
When You Buy Broad U.S. Indexes, Your Exposure Isn't Broad

Ken Fisher, RCM

Most pundits believe Tech's leadership run is done, claiming vaccine rollouts, re-openings, rising interest rates and looming inflation drive the nails in its coffin. They point to Tech's year-to-date lag globally versus areas like Energy and Financials—arguing that trend will last. Maybe! But I think it is all just a countertrend head fake before Tech's roll resumes. Regardless, these swings offer a key lesson: Investing in any single country or region—big or small—carries hidden sector decisions. To truly diversify, you must think globally. Always! Here is why.In the past decade, US...

Fear Culture at Bill Gates's Cascade

Anupreeta Das & Emily Flitter & Nick Kulish, NYT

At least four employees at the firm, Cascade Investment, complained to Mr. Gates about Michael Larson, his longtime money manager.

13-Yr Olds Trading Stocks. Crazy or Shrewd?

Paul Katzeff, Investor's Business Daily

How will your kids learn to invest? Investing for beginners is easier to learn and safer with guidance from an adult experienced investor — like you.

How My Wife's 401(k) Ended My Retirement

Marc Chaikin, American Consequences

Marc Chaikin explains the origin story for why he became a guru for retail investors: his wife's 401K imploded during the Great Recession.

Annals of a Warming Planet: Big Oil's Bad, Bad Day

Bill McKibben, The New Yorker

Crushing blows to three of the world's largest oil companies have made it clear that the arguments many have been making for decades have sunk in at the highest levels.

Contra Emo Alarmism, Warming Doesn't Threaten Las Vegas

John Tamny, RCM

New York City can't claim any farms, nor do you see herds of cows when you're riding up Avenue of the Americas. Is the city "food insecure" as a consequence? Not in the least. To produce in a market economy is to import. Applied to New York City, it's populated by some of the world's most talented people from around the world. These remarkable people are pursuing all manner of work specialties, and their brilliance exists as a relentless magnet for imports. This includes food.

Larry Summers Sends a Stark Inflation Warning To Joe Biden

Matt Egan, CNN

Larry Summers is urging Washington to tap the brakes on stimulus — or risk unleashing a serious burst of inflation.

A Debt Crisis Looms. Sell Gov't Assets Now

Veronique de Rugy, RealClearMarkets

For years, economists have been debating the best way to reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio. The fear is that we may soon cross over to a point of no return that inevitably leads to some form of debt crisis. However, in recent years, a growing number of economists and commentators have come to believe that the debt doesn't matter. Thanks to permanent low interest rates and low inflationary risks, we can disregard the debt and achieve low unemployment and high output. There are problems with this position. First, the fact that interest rates have stayed low in recent years does not mean that they...

Lockheed Ties to Growing Woke Industrial Complex

Christopher Rufo, City Journal

The nation's largest defense contractor sends key executives on a mission to deconstruct their "white male privilege."

How Yellen Can Negotiate a Global Minimum Tax

Ioana Petrescu & Alvaro Zalba, Hill

In our opinion, as former negotiators in the EU and G-20, the U.S. negotiation team should focus in the next few months on 3 C's: Calibrating the deal, coordinating stakeholders and communicating clearly to ensure the success of this ambitious plan.

Why It's So Difficult to Purchase a Car Right Now

Jeffrey Tucker, RealClearMarkets

The strangest economic anomaly that I've noticed this year- among many! - hit me when I was driving in Texas, my home state. The Dallas Fort-Worth metroplex has countless car lots visible from the main highways, with Texas-sized flags out front and massive placards with brand logos. In the past, I was used to seeing acres and acres of cars, nearly a year's supply sitting there, with a good amount of pre-owned cars in a separate lot. What an industry!

Politicians Can't Repatriate 'Critical' U.S. Supply Chains

Donald Boudreaux, AIER

"Even if political pressures were miraculously to disappear, government officials would remain ignorant of most of the detailed bits of knowledge about how resources are, and potentially can be, used. And so any errors these officials make in distinguishing 'critical' from not-critical goods and...

Happy Birthday to the Dow!

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Happy birthday to the Dow! Commonwealth CIO Brad McMillan celebrates the index and what it has meant for the stock market and investors.

Best Way to Save if I'm Retiring from Military?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Schwab

Retirement planning is important for everyone, but retiring military have unique planning challenges. Here's why.

Lockdowns Need to Be Discredited Once and For All

Ethan Yang, AIER

"Unilaterally and arbitrarily shutting down all of economic and social life was never part of the solution, nor should it ever be. Covid-19 has been the first test for these experimental lockdown policies and no rational observer should look back at the results and conclude that this is all...

Gold Back on Margin

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

Why Stock Market Gains Likely to Slow

Jeffrey Buchbinder, LPL Financial Research

Monday, May 24, 2021 Top Story Stock Market Gains Likely To Slow

Existing Home Sales Trend Will Be Hard to Sustain

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

How the American Rescue Plan Boosted Munis

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

However, while the risk for a wave of downgrades has waned, yields are low relative to comparable alternatives.

C19 Vaccines Are a Miracle. Let's Not Discourage Miracles

Tom Quaadman, CNN

While society will marvel at the science behind these vaccines for years to come, policymakers should not overlook two important factors that together have made vaccine development possible: intellectual property (IP) protections that encourage private sector research and development and access to investor capital.

The Time Has Surely Come For a Covid-19 Marshall Plan

James Gannon, The Hill

Thanks to a swift vaccine rollout, the situation on the home front has improved enough to allow the administration to pivot to the global fight.

Biden-Yellen Intl Tax Cartel Won't Bring Growth

Bruce Yandle, Washington Examiner

It was with a feeling of deep disappointment, as well as some deja vu, that I read Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is still pushing to form an international cartel of governments that would implement a minimum corporate income tax rate across borders. Now, instead of 21%, Yellen is calling for a…

Why Bill Gates Can't Fix Probs He Helped Create

Linsey McGoey, New York Times

The Gates divorce is prompting people to ask hard questions about the foundation. That's good.

Why Lawyers Don't Need Law School

Hans Bader, Foundation for Economic Education

Kim Kardashian has expressed a desire to become a lawyer without going to law school. As it happens, many of the finest lawyers in American history never attended law school.

A Housing Shortage Makes Discrimination Much Easier

Jerusalem Demsas, Vox

As buyers scramble to prove they are "nice, normal people," the door opens to increased fair housing violations.

Here's Everything You Need to Know About Prime Day '21

Kara Cuzzone, Forbes

While we don't know exact dates yet, Amazon has confirmed that the mega sale will take place before the end of June.

Biden Should Pay Artists to Capture the Human Side of C19

Talia Lavin, MSNBC

We can't let the real, human stories of the pandemic fade into nothing.

Overworked & Underfunded IRS Vies to Carry Out Mission

Pinar Cebi Wilber, Hill

Congress should make sure the agency has enough funds to effectively perform its core duties first and should think carefully before assigning additional tasks to an overworked agency.

Why 'Ma Bell' Must Stop Taking Bullets, and Focus On Its Core

Kim Iskyan, AC

Telecom behemoths AT&T and Verizon are both hemorrhaging assets with their ill-advised forays into the world of digital content creation.

Why Some Believe Investors Have a $9 Trillion Fed Problem

Julia Horowitz, CNN

Central banks were the superheroes of the early phase of the pandemic, taking dramatic steps to save the economy and financial markets from ruin.

Millennials Aren't Poorer Than Past Generations

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars And Data

Clearing up misconceptions on Millennial wealth and who is actually struggling in the generational divide.

Everything Wrong with the "Money Printer Go Brrrr" Meme

Cullen Roche, PC

The Fed actually doesn't print money.

Do Low Interest Rates Justify High Valuations?

Charlie Bilello, Compound Advisors

History says no.

We've Entered The Era Of Meme "Investing"

Emily Stewart, Vox

If you think you're in on the crypto joke, the joke might be on you.

Our 2021 Inflation Forecast Heads Higher

Preston Caldwell, Morningstar

Supply-side pressures are behind our increase for this year.

Medicare for All Is Bad Medicine

J.D. Tuccille, Reason

A better prescription would be to get government entirely out of health care.

Best Strategies For Inflationary Times

Campbell Harvey, FT Alphaville

Man Group analysis shows it pays to own oil, gold and wine, and possibly also a bitcoin if and when inflation bites.
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