
TikTok's Mugging Should Embarrass Every Sentient American

John Tamny, Forbes

The whole world is watching, Americans. We deserve neither TikTok nor the very Chinese people who, if we're honest, are trying to be like Americans used to be.

Microsoft Can Save TikTok If Trump Doesn't Mess It Up

Kara Swisher, New York Times

Microsoft wants to buy the Chinese app, and the administration needs to get out of the way.

Wait, Wasn't Billionaire Peter Thiel Once a Libertarian?

Brian Doherty, Reason.com

The tech billionaire and his contrarian circle are developing new nationalist visions for America's future.

Trump Admin Should Stand Up to Venezuela's Socialists

Mario Lopez, The Examiner

President Trump has repeatedly referenced the dangers of socialism, both in speeches and on Twitter. Florida, a state critical to the president's reelection, is home to hundreds of thousands of Cuban, Venezuelan, Central American, and other expats and their loved ones who know all too well how socialism destroys families, businesses, and entire countries.

Why Kodak's 530% Stock Surge Is Dangerous Speculation

Paul La Monica, CNN

It's a Kodak moment for investor insanity on Wall Street -- and the enormous run-up in Eastman Kodak's stock is yet another example of the current market frothiness.

What a Joe Biden Presidency Could Mean for Your 401(k)

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

There?s a pretty straightforward answer, actually

Investors Are Intrigued by Disney Thinking Outside Box Office

Josh Barro, NYM

The COVID-19 pandemic may be ravaging the movie industry, but it's also presenting opportunities to think outside the box office, like Disney's plan to release its $200 million live-action "Mulan" remake to Disney+ subscribers â?" for an extra $30.

Who Is On the Board of Directors at Apple, and Why?

Douglas McIntyre, 24/7 Wall St.

Apple may not add another director for several years. It already has a group that serves it well as a multinational company that needs strong relationships overseas and people with extensive research and development backgrounds.

Sandy Koufax: Greatest Pitcher Ever, and a Late Bloomer

Rich Karlgaard, Forbes

Sandy Koufax, the greatest left-handed pitcher in major league baseball history, was a bust the first half of his pro career. Then he bloomed. So can we all.

Corona Fever Is Giving the Car Business Trouble

Eric Peters, The American Spectator

There is good news and there is bad news. The bad news is that unless Corona Fever passes soon â?"...

ERISA Safeguards + ESG Clarity Equals Pension Protection

Jonathan Chanis, RCM

The recent Securities and Exchange Commission decision curbing proxy voting power is a victory for shareholders. The Department of Labor (DOL) should reinforce and expand this victory by passing its proposed amendments to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), and it should include its own limits on proxy voting. The misuse of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing strategies, including through proxy actions, and the self-interest of some fund managers is forcing the DOL to act to safeguard the interest of ERISA participants. The proposed...

We Need the Ex-Im Bank To Take On China

Newt Gingrich & Claire Christensen, The Hill

China is unquestionably the most aggressive in using its export credit agencies to advance its geopolitical goals, says EXIM.

Don't Play GDP Politics

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

'Economic Recovery' Overtake 'Economic Depression'

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

July ISM: Will Employment Follow Orders Higher?

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

What Investors Can Learn from Admiral Stockdale

T.J. Troutner, Equius Partners

Has the Second Wave Peaked?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

If Never Another GDP Report Like This, It Will Be Too Soon

Richard Moody, Regions

How Far We've Come, But How Far We've Got to Go

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Economies Can Fix Themselves If Lockdowns End

Tim Worstall, Washington Examiner

How do we get out of this? We know how we got into it, but solving our problems is what concerns us now. The answer to economic questions is probably just to stop closing things down. Where the world has been doing exactly that, the economies have opened up again.

Here's the Meaning of Lapsed Unemployment Benefits

Jessica Menton, USA Today

Christopher Bolei is worried about how he’ll make ends meet now that the $600 federal unemployment benefit is cut off. In March, Bolei, 63, who lives in San Rafael, California, was laid off from his job as a maintenance supervisor at a startup that manages real estate properties. After falling behind on rent, he fears he’ll get evicted as rent moratoriums expire.

Let's Make Sure Loans Help Small Businesses, Not Hurt Them

Joyce Klein, The Hill

Borrowing is a routine part of a business's life cycle, but harmful loans doesn't have to be.

Trump Has No Right to Demand $$ From Forced TikTok Sale

Therese Poletti, MW

President's use of CFIUS to demand spinoff of TikTok appears legal, but no rules say he can command a cut like in his beloved real-estate industry

Interest Rates Are Low, But Loans Harder to Get.

Tara Siegel Bernard, New York Times

Banks have tightened standards, becoming more choosy about their borrowers and asking a lot of questions.

How To Rethink Your Retirement Portfolio

Debbie Carlson, U.S. News & World Report

THE CLASSIC RETIREE portfolio mix of low-risk, fixed-income products that return reliable income is all but over – especially in the era of low interest rates. RELATED CONTENT Safe Investment Options Right Now And now, with the Federal Reserve signaling that interest rates will remain low for a very long time, retirees will have to consider a different portfolio mix if they want their retirement holdings to keep up with inflation and produce income.

If Schools Don't Reopen, Some Will Just Have to Quit Work

Anneken Tappe, CNN

The new school year is just around the corner and parents and teachers are fretting about returning to the classroom during the pandemic. Economists are worried, too, because a lack of childcare could damage America's recovery.

How to Get a Raise or Land a Promotion During a Downturn

Charles Duhigg, Slate

You don't need to be the most aggressive person in the room to win.

The List of Bankrupt Retailers Promises to Grow in '20

Douglas A. McIntyre, 24/7 Wall.

Lord & Tayor and Tailored Brands just filed for bankruptcy, adding two to the number of traditional retailers that could not make it financially this year.

Joe Biden Sadly Aims to Eviscerate Shareholder Capitalism

Adam Brandon, RCM

Recently, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden took to the stage in Dunmore, Pennsylvania to outline his plan for economic recovery. While the policies he was peddling were nearly identical to the relatively moderate framework he outlined in 2019, the tone of his announcement was quite different. He wrapped his message in the all too familiar language of the progressive left, calling for an end to “shareholder capitalism,” saying “the idea that the only responsibility a corporation has is to shareholders is an absolute farce.” Does Biden really trust...

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Teachers Should Do Their Jobs. Just Like I Did.

Kristen McConnell, The Atlantic

Schools are essential to the functioning of our society, and that makes teachers essential workers.

Focus On The Mountain Not The Molehill

Rusty Guinn, Epsilon Theory

There is a threat to capitalism and the rule of law but it isn't in the streets of Portland.

Why Microsoft?

Om Malik, On my Om

The marriage of Microsoft and TikTok seems so bizarre that I couldn't help but be reminded of another such bizarre Union â?" late actress Anna Nicole Smith and her billionaire octogenarian husb?

Gold Heading To $3,000

Macromon, Global Macro Monitor

The gold move has been astounding but not surprising. In our book, the main driver of gold is the perception of the central bank's commitment to maintaining the purchasing power of its fiat currency. Unless the Fed panics and begins to shut down the digital printing press, gold is moving much higher. The chart below?

Disruption Is Good!

Howard Lindzon, Howard Lindzon

You may not like it, but 2009 was the beginning of ‘Disruption Is Good’. COVID-19 only accelerated the importance of this new mantra to great founders, employees and investors.

Dividends By The Numbers: Big Improvement

Ironman, Political Calculations

After four months of the coronavirus recession, July 2020 saw significant improvements for dividend paying firms in the U.S. stock market.

The Nasty Surprise From Eastman Kodak

Jon C. Ogg, 24/7 Wall Street

All those investors who were buying into the hype that Kodak will be a major player in making materials for generic drugs with a big government loan are being reminded just how chasing news pops in companies with a tarnished past can be.
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