
What It Means For You That The Fed Is Trying to Stop Party

Allison Morrow, CNN

It's basically official at this point: The Federal Reserve will soon wind down its pandemic-era stimulus measures, a process Wall Street nerds call "tapering." But what, exactly, does that mean? And why does it put investors on edge?

The Fed's Relevance Is Quite Simply Oversold

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

What investors should and shouldn't take away from Fed Chair Jerome Powell's speech.

The Fed's Relevance Is Quite Simply Oversold

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

What investors should and shouldn't take away from Fed Chair Jerome Powell's speech.

Does Municipal Bond Market Care About Global Warming?

Andrea Riquier, MW

Demand for tax-exempt municipal bonds has gone through the roof, showing investors aren't forcing municipalities to face the future.

Democrats Aim to Tax Companies Out of the United States

Andrew Wilford, RCM

When Congress reformed the tax code by passing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) back in 2017, the motivation was to make American businesses more competitive across the world. This time around, Congress is re-reforming the international tax system for a very different purpose: to raise additional revenue that can be spent on a variety of priorities. This backwards method of policymaking is likely to cause significant harm to the economy by making the American tax system unfriendly to multinational businesses choosing where to direct their activities and investments.

We're Down to Last Line of Defense Against Mass Eviction

Michael McAfee, Hill

Renters and small landlords should not suffer as a result of delayed and insufficient government action.

Section 230 Repeal Could Weaken 2nd Amendment

Gabriella Hoffman, Examiner

Debate surrounding Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 most often involves social media. But what about gun sales?

Enhanced IRS Funding Will Be Burden Endured by Small Bus.

Travis Nix, RCM

They say you have to spend money to make money, and when it comes to raising tax revenue, President Biden sure has taken that to heart. He wants to increase the IRS' budget by $80 million — a move he claims will raise $700 million in additional federal revenue over the next 10 years. And Democrats looking to fund their $3.5 trillion spending package will likely back his plan. Biden's logic is simple enough: Giving the IRS more money allows them to increase audits on citizens and businesses and thereby raise revenue.

The Worst Managed Tech Company in History

Kim Iskyan, American Consequences

The cognitive dissonance of Twitter: a tech behemoth enmeshed in our digital cultural fabric that's still a woeful investment as a company.

The Problem of 3 In Voting of Public Company Shares

Bernard Sharfman, RCM

Three years ago, Professor John Coates of Harvard Law School, currently on leave and serving as general counsel for the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), wrote an extremely insightful article, "The Future of Corporate Governance Part I: The Problem of Twelve." His thesis was that the growth of index funds was leading to such a concentration of shareholder voting power that "in the near future roughly twelve individuals will have practical power over the majority of U.S. public companies."

The Coronavirus "Lab Leak" Theory Is Fading

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

Two new scientific papers and Biden's intel inquiry are undercutting the lab leak theory for the pandemic's origin.

Refusing to Get Vaccinated Is Proving a Costly Choice

Jordan Weissmann, Slate

Effective pay cuts and brutal hospital bills may be in store for Americans refusing to get the jab.

The State of the Markets

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

How should we invest today? According to Commonwealth CIO Brad McMillan, with the economy in a growth phase, old strategies become new again.

Identifying Head-and-Shoulders Patterns in Charts

Lee Bohl, Charles Schwab

Identifying so-called head-and-shoulders patterns can be tricky but profitable.

The Bull Market To Keep Living Like It Isn't Dying

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

You Take My Breadth Away: Mkt's Underlying Deterioration

Liz Ann Sonders, CS

Last week, the S&P 500 was trading at an all-time high, but the underlying deterioration in breadth and non-confirmations by other indexes bears watching.

The ECB Created A Dutch Housing Shortage

Michiel Hoogeveen, Brussels Report

In the Netherlands, almost every millennial knows someone who has no other choice than to live with his or her parents. The Dutch housing shortage has made a house unaffordable.

Farming Is Increasingly Irrelevant to the Economy

Frank Moraes, Commodity.com

Agriculture is more productive each year even as its share of the whole economy decreases. See the 15 states most dependent on agriculture.

Data Shows The Inflation Trend Is Peaking

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

Even if inflation is peaking, pricing pressure could remain elevated for an extended period.

It's Time For The Fed To Rethink QE

Lawrence Summers, The Washington Post

The lessons of Vietnam and Afghanistan are true for economic policy: Sticking to the same approach without considering whether it still makes sense is a recipe for trouble.

Why Are The Dismal Scientists So...Dismal?

Jeanna Smialek, New York Times

For Wall Street, and the dismal science as a whole, trouble is around every corner even as the economy booms.

What Globalization Has Done To Inflation

Claire Jones, FT Alphaville

News, analysis and comment from the Financial Times, the worldʼs leading global business publication

Big D Is a Big Deal

Joel Kotkin & Cullum Clark, City Journal

Dallas–Fort Worth is becoming the de facto capital of America's Heartland.

It's Time To Rethink Air Conditioning

Rebecca Leber, Vox

The whole planet is getting hotter. Is AC really a solution?

America's Big Oil Problem

Clair Brown, Project Syndicate

For decades, Big Oil has wielded more power than US voters, but the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's latest report shows unequivocally why this must end. To keep our planet habitable, popular majorities in favor of climate action must come together and demand that their government do what is needed.

Tips For Late-Start Retirement Savers

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

Working longer can't be the only part of your plan.

Move Fast And Break Facebook

Daniel Liss, TechCrunch

For so long, Mark Zuckerberg has told us all to move fast and break things. It's time for him to break Facebook.

How to Invest Like Warren Buffett

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

Here's the recipe that one of the greatest investors uses to pick stocks.

Families Are Fleeing Government-Run Schools

Matt Welch, Reason

Brooklyn elementary loses one-third of its student population and eight teachers, as the first 2021–22 enrollment numbers straggle in.

Hidden Inflation?

Don Boudreaux, Cafe Hayek

Inflation is often hidden by changes in quality.

Inflation Update: This Is Getting Serious

Scott Grannis, Calafia Beach Pundit

Money velocity is increasing

Speculation is Necessary

Jamie Catherwood, Investor Amnesia

And government can help.

Why Rent Control Isn't Working In Sweden

Maddy Savage, BBC News

Young people are struggling to afford city living, and even the Swedes can't crack the problem.
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