
What Stakeholder Capitalism Can Learn From Friedman

Alex Edmans, Pro Market

Instead of ridiculing the Friedman doctrine and proclaiming its death, advocates of stakeholder capitalism and responsible investing, like me, can learn a lot from it. Editor's note: To mark the 50-year anniversary of Milton Friedman's influential NYT piece on the social responsibility of business, we are launching a series of articles on the shareholder-stakeholder debate. Read previous ?

50 Years of Blaming Friedman. Here's Another Idea.

Binyamin Appelbaum, NYT

Half a century after he blessed corporate greed, liberals are still trying to rebut his arguments. They're fighting the wrong battle.

Trump Is Wrong on TikTok. China's Plans Are More Sinister

Yi-Zheng Lian, NYT

The West still doesn't understand the scale of Beijing's soft-power ambitions.

With 5 Weeks to Go, the Economy and Trump Are Surging

Liz Peek, The Hill

Democrats are banking on high unemployment and a weak economy torpedoing President Trump's reelec...

Donald Trump's $100 Million Mistake

Dan Alexander, Forbes

Don?t be fooled: Trump?s properties in D.C. and Miami may look like cash cows, but in reality, they are money pits.

Shelton Nomination Is a Challenge Fed's Institutional Role

Editorial Board, WP

The GOP Senate majority must do its constitutional duty in barring Judy Shelton.

Biden’s Fiscal Program: What Is the Likely Market Impact?

Nick Sargen, The Hill

the choice being offered in the 2020 elections is between a tax-hike-and-spend plan put forth by Biden versus a tax-cut-and-spend plan by Trump.

Are You A Winner Or Loser Under Joe Biden's 401(k) Plan?

Paul Katzeff, IBD

Democrats Risk Repeating the Mistakes of Financial Crisis

Ryan Grim, Intercept

Economist James Galbraith explains what the U.S. economy will need to get back on its feet.

Oh Baby, We Don't Need Any More Bonds

Paul Mulshine, NJ.com

After pleading poverty before the state Supreme Court, Gov. Phil Murphy is pushing a budget larded down with costly news programs such as "baby bonds"

How Boeing and FAA Created the 737 Max Catastrophe

John Cassidy, New Yorker

For the Big Ten, the Money Was Just Too Tempting

Jemele Hill, The Atlantic

College presidents have made peace with the risks of playing during the pandemic.

Recovery on Track, But Weakness Signs

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Brexit Is Back: The Endgame For Investors

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

The risk of a "no deal" Brexit and the potential economic harm that accompanies it increased last week.

Residential: Headline Miss Masks a Strong Print

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

What If Your Employer Suspends 401(k) Match?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Schwab

Has your employer suspended your 401(k) match? That doesn't mean you should stop contributing, says Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz. Here's why.

The Future of Work and the Quality of Life

Michael Hendrix, Manhattan Institute

The Manhattan Institute commissioned the Siena College Research Institute to survey New York City adults earning at least $100,000 a year to understand their views on the future of work and the quality of life in the city and their likelihood of leaving. The poll was conducted during July...

Why the Fed Bond Binge Will Boost Inflation

Benn Steil & Benjamin Della Rocca, CFR

After the 2008 financial crisis, it took five years of quantitative easing (QE) for the Fed's balance sheet to grow $1.8 trillion. This year, once th?

Retail Sales: Obvious Answer Isn't Always Correct One

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Obvious Things That Are Easy To Ignore

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Learning from something has two parts: whether it’s important and whether it captures your attention. The number of things that check the first box but not the second are higher than any of us want.

The Post-Pandemic Recovery's Missing Link

Bertrand Badre & Aurelie Jean, PS

Not only is the COVID-19 pandemic and recession unprecedented in many ways, but so, too, have been the responses by scientific organizations and financial institutions. But, in a climate of deepening public distrust, it is unclear how long these interventions can be sustained.

The Fund-Flows Indicator Is Behaving Strangely

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Security prices aren't moving in the same direction as fund flows.

What NOT To Do With Your IRA In A Crisis

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

Withdrawing money can cost you long-term, big-time

The Uncertain Future of Corporate HQs

Richard Florida, Harvard Business Review

Do companies and cities still need each other?

Why China's Recovery Isn't What It Seems

Michael Pettis, FT Alphaville

China still needs to rebalance its economy toward more domestic consumption.

Interview: Bill Gates On Climate Change

Erik Schatzker, BusinessWeek

We're short about two dozen great innovations.

Municipal Bond Investors Should Share The Pain Of Bailout

Joshua Rauh, The Hill

It is time for them to also have some losses.

The Bond Market Yawns At The Fed's New Policy

James Picerno, Capital Spectator

When a central bank announces a formal policy change to lift inflation it’s reasonable to expect that the government bond market would notice.

Ultimate Stock Pickers' Top 10 Dividend-Yielding Stocks

Eric Compton, Morningstar

Many of the highest-yielding names are undervalued today.

Small Tech Stocks Soar as the Future Arrives Early

Matt Phillips, The New York Times

The giants aren't the only ones. A subset of software, streaming, security and e-commerce firms are also posting eye-popping gains.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Why Stimulus Checks Could Cost Americans Dearly

Noah Manskar, New York Post

Massive federal spending meant to blunt the coronavirus's economic impact could have long-term costs, experts say, meaning those stimulus checks might not be free money after all.

10 Easy Ways to Save $870,000

Richard Quinn, MarketWatch

Small amounts over the long haul can buy you a better retirement

Prepare For Persistent High Volatility

David Merkel, The Aleph Blog

When interest rates are low, volatility is high.

The Fault, Dear Investor, Is In You

Vishal Khandelwal, Safal Niveshak

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars....

America's Sweden

Amelia Janaskie, American Institute for Economic Research

South Dakota has taken an approach to the virus similar to Sweden's.

The Strange Story Of Negative Oil Prices

Leah McGrath Goodman, Institutional Investor

Tracking the culprits behind April 20.

How To Destroy A Career In Five Hours

Amanda Cantrell, Institutional Investor

The inside story of hedge fund Marble Ridge's disastrous day.
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