
When Scarcity of Love Is a Bullish Signal for Stocks

Ken Fisher, RealClearMarkets

Where did all the heroes go? Hero CEOs, that is. Late in bull markets, investors typically christen a slew of rising corporate leaders as near-infallible. They go gaga on these visionaries' views of a gigantic far-flung future their firms will supposedly dominate. But such romantic tales are hidden warnings. CEO celebration signals rising exuberance—the kind stretching expectations to unattainable heights. The good news? Lionized corporate leaders are near non-existent now—a sign this bull market isn't near a euphoric top.

How Tim Cook Has Grown Apple Inc. In His Decade as CEO

Clare Duffy, CNN

When Tim Cook took over as chief executive of Apple, it was a corporate transition unlike any other. He stepped out from the shadow of one of the best-known American CEOs and took the reins of one of the world's biggest tech companies facing some uncertainty about how much more successful it could be.

"ESG" Is Superfluous: Good Companies Are Good

Seth Levine, Integrating Investor

ESG-compliance is increasing to meet investor demand. More than changing operations, this reflects that good companies are good companies.

The Fib About Good Cos.

Tracy Jan & Jena McGregor & Meghan Hoyer, Washington Post

George Floyd's murder prompted unprecedented corporate giving towards racial justice causes. Most of the money went towards reducing the racial wealth gap, with only a fraction targeting police reform, the cause that sent millions of Americans into the streets last summer

Are Some Born Lucky? Inequality's Genetic Roots

Jennifer Latson, Texas Monthly

Kathryn Paige Harden's new book says social scientists must acknowledge how DNA shapes our lives. Critics call that dangerous.

Joseph Biden Gives Competition the Finger

P.J. O'Rourke, American Consequences

Biden's clumsy executive order attempting to "promote competition" in the American economy strangles free markets with bureaucratic red tape.

As Virus Comes Back, It's Not Time to Raise the Corp. Tax

Blanche Lincoln, RCM

In a speech last week on the economy, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jay Powell said it was not yet clear how the delta variant will impact the economy. He did say that the "Covid pandemic is still casting a shadow on economic activity." Also last week, the government reported that retail sales fell 1.1%, a worrisome sign for our economic recovery.

Punishing Jobless Is Not the Way to Create Jobs

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Punishing the unemployed doesn't accomplish very much.

Jobless Benefits Reduction Reduced Joblessness

Noah Williams, City Journal

The results of the great labor-market experiment are in.

The $3.5 Trillion Dem Spending Plan Signals Tax Hikes

Alex Hendrie, Examiner

President Joe Biden and Senate Democrats are pushing a reckless $3.5 trillion tax and spend plan.

Unheralded Economic Costs of St. Ballot Initiatives

Chuck Muth, RealClearMarkets

The growing popularity of state ballot initiatives has some viewing these "direct to voter" efforts as a victory for democracy. At the same time, however, they can carry massive hidden costs that make many of them financially damaging to the citizens they are supposed to help. The once-great state of California has been the poster child for the direct democracy process. Last year alone, Golden State voters were asked to vote on thirteen different state ballot propositions covering a range of issues, from taxation of commercial and industrial properties to voting rights to policies governing...

Social Security's Surge of Beneficiary Deaths In Yr. 2020

David Weaver, The Hill

The new data highlight the need for the Biden administration to communicate with Social Security beneficiaries regarding developments in vaccine policy.

How Much House $350K Can Buy in Major U.S. Cities

Lindsay Grimm, ISN

The Inspection Support Network is the most trusted home inspection software solution. With an incomparable portfolio of easy-to-use tools, ISN enables inspectors to simplify, streamline, and grow their businesses.

Fed Being Tempted Into SIN

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Existing Home Sales. Inventory Up, But Not Fully

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Are Financial Crises Predictable? Maybe...

Greg Obenshain, Verdad

Behavioral economists at Harvard say the answer might be "yes"

Sources of Mkt Strength

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

The Next Market Phase

Liz Ann Sonders & Jeffrey Kleintop & Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

The U.S. economy appears to be shifting from recovery mode to a new, more-mature expansion phase.

The Most Popular Outdoor Sights In America

Various & Various Articles, Outdoorsy

Among NPS's historically significant sites, national historical parks and national memorials were most visited in 2020. Here are the top 15!

Delta Will Slow, But Not Derail Economic Recovery

Vivekanand Jayakumar, The Hill

Once the virus spread peaks in the next few weeks and then gradually abates, it is likely that the economy will regain its momentum.

Ignoring Job Boom, Biden Bloats Welfare State

Bruce Yandle, Washington Examiner

The Biden administration has given a 25% boost to food stamp allotments, the largest in the program's history, underlining the fact that inflation is eroding the purchasing power of ordinary people.

Workers Do Not Want Old Jobs on the Old Terms

Paul Krugman, New York Times

A pandemic lesson: You can say no to bad pay and conditions.

Vaccine Mandate Bans Are Legal, and Also Deadly

Steve Vladeck, MSNBC.com

"Freedom" doesn't mean the same thing for state and local elected officials, apparently.

Why the Cruel Vaxx Mandates Will Tear Us Apart

Karol Markowicz, New York Post

Restaurants have started asking patrons to see their vaccination cards along with IDs to dine inside.

Where's Biden's Econ. Post-Afghanistan? John Tamny Int.

Dan Proft, Dan Proft

Biden wants to raise taxes across the board. What are the odds now?

The Story of Amusement Parks Is the Story of United States

Arthur Levine, Vox

With all of its sparkle and chipped paint.

Powell Unlikely To Fire "Tapering" Gun At Jackson Hole

Greg Robb, MarketWatch

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell will hold back from signaling that the tapering of asset purchases will be announced in September, analysts say.

Elon Musk Is Now The Second Richest Person In The World

Kenrick Cai, Forbes

It's been a rollercoaster year among the very wealthiest, with Musk, Jeff Bezos and LVMH's Bernard Arnault all vying for the number one spot.

Biden's Exec Order is Great for "Backdoor EV" Play

Stephen McBride, RiskHedge

Did you hear Joe Biden's big announcement?

God, Money, YOLO: How Cathie Wood Found Her Huge Flock

Matt Phillips, NYT

Ms. Wood says the Holy Spirit moved her to strike out on her own after an up-and-down career in money management. But it's her belief in herself that won the Reddit crowd's faith.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

End of The Line For Uber: The Bezzle Ends

Cory Doctorow, Marker

Accounting tricks and tech gimmickry don't matter when the coffers are empty.

Cancel Culture Is Ruining Jeopardy!

Robby Soave, Reason

The unexpectedly acrimonious search for a new host is undermining Alex Trebek's legacy.

4 Warren Buffett Stocks to Buy

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

These undervalued stocks are among the holdings in Berkshire Hathaway today.

Take Your Vacation

Joachim Klement, Klement on Investing

Time off improves performance.

Portrait Of A Professional Baby Maker

Rachel Lehmann-Haupt, Neo.Life

With 27 biological children and three surrogate pregnancies under her belt, it's all business as usual for Tyra Reeder.

The Lumber Market Crash

Peter C. Earle, AIER

"Unfortunately, carefully considering trade-offs remains alien to the calculus of public officials. From utter scarcity to crushing abundance in less than 100 days, the lumber epic is entering a new phase." ~ Peter C. Earle

Thanks to COVID, Most Americans Pay No Income Tax

J.D. Tuccille, Reason

A minority of the population picking up the tab would be dangerous if the situation were to last.
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