
Trump Sends In the Econ Quacks to Fight Contraction

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Now he's prescribing hydroxychloroquine to fight recession.

Trump's Policies Have Most Aided the Whites In Despair

Casey Mulligan, City Journal

Donald Trump's policies for marginalized Americans closely resemble the recommendations made in a new bookâ?"though its authors don't seem to recognize it.

'Working Class' Conservatism Doesn't Work Sans Unions

Eric Levitz, New York

Josh Hawley, Marco Rubio, and Tom Cotton style themselves as populist, post-Trump Republicans. But while these conservatives have harsh words for corporate America and kind ones for the working class, their hostility to unions makes them frauds.

Trump's 'Trade War' Predictably Worsened the C-19 Meltdown

Eric Boehm, Reason

Protectionism is now infecting the GOP to a degree that may be difficult to eradicate when the Trump era ends.

'Automatic Stabilizers' Would Aggravate the Pain of Recessions

John Tamny, RCM

A rich man once told me something that surprised me. He was once not rich. Understand that his formerly deprived circumstances weren’t the surprise. The U.S. is happily dense with people who came up from nothing.

What Did 'Stimulus' Stimulate?

Alan Reynolds, American Institute for Economic Research

Faced with an escalating pandemic in March, the President and most governors did not want to “stimulate” the private economy. They wanted to shut it down –with stay-at-home orders and mandated business closings. That was a deliberate government supply-side crisis, not an accidental demand-side recession. People were not suddenly prohibited from buying many goods and services because they had no income. They had no income because they were prohibited from producing desired goods and services by working in certain “nonessential” jobs or opening...

Trump's Executive Actions Didn't Achieve Bare Minimum

Jordan Weissmann, Slate

There was a way for Trump to actually help Americans, not just look like he is. He didn't bother.

Why President Trump's Payroll Tax Cut Will Work

Tim Worstall, Washington Examiner

One of the great puzzles of politics is why so many are against President Trump's idea of cutting payroll taxes. The puzzle starts from the fact that this is simply the standard Keynesian thing to do to boost demand in a recession, and as President Richard Nixon said more than a generation ago, "We are all Keynesians now."

Payroll Tax Actions Are Not a Likely Market Event

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

The White House's latest probably isn't a seismic shift for stocks or Social Security.

Taxes: A Destructive Plague In Their Own Right

Christopher Baecker, RealClearMarkets

This extended Tax Day, I thought I’d tinker around a little bit. Being our smallest source of income, I punched in my side gig first. I quipped to my oldest daughter “look at that; my ‘refund’ is almost half my earnings, and I didn’t even have anything withheld!”

Why I Don't Trust S&P Index Funds (Especially Not Now)

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

Diversification? What diversification?

What's Better for Early Retirement? Index Funds or Property?

Sam Swenson, MF

FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early), a flourishing lifestyle movement, has crept its way into mainstream culture throughout the past decade. As we've seen the pandemic spark a renewed push for people to create more autonomy in their lives, there is continued debate about the most sensible way to invest if FIRE is your goal. Real estate proponents advocate for potentially robust monthly cash flow, price appreciation, and tax advantages, whereas index fund adherents cite minimal expenses, a lack of constant oversight, and efficient trading as reasons to invest. In reality,...

What Could a Weaker Dollar Mean for Your Portfolio?

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

The U.S. dollar has been showing signs of weakening, a trend that may underscore the importance of global diversification.

Economy Keeps Living Down to Expectations

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

What Does the Present Mean For the Long-Term?

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

Let's take a look at how recent developments may have impacted long-term returns for stock market investors.

July Employment Report Was Better Than Expected

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Congress Struggles for Consensus on Aid Bill

Michael Townsend, Charles Schwab

Despite the slow pace of negotiations, we continue to think a deal will be struck this month.

Don't Play GDP Politics

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

'Economic Recovery' Overtake 'Economic Depression'

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

How Sad If Bars & Restaurants Die from the Coronavirus

John Ketcham, City Journal

Society depends on its watering holes and gathering spots, now at serious risk of disappearing.

Fact-Checking Anthony Fauci

Phillip Magness, American Institute for Economic Research

In recent congressional testimony Dr. Anthony Fauci, the primary architect of the Trump administration’s COVID response, painted a bleak picture about the United States’s ability to contain the pandemic. According to Fauci’s narrative, the United States is experiencing a resurgence in regional COVID outbreaks because it failed to sufficiently lock down back in March, and failed to comply with the existing lockdown orders. Fauci specifically contrasted this situation to several European states that imposed lockdowns around the same time, claiming the latter as a...

Wall Street Wallets w/Biden

Kate Kelly & Shane Goldmacher & Thomas Kaplan, NYT

Through donations, finance executives played a critical role in helping Joe Biden turn his campaign around. They've mostly grown to like him, if not love him.

Do Not Presume Clout or Competence From the Fed

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Widening the Fed's mandate probably widens the potential for error, in our view.

Underlying Reality of Jobs Rebound: Part Time Work, Less Pay

Tami Luhby, CNN

Sarah Thomas is back at her job, but she's no longer earning enough to pay her bills.

China Apple Ban Could Cost Investors Many Billions

Douglas McIntyre, 24/7 Wall St.

China blocking iPhone sales there would be the most visible way to attack the United States for its bans of Huawei and TikTok. Much of Apple's sales comes from what it calls Greater China.

This Is a Mania Stock Market; One That's Likely to Grow

Nigam Arora, MarketWatch

The target for the S&P 500 is about 3,800 points

Robinhood App Is Luring Amateurs a la Internet Era

Charles Gasparino, New York Post

History may be repeating itself in the form of Robinhood, a stock-trading app that has become something of a cultural phenomenon during the pandemic.

This Will Not Stop With TikTok or WeChat

Jason Aten, Inc.

New executive orders seek to ban two of the most popular apps from Chinese companies.

TikTok Is A Smart Bet For Microsoft

Vivek Wadhwa & Alex Salkever, MarketWatch

Microsoft has long pined for more of the under-25 group, and TikTok may fulfill that aspiration most clearly

Beware Bipartisanship On Big Tech Anti-Trust

Michael Johnston, Evergreen Gavekal

Blue and red seldom agree on anything these days, so when both camps find common ground on the same issue, it's enough to make anyone's ears perk up. Such was the case during last week's Congressional Antitrust Subcommittee hearing, where four of tech's biggest CEOs spent hours being grilled by Congress.

The Problems With Data & How To Fix Them

Sue Gordon, CNBC

It's time to restructure the data ecosystem. There are five areas that need to be addressed, writes Sue Gordon.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Robot Question

Edmund Phelps, Project Syndicate

Although robots that can perform human labor will put downward pressure on wages in the short term, they also will increase the rate of profit, encouraging more investment and a recovery in the wage rate. It is not so much the economics of new technologies that should worry us, but rather the politics and ethics.

College Football's Crisis Isn't Just About COVID

Jane Coaston, Vox

The pandemic has threatened a multibillion-dollar business. But the cracks in the sport's foundation have been visible for decades.

Get Me My Tools....And A Beer

Rusty Guinn, Epsilon Theory

Remember, two things can be true at the same time.

What The Blue Jays Infield Teaches About Inheritance Taxes

Ira Stoll, Reason

Some parents with valuable skills will find some way to transmit those skills to their children, and some children will find ways to learn them from parents.

A Mostly True Story About...Business Cards

Amanda Cantrell, Institutional Investor

Think Covid kills the centuries-old practice of sharing cards? Think again.

Value Investing: When History May Not Be Enough

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Might this time be different?

'Stakeholder Capitalism & The Imperial CEO

Andrew Stuttaford, National Review

The Business Roundtable's 'Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation' basically rejected the quaint idea that a company's primary duty was to its owners (the shareholders) and replaced it with a commitment to 'stakeholder capitalism.'
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