific grievances against King George, the second paragraph clearly states “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [protection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.”

Stop Punishing Gig Workers, California

Allison Schrager, City Journal

The Golden State should repeal its anti-freelancer law.

How IBM Is Planning To Take On Amazon

Clare Duffy, CNN Business

When former IBM cloud leader Arvind Krishna took over the company's top job earlier this year, the move sent a clear signal about where the company sees its future.

Stocks Are From Mars, Bonds Are From Venus

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

The two assets have responded very differently to the coronavirus crisis.

Managing Portfolio Risk in the Golden Age of Fraud?

Jules Hull, Medium

How technology and a dose of skepticism can provide protection.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

City Mice Go Country

J.D. Tuccille, Reason.com

A life of built-in social distancing looks better than ever.

The Short Squeeze Whodunit Rocking The ETN World

Andrea Riquier, MarketWatch

$2 billion has been lost and it looks like a case of revenge.

The 2020 Democratic National Convention Drinking Game

Matt Taibbi, Substack

No one gets out of this thing sober

The Consequences of Shrinking Public Markets

Christine Idzelis, Institutional Investor

Ordinary investors are missing out on significant gains as private equity pushes out IPOs, Syracuse University research finds.

Are Emerging Markets Turning Into the S&P?

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Emerging market indexes are changing to be more like the S&P 500

What Did People Do With Their Stimulus Checks?

Elisabeth Buchwald, MarketWatch

'People who spent the majority of their stimulus checks account for some 15% of U.S. households, compared to a third of Americans who saved their stimulus checks and more than half used it to pay down debt.'

New York City Is Dead. Forever.

James Altucher, LinkedIn

Midtown should be called ghost town.
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