
Treat Covid Like You Do Driving, Not Like a Hurricane

Edward Lampert, New York Sun

America has been responding to the Covid-19 pandemic like it’s a hurricane — stay inside until it passes. A more constructive and realistic approach would be to treat it like driving a car — find rules that reduce the risk.

I Have a Plan to Confront C-19, Boost the Economy.

Elizabeth Warren, New York Times

Government action is essential to save lives and to rescue our economy. Let's get back to work.

Rushing to Obsolescence, FDA Kills People On the Way

John Tierney, City Journal

Absurd bureaucratic strictures are hindering efforts to fight Covid-19.

Unmasking Confirmation Bias Caused by a Virus

Thomas Hazlett, Truth On The Market

[TOTM: The following is part of a blog series by TOTM guests and authors on the law, economics, and policy of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The entire series of posts is available here. This post is authored by Thomas W. Hazlett, (Hugh H. Macaulay Endowed Professor of Economics, John E. Walker Department of Economics ?

Unholy Alliance of Trump, Oz & Hydroxychloroquine

Frank Bruni, New York Times

They're pandemic partners, and that's double trouble.

The NYT's Baseless Trump & Hydroxychloroquine Insinuations

John Tamny, RCM

In 2005, not too long after taking over as CEO of J.P. Morgan, Jamie Dimon made plain that proprietary trading would be de-emphasized. Some were surprised given how much the prop desk boosted firm...

Why Is Warren Buffett Ignoring the Coronavirus Market Dip?

George Salapa, Worth

The short-term coronavirus market dip doesn't seem to interest the Berkshire Hathaway CEO. So, what will he buy next?

What to Know Before You 'Break the Glass' On Your 401(k)

Anna Bahney, CNN

With millions of people experiencing job loss because of the outbreak, people are looking for ways to cover expenses in the short term.

Nat'l Covid Meltdown Means No More Smug Jabs at California

Gus Van Horn, RCM

Until recently, we could all laugh at California's mind-boggling array of bans. Years ago, they prohibited single-use plastic bags. Gig work was banned this year, but firms like Uber fought back in...

To Get the Economy Moving, Focus On Testing For Covid-19

Ashish Jha, Forbes

To reopen our economy and keep it open, we need to make testing for COVID-19 our top priority. We are still not performing enough tests. The barriers to more widespread testing are not insurmountable but need focus and priority by the federal government.

'Flatten Curve,' Prolong the Pain

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

Jack Reed, the American communist who was buried in the Kremlin, is the author of the extremely exciting book Ten Days that Shook the World. It’s about the Bolshevik Revolution which is witnessed first hand, and he was a huge fan who turned out to be one of many of its victims. But his book is also about any time of astonishing upheaval, times like our own when history seems to turn on a dime in ways no one expected. A quasi-free society became a fully planned one, under the control of an elite who claimed the mantle of science.

Beware of Austerity Demands Once Crisis Passes

Heather Boushey, American Prospect

The coronavirus is, above all, a public-health crisis, and the economic impact could be devastating. But before any of us even heard of COVID-19, our society and economy suffered from deeply-ingrained problems, starting with economic inequality, which this crisis will undoubtedly exacerbate. The need for substantially increased public spending and investment will not diminish once the public-health crisis fades.

Short on Cash? Carefully Consider Options

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Worried about selling in a down market? There's more than one way to come up with cash when you need it, says Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

Public Colleges Whose Students Earn the Most Post-Grad

Kevin Fowler, Volusion

See which public colleges boast the highest earnings for students post-graduation

The Best Ways of Expressing Risk-On & Risk-Off?

Ilya Gofshteyn, Standard Chartered

U.S. Cities Investing the Most in New Housing

Brandon Medina, Construction Coverage

Reg Repeal Can Enhance Covid-19 Response

Various, Competitive Enterprise Institute

Destination Unknown: Data Will Be Our Guide

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Do the Least Harm, Not No Harm

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Don't Tap Into Retirement Without a Plan

Maryalene LaPonsie, U.S. News & World Report

SAVING MONEY TO YOUR retirement fund is only part of ensuring a financially secure future. The other half involves making smart decisions about when and how to withdraw cash.

Is This The Retirement Apocalypse?

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

15 top planners tell us what people retiring soon should do now

Was The 2008 Crisis Just A Dry Run?

Kenneth Rogoff, Project Syndicate

Until there is a better sense of when and how the COVID-19 public-health crisis will be resolved, economists cannot even begin to predict the end of the recession that is now underway. Still, there is every reason to anticipate that this downturn will be far deeper and longer than that of 2008.

Crucial Facts About the Coronavirus

James Agresti, Foundation for Economic Education

Given the spread of misinformation about COVID-19, Just Facts is providing a trove of rigorously documented facts about this disease and its impacts. These include some vital facts that have been absent or misreported in much of the media’s coverage of this issue. This research also includes a groundbreaking study to determine the lethality of COVID-19 based on the most comprehensive available measure: the total years of life that it will rob from people.

Stand Up For Your Rights

Edward Stringham, American Institute for Economic Research

What Does Business Interruption Insurance Cover?

Kimberly Lankford, U.S. News

NOW THAT SO MANY businesses are closed or suffering big losses because of the coronavirus, many people are interested in how business interruption insurance works and whether it can offer some relief. This type of coverage can help a business continue to pay its bills while the business is closed (or income is down) because of a disaster. Here's more information about what business interruption insurance is, how it works and whether coronavirus claims are covered.

32 Undervalued Stocks: Top Picks In Every Sector

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

Here are our analysts' top ideas in each sector this quarter.

Cities and States Face a Bleak Financial Future

Stephen Eide, Manhattan Institute

The Tech Sector Is Finally Delivering On Its Promise

Matthew Yglesias, Vox

The internet has been a productivity bust until now, when it's emerged as vital.

'Celebrity' Coronavirus Deaths Call Into Question the Rates Of

Aaron Brown, RCM

A friend commented he personally knew three people who died of coronavirus, none of whom knew or associated with each other, and none of whom had been in places with high rates of infection. The...

In Vegas, Coronavirus Odds Are Not in Our Favor

Brittany Bronson, New York Times

The casinos at the heart of our economy are "nonessential." How will workers recover?

'Naked Investors", Not C-19 Numbers, Will Tell Mkt Story

Nigam Arora, MarketWatch

Investors who went all-in on stocks might sell once they recoup some of their losses, leading to a bigger decline in the market

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

This Isn't The Next Great Depression

Cullen Roche, Pragmatic Capitalism

The US economy is a lot different now.

A Small Hedge Produces Big Results

Julie Segal, Institutional Investor

With the markets still reeling, Universa's risk mitigation investments get a big test.

Wall Street, Main Street & The Fed

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

The Fed seems to be trying to save Wall Street and Main Street this time around but they could do so much more.

The Dash For Cash & Future Returns

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars & Data

On the movement to cash and what it means for markets.

"Just A Bear Market Rally"? Hardly

Jason Goepfert, SentimenTrader

"Just a bear market rally"

How America Stopped The 1957 Flu Pandemic

Lina Zeldovich, JSTOR Daily

One man saw it coming and America produced 40 million doses of a vaccine.

Disturbing Discoveries

Jeff Carter, Points and Figures

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