
To Gain Investing Edge Analyze the Data Devotees, Not the Data

Ken Fisher, RCM

How can you gain an investing edge? That timeless question has confounded investors almost forever. Many fixate on data, thinking quick data access mines magical statistical relationships....

Humans Are Poor Investors. They're Even Worse Traders

Vasant Dhar, MarketWatch

Here's why you should stay away from 'free' digital trading platforms

The Proxy Voting War Is One That Right Needs to Engage In

Justin Danhof, RCM

Liberals used to abhor "big business," railed against monopolistic markets, and complained about allegedly rigged votes. But now that big business regularly supports liberal causes and a...

Congress Must Act to Prevent a Housing Crisis

Marc Morial & Janet Murguia, The Hill

The worsening economic outlook will, unfortunately, lead to even higher unemployment, lower wages, and significantly less income for working families nationwide.

Socialism Always Fails, Even 'Democratic Socialism'

Rainer Zitelmann, The Examiner

Over the last 100 years, the world has seen more than two dozen socialist experiments. It has failed in every country every time it has been tried: in the Soviet Union they implemented one form of socialism, in Yugoslavia another; Chinese socialism differed from the socialism of North Korea; Venezuelan socialism was not the same as Cuban socialism â?" but every single one of these experiments failed. In response to this catalog of failures, socialists complain, "The idea was right, it was just never properly executed!"

Lack of Growth for Twelve Years Gave Us Socialism

Jeffrey Snider, RealClearMarkets

Each time it was tried, they were rushed. Revolutionary leadership may be many things, but one thing they haven’t been historically is patient. There’s a whole lot of “seizing” to go along with radicals; the day, the opportunity, the situation. Whether or not any of those are truly ripe becomes an afterthought; tear everything down first and then sort out its mess in the aftermath. Bolshevik or Menshevik? Modern history’s great irony is that the Bolshevik name is derived from the Russian word for majority (большинство). The truth is they never had...

I've Seen a Future Without Cars, and It's Amazing

Farhad Manjoo, The New York Times

Why do American cities waste so much space on cars?

Reasons Why You Shouldn't Solely Rely on Social Sec.

Maurie Backman, Motley Fool

Social Security is an important income source for the millions of seniors who collect benefits during retirement, and while there's nothing wrong with factoring those benefits into your long-term financial plans, you shouldn't make the mistake of thinking those benefits alone will be enough to get you through your golden years. Here's why.

Theaters & Malls Empty. Make Them Classrooms

Justin Davidson, New York Magazine

In the COVID-19 Epidemic, Theaters and Malls Are Empty. Fill Them With Spread-Out Classroom Desks When School Reopens.

Companies Must Answer for Support of Radical Causes

Editors, Issues & Insights

There are plenty of organizations that help minorities succeed in this country but aren't bent on turning the U.S. into a socialist hellhole.

Some of the Perilous Aspects of Biden

Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education

Don't Be Silly, President Trump Won the Tax Return Fight

Damon Linker, The Week

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

Heading Over An Income Cliff

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

What to Watch as the 2020 Election Approaches

Michael Townsend, Charles Schwab

Here's what we're keeping an eye on in the weeks ahead.

'Money Supply' Has Balooned. What's Next?

Mickey Levy, Manhattan Institute

Benefits of More Positive Data with Credit Reporting

Turner & Walker & Moore, PERC

Emerging Market Overperformance and Interest Rates

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Laid Off & Money Worries: What to Do Next?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

If you've lost your job, Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz offers a step-by-step approach to taking advantage of all your available resources.

The Best Quarter Since 1998

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog What a quarter the second quarter was, with the S&P 500 Index adding 20.0%, for the best quarter since 1998 and the best second quarter since 1938. Of course, stocks fell 20% in the?

Understanding the Pandemic Stock Market

Robert J. Shiller, Project Syndicate

The worse economic fundamentals and forecasts become, the more mysterious stock-market outcomes in the US appear. At a time when genuine news suggests that equity prices should be tanking, not hitting record highs, explanations based on crowd psychology, the virality of ideas, and the dynamics of narrative epidemics can shed some light.

Redditt, Portnoy & The Gamification Of Wall Street

Emily Stewart, Vox

Regular investors are piling into the stock market for the rush. Wall Street titans say they're making a grave mistake, but it's not so simple.

Disastrous Results For Young Robinhood Traders

Nathaniel Popper, New York Times

Its users buy and sell the riskiest financial products and do so more frequently than customers at other retail brokerage firms, but their inexperience can lead to staggering losses.

What Were You Thinking, Part Deux

Jesse Felder, The Felder Report

Just like 1999 people are paying ridiculous prices for stocks.

Has the U.S. Government Finally Spent Too Much?

Veronique de Rugy, Reason

When COVID-19 arrived in America, Uncle Sam was already deep in debt.

The New Boomerang Kids

Joe Pinsker, The Atlantic

Moving in with your parents is often seen as a mark of irresponsibility. The pandemic might show the country that it shouldn’t be.

Has Powell Already Launched Yield Curve Control?

James Picerno, Capital Spectator

The 10 year Treasury yield has been suspiciously stable recently.

5 Keys To Beating The Market From Someone Who Has

Michael Brush, MarketWatch

These lessons from Amana Growth Fund can make you a better investor

For Good or Bad, A Cash-Free Future Is Getting Closer

Liz Alderman, New York Times

The pandemic is propelling a shift toward a cashless society in ways that no other single event has. Experts say that's not necessarily a good thing.

Keep Your Eyes On 'Unseen'

Donald Boudreaux, American Institute for Economic Research

Some truths cannot be stated too often, including this one: the most important public service performed by economists is to bring to light – to haul, heave, push, pull, or drag into people’s line of intellectual vision – that which is unseen. Competent economists have performed this service from the start.

Retired, Want to Try Day Trading? Please Read This First

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Believe it or not, there are some circumstances in which it's OK to try

To Recover From Mkt. Losses, Invest Again

Coryanne Hicks, U.S. News & World Report

MORE THAN ONE IN FOUR investors have experienced a financial loss in the stock market, according to Ameriprise Financial's January 2020 survey "Financial Comebacks." Today, that percentage is likely even higher given the recent economic disruption.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Not Crazy Can Still Be Nuts

Michael Batnick, The Irrelevant Investor

Tech stocks aren't crazy like they were in the late 90s, but that doesn't mean they're not a little nuts

Stocks For The Long Run? Are You Sure About That?

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

There may be a bigger chance of losing than Wall Street tells you

American Consumers Are Hunkering Down, Paying Off Debt

Matt Egan, CNN

Americans' credit card debt is shrinking rapidly during the coronavirus recession. That's a sharp contrast with the last two economic downturns.

What's the Best Diversifier for Stocks?

Christine Benz, Morningstar

Treasuries have been effective ballast, but that's not certain to continue.

School Reform: Fund Students, Not School Systems

Corey A. DeAngelis, Reason

Don't force schools to re-open but don't force families to pay for closed schools.

On Wall Street, Some Things Are More Important Than Money

William Cohan, VF

In a Biden administration, Wall Street will feel pain: Hello, 28% top tax rate. Hello, continued deficit spending and addressing inequities. But every bit will be worth it.

A V-Shaped Recovery Could Still Happen

Jim O'Neill, Project Syndicate

Given the sheer scale and unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 economic shock, it is not surprising that most commentators believe the outlook for recovery is bleak. But key weekly and monthly indicators suggest that a sharp return to growth remains more likely than not.
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