
To Revive Trump Economy, Government Must Spend Aggressively

Editorial, NYT

The economic impact of the coronavirus requires a stronger federal response. Congress needs to be careful about the timing.

Fears of Covid Slowdown In the U.S. Are Overstated

Richard Rahn, Washington Times

Some have argued that the trade disruption caused by the coronavirus puts the U.S. economy in grave danger. These fears are overstated. Exports are about 11.7 percent of U.S. GDP, and imports are equal to about 14.5 percent of GDP, and much of this trade (goods and services) is likely to be little affected by the virus.

It's Peaking, Plus Diseases Don't Modernly Cause Recession

Ross Clark, Spectator

Is this really about a virus? Oil has plunged 30 percent, the S&P Index seven percent. What is happening on the markets today has less the feel of a rational reaction to world events than one of the periodic panics which grips world markets — with coronavirus a mere excuse for a sell-off which was perhaps coming anyway. The deadliest words for world markets are not ‘coronavirus’ and ‘Covid-19’ but ‘decade-long bull market’.

White House & Fed at Odds Over Covid Fix

Heather Long & Jeff Stein, Washington Post

Why an Alarmist C-19 Response?

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

Imagine if you are the organizer of a major arts and tech event that attracts a quarter-million attendees. One week out from the conference, the mayor cancels your event. Your event is not named specifically, just that all events involving more than 2,500 people are officially banned. He does this using emergency powers, justified in the name of containing a virus.

Covid-19, & the Long-Term Impact on Globalization

Jason Trennert, RealClearMarkets

With the 10-year Treasury yield breaking 1% last week and more than $14 trillion of negative-yielding sovereign debt worldwide, it seems almost axiomatic that the least held view among market...

We Think This Feels Like a Correction, Not a Bear

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Days like Monday call for calm consideration, in our view.

Nobody Knows What Market Will Do: Howard Marks Int.

Christoph Gisiger, themarket

Howard Marks, Co-Chairman of Oaktree Capital, cautions that we don't know what the real economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak will be. The legendary value investor points out how important it is to be humble and explains why stocks look like a much better bet than long-term Treasury bonds.

Let a Long Investing Time Horizon Work to Your Benefit

Chris Burns, Fox Business

Investors with a long time horizon should keep a sense of perspective amidst the chaos.

Extreme Stock Swings Are To Be Expected. Tune 'Em Out

Eric Nelson, Servo Wealth

Stock returns have been extreme in recent weeks. Should you be concerned? Quite the opposite; the only reason stock returns have been high is because of bouts of extreme but temporary loss. Short-term pain is what allows for the gains.

Trump Is Right: Milken Is a Hero, Not a Criminal

Stephen Moore & John Tamny, RCM

"You know, we eat guys like you for lunch every day of the week." Those were the words of AT&T Chairman John deButts nearly fifty years ago. He directed them to MCI Chairman Bill...

Several of the Biggest Downsides to Early Retirement

Christy Bieber, Motley Fool

Why Muni Investors Should Keep an Eye on Puerto Rico

Cooper Howard, Schwab

Decisions made during the island's restructuring process could have an impact on credit protections for some types of municipal bonds.

Heightened Market Volatility; Heightened Econ Uncertainty

Richard Moody, Regions

Why You Should Hold Bonds Even When Yields Are Low

Kathy Jones, Schwab

Historically, there has been no better hedge against an equity market decline than long-term Treasury bonds.

Investors Shrug Off Jobless Report As 'Old News'

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Women Gain on Men in America's Labor Market

Kay Hymowitz, Manhattan Institute

Coronavirus: Riskier Fixed Income Prices Swoon

Collin Martin, Charles Schwab

Despite lower prices and higher relative yields, there's room for prices of high-yield bonds, preferred securities and bank loans to fall further.

How Much Income to Replace in Retirement?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Replacing 70-80 percent of annual income in retirement is a good starting point but general guidelines only go so far, says Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

What Should You Do With Your 401(k)? Do Not Panic

Paul R. La Monica, CNNMoney

Stocks plunged Monday and the market has unnerved investors during the past two weeks with its gut-wrenching ups and downs. But if you're a long-term investor, what should you do with a 401(k), IRA or 529 savings plan for your kids' college tuition?

Retiring Into Shaky Market? Think Long Term Still

Tara Siegel Bernard, New York Times

Americans in their mid-60s could live nearly three more decades, research shows, so a healthy dose of stock in your portfolio is actually prudent now.

Fear Is the Cruel Virus That Is Really and Truly Dangerous

Ian Buruma, MarketWatch

Covid Chaos Means April 15th Should Be Delayed

Jonathon Trugman, New York Post

Americans need a little less pressure right now, and any help from Treasury would probably be very well received.

Bernie's $15 Wage Would Repel Immigrants

David Bier & Ryan Bourne, The Examiner

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is the leading example. The socialist senator promises to rescind the public charge rule created by Trump. He says it is appalling that our immigration system would "discriminate on the basis of income." The land of the free, he quite rightly believes, should "welcome all."

Growth Will Be Thing of Past If Businesses Go Zero Emission

Rupert Darwall, Hill

Investors more obsessed with climate than investor returns, who bully corporations into adopting net-zero business strategies, are doing more than destroying shareholder value.

Adam Smith's Alleged 'Exceptions' to Unilateral Free Trade

Donald Boudreaux, AIER

U.S. Workers Are Getting Better at Finding Right Jobs

Allison Schrager, Economics21

The Fed's Emergency Rate Cut Was A Big Mistake

Lakshman Achuthan, CNN

Our research shows that the US economy came into this epidemic in more resilient cyclical shape than the Fed -- and most economists -- realize. This rate cut could do more harm than good.

Two Scenarios If The New Coronavirus Isn't Contained

Sharon Begley, Stat

Experts see two scenarios: 2019-nCoV becomes like the four little-known coronaviruses already endemic in people, or it becomes like the seasonal flu.

Modern Capitalism's Addiction Problem

Maya MacGuineas, The Atlantic

The biggest, best-known companies in the digital economy are getting their users hooked on their products—and undermining the pillars of America’s market economy.

No, Rich People Don't Work Harder Than You Do

Meghan Bell, Passage

I never saw exceptional “hard work” or “intelligence” among the members of the class I was born into.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

We'll Get Through This

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

It looks bad today. It may look bad tomorrow. But hang in there. We'll get through this.

You Need A Plan. Any Plan

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

No one survives this kind of volatility without a plan, even one that is sub-optimal.

Going on Recession Watch

Bill McBride, Calculated Risk

First time since 2006.

Is Zero Hedge a Russian Trojan Horse?

Seth Hettena, The New Republic

The father of the founder of the conspiratorial site filed a criminal complaint against me in Bulgaria. Then things got weird.

The Oil Shock Should Be Shortlived

Joachim Klement, Klement on Investing

Saudi Arabia announced today that it would ramp up oil production significantly, sending oil prices down by more than 20% - the biggest daily drop since 1991. This move comes after Russia decided not to participate in the OPEC production cuts to stabilise prices after the significant decline in recent weeks.

Can Portugal Steal the Next Space Race?

Tom Cassauwers, Ozy

As it battles to recover from the last economic crisis, this southwest European nation is turning to the space industry for salvation.

Extreme Tail Events In Oil and Bonds

Michael Harris, Price Action Lab

The moves in crude oil and bonds last Friday were 4 and 6 sigman events respectively.
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