
What's Worth Worrying Over. What's Not

Jason Trennert, Strategas Research Partners

The problems we anticipate are usually fixed.

Worriers are 'Panicking In' to the Market Now

Joseph Calhoun, Alhambra Investments

They're out there panicking right now. I can feel it. They're out there. They're panicking. Look at them. - Eddie Murphy as Billy Ray Valentine in Trading Places I thought of that scene the other day when a good friend in the investment business told me that investors today are panicking into the market rather than out

Don't Break Up Big Tech - Let 'Invisible Hand' Do It

Ken Fisher, RealClearMarkets

Break up Big Tech! So cry pundits and politicos alike. They claim these humongous firms stifle competition and innovation while greedily gobbling endless profits. With Congress relatively gridlocked, the sweeping regulation critics seek is unlikely. It's also unnecessary, even harmful. Why? Big Tech's wild success doesn't thwart competition. It sparks it! This feature of capitalism's "invisible hand" will eventually keep today's titans in check while creating innovation—without wrecking markets. Here is why.

Biden & Harris Take Opposite Directions on Trade, Jobs

Ira Stoll, New York Sun

The hottest policy fight in Washington might be between President Biden and Vice President Harris. The conflict is over whether businesses should invest here in the United States, or south of the border in Central America. The stark contrast between

It's Time to Ease Up On the Stimulus Accelerator

Vivekanand Jayakumar, The Hill

The Fed should bring about an early end to its asset purchase programs and consider taking steps to initiate tapering of mortgage-backed securities at its upcoming September meeting.

I Oversaw the Vaccines. They Are Safe, and They Work

Alex Azar, New York Times

I oversaw the vaccines. They are safe, and they work.

Unwillingness to Admit Error Costing Us Dearly

Jeffrey Tucker, Brownstone Institute

Refusal to admit failure is costing us dearly right now, as they added layer upon layer of compulsion as a cover for honestly coming to terms with the appalling mess of the last 18 months.

Can We Save the Planet By Shrinking the Global Economy?

Kelsey Piper, Vox

The "degrowth" movement to fight the climate crisis offers a romantic, utopian vision. But it's not a policy agenda.

Gratitude for C02: It Continues to Feed the World

Vijay Jayaraj, RealClearMarkets

Many of us living in cities of advanced economies are ignorant of environmental factors critical to producing crops that maintain global food security. The mainstream media have not helped either. Instead of informing people about realities of the agricultural sector, the media function as climate catastrophists. However, contrary to popular notions about environmental degradation, countries are producing record harvests because of favorable conditions and technological development.

How Michael Dell Turned Dying PC Bus. Into $40B Windfall

Antoine Gara, Forbes

After years battling Silicon Valley skeptics and Wall Street adversaries, Michael Dell has pulled off the deal of the century, borrowing and flipping his way to a $50 billion fortune.

Why Crypto Is Having a Meltdown Over Infrastructure

Jordan Weissmann, Slate

The Shiba Inu memes are howling—and it turns out they also have teeth.

Impressive Questions to Ask in a Job Interview

Alison Green, New York Magazine

To show employers you're exceptional, and find out if it's the right job for you.

Tough for Equities, August Good for Fixed Income

Lawrence Gillum, LPL Financial

Most investors are aware that seasonal patterns exist in equities, but they may not be as familiar with the seasonal patterns in fixed income markets. As pointed out in the LPL Research Market Blog on Monday, August 2, stocks have historically been relatively weak in August and September. This temporary increase in equity volatility is tough for equity investors, but can core fixed income investors glean anything from a traditionally volatile period for equity markets? Because of the seasonal patterns in the equity markets, changing investor risk sentiment in August could make core bonds more...

Schwab Sector Views: Drilling Down on Energy

David Kastner, Charles Schwab

We recently downgraded our rating on the Energy sector. Here's why.

The Seeds of Stagflation

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

'All Weather' Is More 'All Weather' Now

Jeff Erber, Grey Owl Capital Management

One Step Closer … to Peak Earnings Growth?

Liz Ann Sonders & Kevin Gordon, CS

As anticipated, corporate earnings are set for another stellar quarter; but with peak growth rates likely behind us, the road ahead gets choppier.

Work in Progress: Fed Stands Pat

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

The Federal Reserve left its interest rate and balance sheet policy unchanged; but is opening the door a bit more to tapering its bond purchases.

The Economic Prints to Look For This Week

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

IL Governor Pritzker Taxes Business, Coddles Unions

John McGinnis, City Journal

In Illinois, J. B. Pritzker is accelerating an already fast-moving decline.

Hypocritical Efforts to 'Cancel' Ben & Jerry's Business

Zeeshan Aleem, MSNBC

Republicans are using anti-BDS laws to punish a company for dissenting. Sounds like cancel culture run amok?

Worries Among Billionaires About Birthrates Overdone

Joseph Chamie, The Hill

The world population is unlikely to collapse soon, and the imagined demographic outcome of some billionaires is by no means the greatest risk to the future of civilization.

Three – No, Four – Cheers for Space-Travelling Billionaires

Peter Earle, AIER

"Private space programs are commercial endeavors in the short term, philanthropy over the long term - on an epic scale. Expecting public magnanimity was probably foolish." ~ Peter C. Earle

Tesla and Amazon Are All In On Amazing New Tech

Stephen McBride, RiskHedge

Ready to have your mind blown?

'Green Bitcoin Mining': Big Profits In Clean Crypto

Christopher Helman, Forbes

Bitcoin mining wastes enough power annually to power Belgium, unnecessarily adding 40 million tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere each year.

Why Remote Work Is a Big Problem For the U.S. Economy

Anneken Tappe, CNN

Americans are trickling back to their pre-pandemic workplaces, but most offices are still largely empty. And that's affecting local economies in a major way.

How Kidnap-for-Ransom Is 'Most Lucrative Industry in Nigeria'

Jariel Arvin, Vox

Bandits have extorted $4.9 million from ordinary Nigerians this year.

The Global Challenge of 25% Corporate Tax

Bruce Thompson, Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats want to increase the corporate tax rate to pay for more spending programs. But raising the corporate tax rate above the tax rates our foreign competitors pay would put U.S. companies at a competitive disadvantage and harm U.S. workers, consumers, and…

Keynesian Republicans, Supply-Side Democrats?

Paul Krugman, New York Times

A weird, though not symmetric, role reversal on economic rhetoric.

About Face w/Delta Based On Unscientific Hysteria

Joel Zinberg, New York Post

The CDC's sudden reversal on public indoor masking in response to the COVID-19 Delta variant will undermine the Biden Administration's efforts to ensure all Americans are fully vaccinat…

The Space Race Among Billionaires Is Just Beginning

Mark Whittington, The Hill

The suborbital jaunts accomplished by some billionaires were not just expressions of egos. They constituted the next steps in the creation of a brand-new industry, space tourism.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Uber's Business Model Is Still Hopeless

Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism

Didi has a more commanding position than Uber in a fundamentally more attractive market, yet has been hemmorrhaging money.

Tunnels are our Transportation Future

Austin Vernon, Austin Vernon

Tunnels are getting cheap and that makes a big difference.

Serenity Now In The JGB Market

Jamie Powell, FT Alphaville

The benchmark government bond didn't trade Tuesday.

What's The Point of Hedge Funds?

Johann Colloredo-Mansfeld, Verdad

Hedge funds are meant to hedge.

At Least The Lobbyists Got Paid

Eric Boehm, Reason

New GAO report says the process for determining which companies could avoid paying those tariffs was rife with "inconsistencies" and poorly documented decision-making.

Biden Extends Trump's Neo-Populist Economic Doctrine

Nouriel Roubini, PS

Within the space of just half a year, US President Joe Biden has completed a necessary economic-policy regime shift that started chaotically under his predecessor. But while the Biden administration has a much better handle on the issues, that doesn't mean the new dispensation will be without risk.

For Retirees, Buying & Holding Bonds Isn't So Simple

John Rekenthaler, MStar

The investment math is surprisingly messy
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