
We Work at Amazon, Not for 'Heroism'

Courtenay Brown & Jordan Flowers, New York Times

Thanks for the flattering commercials, but we?re about to lose our hazard pay.

Common Sense Anecdote In March Said It Was Not Very Lethal

John Tamny, RCM

On March 18th FedEx founder & CEO Fred Smith was interviewed by Fox's Bret Baier about the new coronavirus. Smith's entrepreneurial brilliance makes him an insightful interview at any...

Why Market Is Stronger Now Than Even the Bulls Believe

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

94% of S&P 500 stocks currently trade above their 50-day moving average

There Is Excessive, Disney-Style Hope In the Market Now

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

Twitter Has Now Made Plain 'Jack Dorsey, Publisher'

Jeffrey Lord, American Spectator

Twitter's Jack Dorsey â?" @Jack â?" has just made it plain: Twitter is now officially a publisher. Here is Florida...

Oren Cass Attacks Private Equity In Illiterate Fashion

Donald Boudreaux, Cafe Hayek

I’m familiar with the concept of externalities. And I agree that looming somewhere in the bowels of Oren Cass’s hostility to financial-market activities is an aching suspicion that these activities give rise to negative externalities – that is, to undesirable effects on third parties that are unaccounted for by persons whose actions create those effects.

Sorry Right, Twitter Is Private Co.

Raymond Niles, American Institute for Economic Research

Many conservatives are upset. They are upset that they cannot post their opinions, as they see fit, on various media outlets. President Trump just chimed in, using Twitter to denounce Twitter and other social media platforms by saying, “Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives (sic) voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen.”

Biden Oversaw Recovery Amid Last Recession. He'll Do It Again

Jack Markell, Hill

When President Obama appointed Vice President Biden to oversee Recovery Act spending, they both made clear that the mandate would be to insist that the funds were spent effectively â?" without waste.

Americans Will Pay Dearly Biden's Tax Battle with Big Tech

Steve Forbes, Forbes

Steve Forbes engages the world?s top newsmakers, politicians and pioneers in business and economics in his new podcast "What's Ahead"

Hertz Is Bankrupt: Effects Will Flow Throughout the Car Bus.

Josh Barro, New York

Expect hundreds of thousands of the company's cars to show up at used car dealerships soon. That will have carryover effects for carmakers.

Here Are the Biggest Reveals from Jeffrey Epstein Doc.

Q.V. Hough, Screen Rant

Directed by Lisa Bryant, Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich investigates the events that preceded Epstein's 2019 arrest and sudden death. Overall, the Netflix docuseries offers little information about the psychology behind Jeffrey Epstein's predatory behavior, but does reveal plenty about how the American businessman used his wealth for sexual purposes in private situations. Based on James Patterson's eponymous 2016 book, Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Richreleased in May 2020.

Why I Will Not Go for Fully Remote Employees Post Pandemic

JT McCormick, CNN

For the companies that provide it, a dynamic work environment can lead to reduced costs without the strain on relationships and productivity. Companies can rethink the size and location of their office spaces due to having less people on-site daily.

A Tale of Two Stock Markets

Binky Chadha, Deutsche Bank Group

Lufthansa v. United: Tale of Two Capital Raises

Thomas Kirchner & Paul Hoffmeister, CP

Lufthansa's billion Euro government rescue stands in sharp contrast to the free market approach taken by U.S. airlines in raising the capital necessary to bridge the corona-lockdown. It also explains why the recovery of European stock markets lags the U.S. by substantial margins, illustrating what is going wrong in the Eurozone.

The Poor Countries Hurt Most By Oil-Price Shocks

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Q1 GDP: Bad Is Still Bad. Just More So...

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

I'm in the Military. Should I Invest in a TSP?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

New changes in the military retirement system give greater importance to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), says Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz. Here's why.

Are Black Workers Losing Ground?

Stephen Rose & Robert Cherry, Manhattan Institute

Average hourly wage growth of black men and women lagged behind the wage growth of non-Hispanic white men and women.

Reserving Judgment on Oddly Strong New Home Sales

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

How Virus Relief Went To Firms That Avoided US Taxes

Tom Bergin, Reuters

Last month Zagg Inc, a Utah-based company that makes mobile device accessories, received more than $9.4 million in cash from a U.S. government program that has provided emergency loans to millions of businesses hit by the coronavirus.

Should You Let Your Stocks Ride? Rebalance Or Not?

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

The pros and cons of rebalancing.

Uncertainty, Part II

Howard Marks, Oaktree Capital Management

You can't predict the future. Get over it.

The Real Economic Opening We Need

John Taylor, Project Syndicate

Policymakers around the world already recognize that they need to find a way to reopen national economies safely and in accordance with policies to keep the COVID-19 pandemic under control. Yet not nearly enough has been done to encourage new markets that can operate even under conditions of economic lockdown.

What Happens When The COVID Aid Ends?

Ben Casselman, The New York Times

Emergency programs have cushioned the shutdown's impact on workers and businesses and lifted the economy, but may not outlast the coronavirus crisis.

Co-Working Spaces Day of Reckoning Has Arrived

Karl Tomusk, Wired

Expensive offices filled with perks have become ghost towns ?â?Â" and someone needs to foot the bill

US Declaration of (Cold) War

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

Investors also should keep an eye on the battle brewing between the US and China.

Why Virus Stocks Are Driving Market Volatility

Jaimy Lee, MarketWatch

Individual investors are investing in virus stocks based on single headlines, while there has been a shift in how medical research is disseminated

Do You Feel $9,000 Richer? America Gets Punked Again

Matt Welch, Reason

The bad policy and worse politics of coronavirus stimulus spending

How Tech Billionaires Are Plotting To Boost Biden

Theodore Schleifer, Vox

Inside the experiments, data wars, and partisan news sites that Silicon Valley thinks can help Biden catch up to Trump.

Who Has the World's Largest Economy?

Jeffrey Frankel, Project Syndicate

Once again, new economic readings from the World Bank's International Comparison Program have fed into the long-going debate over whether China is surpassing the United States as an economic and financial power. And once again, the answer to that question is a qualified "no."

Some Bad News For The "V" Recovery Crowd

Jeffrey P. Snider, Alhambra Investments

It has to be a combination of confirmation bias and rationalizations. Not even the official story finishes up with the fairy tale ending. The “V” people seem to be ignoring what the most optimistic group is actually saying.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Corporate America Is Very, Very Bullish On Recovery

Matt Egan, CNN Business

Business leaders predict the United States will swiftly dig itself out of the deep downturn driven by the coronavirus pandemic.

How To Wean The Economy Off Support

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

As the economy recovers, public policy faces an inevitable dilemma. How do we wean the economy from support?

The Shoulda Coulda's

Howard Lindzon, Howard Lindzon

I am hearing a lot of ‘Shoulda Coulda’s’ from my friends and people on Stocktwits.

Every Stock Is A Vaccine Stock

Alex Tabarrok, Marginal Revolution

When vaccines or other treatments do well, all stocks do well which is why stock prices are now highly correlated

Hong Kong Law: China's Real Target Is Taiwan

Charu Sudan Kasturi, Ozy

For Xi Jinping, the new controversial law for Hong Kong is a means to send a message to Taiwan and the West, and to regain domestic credibility.

Russian Derangement Syndrome

Nina Khrushcheva, Project Syndicate

Although worries about Russian disinformation are not unfounded, they have steadily grown into an unhealthy obsession in the United States and other Western democracies. When absolutely everything is blamed on Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin has little reason not to continue misbehaving.

14 Weeks & 12 Numbers That Changed Investing History

The Investor, Monevator

Stock markets crashed and bond yields collapsed as coronavirus ravaged the world: whatever happens next, 2020 will be one for the history books.
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