
Trump Got China All Wrong. Now Mr. Biden Is Too.

Zachary Karabell, Foreign Policy

Confrontation may be popular at home, but it won't make the United States more prosperous or secure.

The 1% Are Biggest Tax Cheats: How They Do It

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

It's widely assumed that the biggest tax scofflaws are those with the most money. A new study tells us things are much worse than anyone suspected.

Democrats Have No Business Dictating State Tax Policy

Grover Norquist, RCM

Democrats are the party of higher taxes. President Joe Biden has proposed trillions of dollars in tax hikes on American families and businesses while far-left politicians like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are pushing for Biden to go even further and enact trillions more. Now, with passage of Biden's $1.9 trillion spending plan, Democrats are not just trying to enact higher taxes at the federal level - they are also trying to stop states from cutting their own taxes.

Unimaginable Lockdown Tyranny: Personal Retrospective

James Bovard, AIER

"Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito declared late last year, 'The pandemic has resulted in previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty.' Unfortunately, unless there is a stark ruling from the Supreme Court, shutdowns could return whenever politicians can panic enough citizens with...

Hideous Lockdowns Stole Dignity from People & Businesses

John Tamny, RCM

"I never thought I would be standing in a food line for hours. Just the degradation of it. You say to yourself, ‘Wow. I am really at this point.'" So said James Cox, a 50-year old porter in the cruise industry, to the Wall Street Journal's Julie Byrowicz and Ted Mann. Cox used to earn $27/hour, but since the lockdowns began last year his ability to earn in his chosen profession has been taken from him. As Byrowicz and Mann explain it, the "cruise industry is waiting anxiously for Washington's go-ahead to sail again." Lest readers forget, national politicians assigned to themselves the...

Stocks Not Acting Like the Last Year Was a 'Bull'

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Stocks aren't acting like the last year was a new bull market.

Rally Raises a Question: When Does a Bull Become a Mania?

Matt Phillips, NYT

The bull market, born out of the pandemic, has turned a year old. The remarkable turnaround has some analysts wondering if the breakneck pace is sustainable.

Investor Lessons From the Last 12 Months

Eric Nelson, Servo Wealth Management

The last 12 months has provided us a number of important lessons or reminders as investors that can help us to achieve greater success in the future. Keep reading to discover my takeaways from the last year...

The Market Replication Crisis That Wasn't

Cliff Asness, AQR Capital Management

Factor investing has long faced criticisms of data mining, and more recently faced another criticism – some backtests might never have been right to begin with. A growing body of mostly well-done papers examine these issues, generally concluding that factors have been disappointing since their "discovery." We've long addressed these concerns through robust out-of-sample evidence and a compelling theory for why a factor should work. What we've lacked, until now, is a formal test. My colleagues' new paper tests brilliantly, what we have argued, largely anecdotally, for years. Their results...

Fed Up With FAANG and Meme Stocks? A New Strategy

Paul La Monica, CNN

Stop us if you've heard this before. Giant tech stocks are finally due for a prolonged cooling-off period and investors need to start adding more value stocks, such as banks, oil firms and retailers, to their portfolios as the economy recovers.

Don't Panic When the Market Hits New Highs

Kirsty Peev, U.S. News & World Report

DESPITE THE ONGOING coronavirus pandemic and bear market of March 2020, equity markets have bounced back and hit new highs. While this is generally a good thing, extreme moves in any direction tend to test investors' nerves and ability to adhere to a disciplined strategy. These new market highs have exposed two different types of investor behaviors. The first behavior involves buying because of a market high. The second behavior is buying into a market high.

Repeal Tariffs to Boost Economy, Help Small Biz

Randy Morgan, RealClearMarkets

Small businesses have been particularly hard hit over the past year. While the COVID-19 pandemic threw the entire global economy into uncharted territory, small businesses have had a very tough time serving customers, keeping employees on staff, and making sure their companies stay afloat.

Cities With The Most Self-Employed Workers

Various, HireAHelper

Cities With The Most Self-Employed Workers

Do Markets Believe the Fed? Possibly

Matthew Luzzetti, Deutsche Bank Group

Epically Bad February for New Home Sales

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Fed, Regulation and MMT

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

The Second Year of the Bull Market Begins

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Monday, March 22, 2021 Top Story

Existing Home Sales: Will Listings Save Spring?

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Unusually Harsh Winter Will Effect Week's Releases

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Ultimate Stock-Pickers' Top 10 Dividend Stocks

Eric Compton, Morningstar

A majority of the top 10 dividend-yielding names are undervalued.

Democrats, Antitrust & A Disdain For Free Speech

Matt Taibbi, TK News

Columbia law professor Timothy Wu wonders if the First Amendment is "obsolete," and believes in "returning the country to the kind of media environment that prevailed in the 1950s."

Boxed In On China

Stephen S. Roach, Project Syndicate

Trapped in a groundswell of anti-China sentiment, US President Joe Biden's team appears to be staying the course set by the previous administration. A better way would be for both sides to go back to basics – the economics and trade issues that have long anchored the US-China relationship.

Hot Narratives For A Cold War

Rusty Guinn, Epsilon Theory

Most of us are under the impression that a protracted conflict within China will increase national unity. Not this time.

There Are Risks To the Financial System. Climate Isn't One.

John Cochrane, CJ

Financial regulators shouldn't be dreaming up climate policies. We'll get bad policy and an even more fragile financial system if we do.

Revival: How One Midwest Town Is Riding The EV Boom

Matt McFarland, CNN

Mike O'Grady still remembers the fear he felt on Mitsubishi's last day in Normal, Illinois, in 2015. The factory had sat on the outskirts of Normal and its twin city, Bloomington, since 1988.

States Should Choose Tax Cuts Over Federal Bailouts

Eric Boehm, Reason

Don't take the money.

9 Questions About Inflation You Should Be Asking

Emily Stewart, Vox

How much should you be worried?

Antibody Testing May Answer to Countless C-19 Questions

Michael Iskra, RCM

As mass vaccination clinics roll out across the nation, commandeering sporting centers and arenas, critical questions remain about COVID-19 and what measures, if any, can help protect against it. Questions about immunity—how long it may last, whether vaccines are effective against emerging variants, and differences between those with natural immunity (acquired after battling COVID-19) and those who have immunity via vaccination—continue to be researched around the clock and across the globe. As answers slowly emerge, antibody testing is a powerful tool that may offer rapid answers. ...

Brokerage v. IRA: Which Account Should You Invest In?

Paulina Likos, U.S. News

SAVING FOR retirement is a long-haul kind of game.

Numbers That Sum Up Fastest Market Recovery Ever

Jonathan Ponciano, Forbes

Fueled by trillions of dollars in government spending, stocks have staged a furious rally one year after Covid crashed markets.

Lose Fast With 'Hot Stock Tips'

Art Carden, American Institute for Economic Research

Two of investing's most important principles are "understand that markets are efficient" and "diversify." I learned both principles the hard way when, as a naive high schooler who thought himself very financially sophisticated, I got a couple of hot stock tips about companies with innovative products that were going to change their industries and make their shareholders rich. Wanting to be one of those rich shareholders, I decided to buy.

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Min Wage Fades From TV News After Feb Surge

Kalev Leetaru, RealClearPolitics

The timeline below shows the percentage of monthly airtime over the past decade across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News that mentioned the minimum wage. After briefing bursting into the news as Congress debated including an increase to the minimum wage in its Covid-19 stimulus bill, the topic has quickly faded over the last few weeks.

Getting the Minimum Wage Right

Anne O. Krueger, Project Syndicate

Although US President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats didn't manage to keep their proposed $15 hourly minimum wage in the recent stimulus package, they remain fully committed to the policy. But before they move ahead with the proposal again, they should consider some obvious ways that it might be improved.

Five Rare & Helpful Investing Powers

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Being a good investor requires some discipline

10 Ways Office Work Will Never Be The Same

Rani Molla, Vox

From where we work to how our work is measured, office work will be permanently different after the pandemic.

10 Stocks Owned By Our Favorite Managers

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

These names are widely held among some of our favorite concentrated-fund managers.

Super Hostile Takeovers

Robin Hanson, Overcoming Bias

The difficulty of mounting hostile takeovers.

The Work From Home Revolution Is Overblown

Julia Horowitz, CNN

One year after the Covid-19 pandemic forced millions of workers to start clocking in from home, many companies are thinking about how to bring their employees back into the office.
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