
Was 2013's "Taper Tantrum" Truly Tumultuous?

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Spoiler alert: No.

Call It the "Bored Market Hypothesis": Richard Thaler

Christoph Gisiger, themarket

Richard Thaler, Nobel laureate and Professor of Behavioral Science and Economics at the University of Chicago, talks about the new stock market boom, irrational price movements in stocks like GameStop, and the most common psychological traps in investing. A conversation with the pioneer of behavioral finance.

What Net Worth Do You Need to Retire?

Rachel Hartman, U.S. News & World Report

If you're thinking about saving for retirement, calculating your net worth can be a useful tool. It might help you evaluate your current situation, set goals and budget for retirement. "Net worth is your whole picture. It shows and tells you what you owe and what you own and how much money you really have," says Pam Krueger, founder and CEO of Wealthramp in Tiburon, California. Read on to learn how to find your current net worth, what net worth to have in retirement and additional factors to keep in mind when planning your financial future.

When Cryptocurrency and Climate Collide

Mitchell Silk & Timothy Fitzgerald, RCM

Intense focus on the carbon emissions attributable to mining Bitcoin has united in common cause among cryptocurrency critics and climate activists. Their goal: ban cryptocurrencies - particularly Bitcoin - to avoid carbon emissions. Cryptocurrency and carbon reduction each have a role in global growth and stability: crypto being the latest in a line of financial innovations that bring efficiency and security; lower emissions support sustainable and resilient growth. The intersection of these two pressing global issues deserves, and requires, clear thinking based on sound data in assessing...

Inflation: 'Transitory' Is Taking Longer to Transit

Andrew Stuttaford, National Review

It would seem that, although Powell recognizes transitory inflation is taking a little longer to transit than hoped, his risk–reward calculation has not changed.

To Bring Back Workers, Restaurants Should Go Capitalist

Mark Bucher, The Hill

We need to dump the old churn-and-burn business model that relied on low wages and short-term profits and embrace American capitalism by building businesses that offer workers a realistic long-term career path.

New Merger Bill Would Harm Small Business

Jessica Pastorino & John Chuff, RCM

Here we go again. The Small Business Mergers, Acquisitions, Sales, and Brokerage Simplification Act of 2021, commonly referred to as H.R. 935, is back in a new form after having been rejected by Congress on multiple occasions. Having represented hundreds of small and medium-sized businesses in transactions, ranging from sales to purchases, we know from experience that H.R. 935 is a bad idea. It should again be rejected. The legislation's sponsors claim that the bill will help small businesses, but in fact it would do exactly the opposite by unleashing a wave of untrained, unlicensed and...

A Big Push to Bring Back Lockdown Insanity

Buck Sexton, American Consequences

Just when you thought it was safe to go outside again, the Delta variant finds itself reanimating the draconian measures of the Fauciites.

How Behavioral Economics Views Mask Mandates

Allison Schrager, Bloomberg

The risk calculation has changed with Covid; reverting to early-pandemic responses won't help the U.S. get vaccinated.

Time to Call Out Big Oil Companies for What They Really Are

Adam Sobel, Slate

The legal system seems ill-equipped to grasp this. But the moral case, at least, is clear.

Will Real Estate In New York Ultimately Recover?

Arpit Gupta, Manhattan Institute

New York City is well on its way toward reopening. The city has weathered the storm better than some critics had feared, and even the fiscal situation of the city has held up surprisingly well. However, the pandemic has left important challenges in its wake for the next mayor to address.The...

Are Google, Facebook and Amazon Too Good?

Bruce Yandle, Washington Examiner

Some years back, airlines offered an attractive in-flight menu of dining choices.

Buy Now, Pay Later: Is There a Catch?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Despite the proliferation of Buy Now, Pay Later options, the time-tested rules of sound money management still hold.

Inflation, Shutdowns, and Spending

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

What Employees Are Willing to Give Up To Remain Remote

Mike Brown, Breeze

New research from Breeze found many employees would sacrifice some of the best benefits, or even take pay cuts, to remain remote.

Six Surprises So Far In 2021

Ryan Detrick & Jeffrey Buchbinder, Realclear

A Critical Fed Moment

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

The Talking About Tapering FOMC Meeting

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Will the Economy Turn?

Liz Ann Sonders & Jeffrey Kleintop & Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

The spread of the COVID-19 delta variant has raised concerns of a faster-than-expected slowdown.

China Has An Animal Spirits Deficit

Stephen S. Roach, Project Syndicate

The Chinese government has taken dead aim at its dynamic technology sector, the engine of consumption-led economic rebalancing. The authorities' recent actions are symptomatic of a deeper problem: the state's battle to control the energy of animal spirits could sap the confidence of households and businesses.

Is the End Near for U.S.-Listed Chinese Companies?

Michelle Celarier, II

The short-seller argues that China's recent crackdown on public companies is a way for the country to get in front of an American law requiring auditors of Chinese companies to open up to U.S. regulators.

Amazon Is Everywhere. How the US Could Break It Up

Clare Duffy, CNN

On any given day, you might receive a package you ordered from Amazon, log onto a website hosted by Amazon, ask an Amazon device about the weather and grab groceries at a Whole Foods owned by Amazon. Amazon is more than just the "everything store." It's become something of an "everything company" that touches nearly every corner of our lives and the economy.

19 Elite Small-Caps on Sale

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

These wide- and narrow-moat small companies are undervalued according to our metrics.

Will the Delta Variant Wreck the Recovery?

Neil Irwin, New York Times

Probably not. But there are potential challenges with both supply and demand that put the economy at risk.

When Valuation Matters

Charlie Bilello, Compound Advisors

"But valuation doesn't matter anymore." You've probably heard that statement in some form or fashion over the last year as we've witnessed a rolling series of manias in markets like never before. And indeed it is true - at least in the moment.

The Remarkable Business Investment Recovery

Sam Ro, Axios

Mounting orders for new capital equipment should translate to higher growth expectations.

Young Are Resisters to In-Person Work

Nelson Schwartz & Coral Murphy Marcos, NYT

A generation gap has emerged between them and colleagues who value the workplace over the advantages of remote work. Bridging it may require flexibility.

The Dollar In a Barrel of Oil: Interview w/John Tamny

Dan Proft, Dan Proft Show

John Tamny's contrarian look at oil and the dollar.

Inflation Will Not Be Cause of Correction

Steve Sjuggerud, American Consequences

While the CPI doesn't lie, America's rising prices aren't necessarily forever – our nation's inflation may be more temporary than runaway.

Congress Knows Biden Tax Hikes Unpopular

Brian Reardon, Washington Examiner

The Senate needs to decide how to pay for the massive $3.5 trillion spending plan announced this month, but according to a Punchbowl News poll, only 37% of congressional staffers believe it is likely Congress will pass a tax bill by the end of 2022. Among Democratic staffers, just half think it is likely.

A Case For This Housing Market Being Different Than 2000s

Matt Egan, CNN

Home prices are climbing at the fastest pace in history, eclipsing even the boom in the days leading up to the Great Recession. Bidding wars have become common, many are forced to pay all cash and some bids are coming in $1 million over asking.

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Savings Plan: Go Big, Then Stop

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars And Data

On the lowest effort way to prepare for a decent retirement.

Maybe Trees Do Grow To The Sky

Jamie Powell, FT Alphaville

America's largest businesses continue to defy a long studied relationship between firm size and revenue growth.

Inflation: Long-Term, Transitory or Reset?

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

The inflation debate seems to be conflating a variety of different elements of changing prices. There is some confusion over what has occurred. Let's spend a few moments reviewing these, to see if we can figure a few things out.

The Energy Sector Is Being Starved Of Capital

Bryce Coward, Knowledge Leaders

Public attitudes toward energy companies are changing, and with it capital investment in energy companies is shrinking.

Labor Shortage: What Workers Want Now

Rosabeth Moss Kanter, CNN

Winning the competition for talent will be a matter of company culture and quality of life.

America's Vital Chip Mission

Laura Tyson & John Zysman, Project Syndicate

This year's semiconductor shortages underscore the need for a comprehensive strategy to maintain a reliable supply of components that are now indispensable to both the economy and national security. A successful strategy will have four main components.

Why the Rich Have Become Richer

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Wage disparity is only half the story.
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