
Why Americans Must Defeat Biden's Tax-Hike Pledge

Lewis Uhler & Peter Ferrara, Hill

When Biden was vice president, America suffered the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

They're Walling Off America's Suburbs For the Rich

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Racial inequality wasn't an accident. It was an ugly political choice.

Trump's Policies Are Helping Middle Class Americans

Stephen Moore, USA Today

Donald Trump did an enormous favor for middle-class America last week. Thanks to his executive action to suspend payroll taxes, every wage and salaried worker in America with an annual income of less than $100,000 — including those who earn the minimum wage — will soon see a 6.2% raise in their paycheck from now until the end of the year.

The New Coronavirus-Fascism

George Gilder, American Institute for Economic Research

“Tamny is giving us a heroic book just in time to lead this movement. We have been suffering not from a medical crisis but from a political and economic and institutional crisis. We have undergone a vast breakdown of moral, educational, intellectual and journalistic standards.”

Books: Thomas Orlik's 'China: The Bubble That Never Pops'

John Tamny, Forbes

There's no such thing as a "bubble," simply because markets, by their very name, are defined by buyers and sellers. A book inspired by the question of "bubble" was doomed by the question.

The Forward Meaning of Record Highs for Investors

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

With the S&P 500 hitting a new all-time high including dividends and global stocks not far behind, what should investors make of markets' fast recovery?

The Market Is Too Optimistic About a Quick Recovery

Margaret Vitrano , MarketWatch

The rebound will be much more gradual than the V-shaped pattern investors are betting on

Let's Think Twice About Yet Another Spending Bill

Lisa Nelson, Washington Examiner

When times are tough, decisions get that much tougher. And a mistake right now might mean we are put down a path from which we cannot recover. Those are the stakes at play when we talk about the possibility of a fourth federal COVID bill. We should pause and think about real solutions instead of repeating past mistakes. So long as a fourth federal COVID bill looms over us, financial peril looms as well.

Low Rates Aren't a Central Bank Providing Accommodation

Jeffrey Snider, RCM

It was an especially tense exchange. The Fed Chairman was trying to withstand withering criticism from an openly hostile and substantial segment of Congress. It was the hot summer of July 2012, after two QE’s and a Twist some of the politicians, anyway, wanted some answers. They weren’t getting any. Jeb Hensarling was the most direct. He began by dryly recalling that 2008 wasn’t just yesterday, already four years in the past by then. Where was the recovery that had been promised? “MR. HENSARLING. I think it is an inescapable conclusion that we have seen the greatest...

The Fed Should Stay Out of the Coronavirus Debate

David Bahnsen, National Review

When Fed officials make policy pronouncements on non-financial matters on which they have no expertise or authority, everyone loses.

'College Is For Everyone': A Path to Needless Debt

Shaun McAlmont, RealClearMarkets

As Americans everywhere continue to grapple with the economic effects of COVID-19, federal officials are weighing whether to provide a second round of stimulus checks and extend the suspension of student loan interests and payments for another year. These short-term solutions are critical for so many newly unemployed Americans. They allow individuals to put what money they do have toward day-to-day essentials – food, shelter, healthcare – and protect the things that matter most in life; the safety, health, and wellness of their loved ones. But they don’t go far enough. The...

Tips for Saving $1.9 Million Needed for Retirement

Paul Katzeff, Investor's Business

Are you saving for retirement? If you are, then you can't avoid wondering whether your retirement planning has your savings on track for you to live comfortably when you finally call it a career.

Some Retirement Income Mistakes to Avoid

Rob Williams, Charles Schwab

Avoiding simple mistakes can extend the life of your portfolio.

July CPI: Large Increases Unlikely to Be Sustained

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Does Diversification Still Work?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

During periods of market volatility, we need strategic asset allocation and diversification more than ever. Find out more from Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

Why Investors Should Consider Taxable Munis

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

Taxable municipal bonds can offer higher yields without excessive additional credit risk.

How Will 2020 Election Affect Market?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

If the IMF Is Right, a BIG IF, Then We'll Lose a Year

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

The IMF just updated its economic projections for this year and the year after. The bad news is that this year, economic output is expected to plunge almost 5%. The good news is that output next year is expected to spike at a faster rate than this year's plunge, at almost 5.5%.

What Could a Weaker Dollar Mean for Your Portfolio?

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

The U.S. dollar has been showing signs of weakening, a trend that may underscore the importance of global diversification.

Reasons (NOT) To Be Cheerful

James Montier, GMO

Never before have I seen a market so highly valued in the face of overwhelming uncertainty.

Another Roaring Twenties May Be Ahead

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

We always seem to be living in unprecedented times, according to conventional wisdom, mostly because we don’t spend enough time studying history. There’s certainly a precedent for our current times in the past, one that was truly unprecedented back then.

Why Stimulus Spending Fails

Veronique de Rugy, Reason.com

More spending means more debt and more future taxes.

What Would Keynes Do In The Covid-19 Economy?

Ezra Klein, Vox

What Ezra Klein and another liberal think Keynes would do is exactly what liberals wanted to do before the onset of COVID. What Keynes would actually want to do is beside the point.

America's Dual Recession

Laura Tyson & Lenny Mendonca, Project Syndicate

Before COVID-19 shut down entire sectors of the US economy, the US workforce was becoming increasingly polarized along educational, racial, and geographic lines. Now, those trends have been accelerating, underscoring the need for a smart, worker-focused policy response.

How Trump's War on WeChat Could Upend The Tech Industry

Sara O'Brien, CNN

President Trump's executive order last week banning TikTok if it doesn't find a buyer by next month potentially threatened to upend a vibrant social network and the broader social media marketplace.

The Times that Try Stock-Pickers' Souls

Drew Dickson, Albert Bridge Capital

On first principles, there is one way to generate excess stock market returns over the long term, and it isn't to "own winners at any price."

For The Gig Economy, The Jig Is Up

Ashley Nunes, FT Alphaville

Ride hailing's collapsing house of cards.

Reading the Dollar Doldrums

Mohamed El-Erian, Project Syndicate

A sharp decline in the relative value of the dollar this year has been met with cheers from those hoping for a short-term boost to the US economy, and with hand-wringing by those worried about the currency's global standing. But while both views reflect underlying truths, neither tells the whole story.

Start-Ups Braced for the Worst. It Never Came.

Erin Griffith, The New York Times

The doomsday warnings about tech start-ups failing in the pandemic have not yielded the shakeout that many expected a few months ago.

The Definitive Guide to the All Weather Portfolio

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars & Data

The definitive guide to Ray Dalio's All Weather Portfolio.

Buffett's Favorite Market Indicator Flashes A Sell

Shawn Langlois, MarketWatch

A sell signal is flashing on Buffett"s favorite indicator

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Apple Has An Epic Battle On Its Hands

Alex Cranz, Gizmodo

The billionaires are fighting.

The Bipartisan Backlash Against Big Tech

Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason.com

Even as Americans rely on tech more than ever, our early-pandemic truce with the industry is officially over.

Investing's Most Irrelevant Facts

Safal Niveshak, Safal Niveshak

Lots of things people pay attention to don't matter at all.

The Bakken Boom Goes Bust

Justin Mikulka, Naked Capitalism

The boom has now gone bust and there’s no funding to clean up the damage, leaving the public to pick up the tab.

The Carney Barkers

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

It is the age of capital markets as a carny show.

The Hardest Investing Questions to Answer

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Regression to the mean has to be one of the philosophical underpinnings of any decent investment strategy.

How Bonds Beat Stocks In The Long Run

Jules H. van Binsbergen, Knowledge@Wharton

That's not how this is supposed to work.
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