
Top American Brands Already Marketing to Generation Alpha

Terry Nguyen, Vox

The kids born after Gen Z are prime targets for marketers — and so are their millennial parents.

In '71 Policymakers Traded Winning for Losing

Brian Domitrovic, The New York Sun

My book on the early career of Arthur Laffer, that advocate of gold within the Nixon administration in 1971, contains the following passage: "A major sociological hegemon, the profession of economics, had produced, or at the minimum been complicit in

Berkshire Shakes Off Ill Effects of Pandemic

Coral Murphy Marcos, New York Times

Its second-quarter earnings rose substantially from 2020, with its railroad, utility and energy businesses showing the biggest gains.

A Case for Going Against Investor Herd

Steve Sjuggerud, American Consequences

Even though the U.S. dollar's value seems left for dead, contrarians championing our currency in the market now are due to make a killing.

There's Really No Mystery In Falling Bond Yields

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Like so much else, they imply a return to (mostly) normal.

There's Really No Such Thing As a New Normal

Joe Calhoun, Alhambra Investments

Remember "The New Normal"? Back in 2009, Bill Gross, the old bond king before Gundlach came along, penned a market commentary called "On the Course to a New Normal" which he said would be: "a period of time in which economies grow very slowly as opposed to growing like weeds, the way children do; in which

Congress Should Keep Fed Out of the Digital Currency Space

Eric Grover, RCM

The Fed is America's central bank, paramount financial-system regulator, and a payments operator. It's studying and socializing developing a general-purpose central bank digital currency (CBDC). As a general proposition the Fed and government shouldn't undertake payment activities unless there's a significant problem that the private sector is unable to adequately address. There is, however, no compelling need a Fed CBDC would address. And, if there's demand, private-sector banks and payment systems are more than capable of providing digital dollars. The U.S. payments system is already highly...

Will China's National Security Law Break HK As Business Hub?

Jen Kirby, Vox

The national security law has stifled democracy in the global financial center.

Why A Chinese Billionaire Bought 140,000 Acres Of TX Land

John Hyatt, Forbes

How a Chinese billionaire incurred the wrath of U.S. lawmakers and environmentalists, becoming a flashpoint in U.S.-China relations.

Cheers to Reps. Jordan & Issa for Investigating IRS

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

It's often asked if Congress will "end the Fed." The answer to the previous question is obvious, but not for the reasons readers may think. Congress will never shutter the Fed is because the central bank is ultimately an outsourced institution of Congress. Does anyone seriously think Congress would cease propping up insolvent banks, regulating banks, and vainly trying to make credit "easy" if the Fed shut its doors? The questions answer themselves. Life without the Fed would be the same as life with it.

Eviction Moratorium Is House of Cards

Joshua Crawford & Abigail Hall, The Examiner

Millions of tenants are behind on their rent. Absent some sort of intervention, these leaseholders face the real chance of being evicted from their homes. Due to a federal eviction moratorium, which prohibited landlords from enforcing evictions during the pandemic, many renters haven't paid rent…

Why Big Chains Aren't Requiring Vaccines for Guests

Nathaniel Meyersohn, CNN

The Delta variant of Covid-19 is spreading across the United States, but stores and restaurants that people walk into on a daily basis aren't requiring vaccines for customers.

Back to Where We Were, But Not Where We Could Be

Richard Moody, Regions

Saving for Retirement: IRA vs. 401(k)

Rob Williams, Charles Schwab

We break down which retirement accounts—IRAs or 401(k)s— may be right for you.

Reflections On the Meaning of a Car-Buying Odyssey

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

Where to Find Opportunities in the Muni Market

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

Given the economic environment and potential tax benefits, investors might consider lower-rated municipal bond issuers.

July Employment: Inflated Headline, Strong Details

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Is China's Bear Market an Opportunity?

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

China's recent stock market pullback has been in line with the average annual drawdown; historically, this volatility has tended to produce double-digit annualized gains.

China ADRs: Not (Yet) At Risk From Clampdow

Thomas Kirchner, Camelot Portfolios

Dems Should Keep Their Paws Off American Retirement

Editorial, New York Post

Democrats on Capitol Hill are proving their socialist stripes: They've reportedly considered raiding the "super-sized retirement savings accounts" of the wealthy to pay for their $3.5 trillio…

Job Growth So Strong, GOP Is Literally at Loss for Words

Steve Benen, MSNBC

For months, Republicans tried to draw a direct connection between the White House's economic agenda. As it turns out, that wasn't a good idea.

Why Do We Make Things So Difficult for Renters?

Ron Lieber, New York Times

Relief came late, then slowly, and renters have been subject to political brinkmanship. We can do better.

Earmarks, Favorite Tool of Politicians, Mark Their Return

Sen. Mike Braun, Hill

Directing cash to a member of Congress's pet projects gives the big government spenders a tool to buy votes on bills representatives otherwise might not support.

PA Gov. Wolf Ignores Science In Pursuit of C02 Tax

Rep. Kevin Mooney, Examiner

In Pennsylvania, it has become evident that there is no consensus on the role human activity plays in climate change. In fact, scientists who have testified before the state legislature have informed elected officials that natural influences are largely responsible for recent warming trends. They…

Thoughts On Investing With Inflation Rising

Trish Regan, American Consequences

The Fed's easy-money printing keeps eroding the value of the U.S. dollar, pulling off the optical trick of "shrinking" our national debt.

How to Position Yourself for Inflation If That's a Worry

Justin Spittler, RiskHedge

"What should I do about inflation?"

A Possible Change In How Cryptocurrency Is Taxed In U.S.

Maryam Gamar, Vox

The $1 trillion infrastructure bill could change how cryptocurrency is taxed.

Dear Chairman Powell....

Joe Manchin, Senator Joe Manchin

The Official U.S. Senate website of Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia

Jobs Report Not as Impressive as Headline Suggests

Robert Hughes, AIER

Payrolls posted a strong gain in July though details were not as strong as the headline suggests. The overall outlook is tilted to the upside, but challenges remain, and risks are growing.

No, This Isn't Another Housing Bubble

Dana Peterson, CNN Business

Basic supply and demand factors — not speculation, predatory lending and/or bad underwriting — are driving home prices.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

A World Awash In Capital

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

Cash is everywhere.

NFTs, The Art Market and Money Laundering

Amy Castor, Amy Castor

Buying an NFT is like buying high-art in a freeport. You don't even have to bother hanging the piece on your wall.

Central Bank Digital Payments

Steve Randy Waldman, Interfluidity

Let's just put FedPay on our smart phones and call it a day.

Echoes Of Bretton Woods?

Ousmène Jacques Mandeng, FT Alphaville

A half-century on from the decision that defined the current monetary set-up, calls are mounting for new ideas to address old monetary problems.

Will CBDCs Doom Dollar Dominance?

Barry Eichengreen, Project Syndicate

Some say that issuance of central bank digital currencies will transform the international monetary status quo by eroding the US dollar's dominance of cross-border payments and greatly reducing transaction costs. But this is not going to happen.

Don't Buy The Magic Beans

Joshua Brown, The Reformed Broker

You cannot predict the future.

How To Retire Early

Jazmin Goodwin, CNN Business

Retiring early might seem like an impossible financial goal. But with the right plan in place, it can be done.
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