
Why Biden Will (Probably) Keep Powell On Team

David Beckworth, New York Times

Jerome Powell's relationship-building efforts have built up political capital with both Republicans and Democrats, and helped insulate the Fed.

Modern Econ: Mystical PhDs Critiquing More Mystical Drs.

John Tamny, Forbes

The more a currency is being exchanged, the more that currency is logically trusted by producers.

What Does Early 2021 Market Euphoria Mean?

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Early 2021 provided a windowpane into euphoria—what does it mean for investors?

Xi's Power Makes China Investment Very Risky

Kim Iskyan, American Consequences

At any moment, Xi Jinping could shut down CCP's tech sector on a whim – if you invest in this emerging market, you could be left with nothing.

U.S. Shopping Malls Are Back. The Wonder Is for How Long

Chris Isidore, CNN

Few retail sectors were hit harder than malls during the height of the pandemic. But things bounced back far quicker than almost anyone expected.

Don't Be Fooled by Bipartisan, 'Paid For' Infrastructure Bill

Andrew Wilford, RCM

Over the course of the pandemic, federal overspending has exploded even by Congress's lofty standards. While trillion-dollar deficits were a cause for concern before 2020, spending over just the last two years is set to increase the national debt by over $6 trillion. It's bizarre, then, that the only thing that members of opposing parties in Congress can seem to work together on is fooling the budgetary scorekeepers with phantom offsets for even more spending.

Making a Case for President Biden As Growth Oriented

Ralph Benko, Newsmax

Big Tech: Tower of Babel That Must Be Scattered

Michael Eisenberg, The Examiner

The world's first cities, according to the Book of Genesis, were built by Nimrod, a "man of might," after the flood that wiped out nearly all of humanity. They were spectacular — likely vibrant and filled with an innovative spirit. But this progress was wrecked by a group of travelers that had come…

Regulators Seem to Think Facebook Is the Internet

Konstantinos Komaitis, Slate

Content moderation, privacy, intermediary liability, competition, encryption—these are all broader issues related to the internet, not just Facebook.

What Companies Can Do To Speed Up Diversity In Boardroom

Rani Molla, Vox

Companies promised to make their boards more diverse. Here's how to actually do it.

Two Vaccine Doses? Why Not Three?

Ethan Yang, Am. Institute for Economic Research

"It's entirely possible that there could be a need for a booster shot for certain populations down the road; anything is possible. However, it seems that the evidence points to long-lasting immunity on both natural infection and vaccination." ~ Ethan Yang

Don't Believe Right's Overnight Vaxx Conversion

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

Prominent conservatives are suddenly speaking up for vaccination. Don't buy their conversion.

Reflections On the Meaning of a Car-Buying Odyssey

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

Where to Find Opportunities in the Muni Market

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

Given the economic environment and potential tax benefits, investors might consider lower-rated municipal bond issuers.

July Employment: Inflated Headline, Strong Details

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Is China's Bear Market an Opportunity?

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

China's recent stock market pullback has been in line with the average annual drawdown; historically, this volatility has tended to produce double-digit annualized gains.

China ADRs: Not (Yet) At Risk From Clampdow

Thomas Kirchner, Camelot Portfolios

Lower Skilled Workers: Bolder, or Scarcer?

Allison Schrager, Economics21

Where does the salary power reside?

Tough for Equities, August Good for Fixed Income

Lawrence Gillum, LPL Financial

Most investors are aware that seasonal patterns exist in equities, but they may not be as familiar with the seasonal patterns in fixed income markets. As pointed out in the LPL Research Market Blog on Monday, August 2, stocks have historically been relatively weak in August and September. This temporary increase in equity volatility is tough for equity investors, but can core fixed income investors glean anything from a traditionally volatile period for equity markets? Because of the seasonal patterns in the equity markets, changing investor risk sentiment in August could make core bonds more...

Dear Chairman Powell....

Joe Manchin, Senator Joe Manchin

The Official U.S. Senate website of Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia

This Is the Job Market We've Been Waiting For

Neil Irwin, New York Times

The new monthly numbers show job growth not seen in recoveries from the previous three recessions.

Jobs Report Not as Impressive as Headline Suggests

Robert Hughes, AIER

Payrolls posted a strong gain in July though details were not as strong as the headline suggests. The overall outlook is tilted to the upside, but challenges remain, and risks are growing.

No, This Isn't Another Housing Bubble

Dana Peterson, CNN Business

Basic supply and demand factors — not speculation, predatory lending and/or bad underwriting — are driving home prices.

What Is Direct Indexing? Pros And Cons

Karen Wallace, Morningstar

We take a look at the pros and cons of this investing strategy.

Who Benefits Most From Our EV Push?

Bryce Coward, Knowledge Leaders

You really probably ought to own a copper miner or two.

Interest Rate Zombies

Lauren Foster, Enterprising Investor

A negatively yielding bond violates a very basic, fundamental principle: the time value of money.

Silicon Valley's Metaverse Ambitions

Clare Duffy, CNN Business

Facebook has many pressing problems, from proposed antitrust legislation to accusations that the company is contributing to vaccine misinformation. But when CEO Mark Zuckerberg joined a recent conference call with analysts to discuss its latest quarterly results, much of the focus was on something far removed from those issues: the metaverse.

Don't Surrender to the Pandemic Control Freaks

J.D. Tuccille, Reason

They'll never be satisfied in a world of balanced risks.

How Automation Is Changing The Restaurant Biz

Rebecca Rainey, Politico

Automation accelerated during Covid, but it might not be all bad for former waiters and bartenders.

Regulatory Nightmares

Jamie Catherwood, Investor Amnesia

Visualizing History From the Archives Governmental Regulation of Common Carriers by Railroad (1916) Today's newsletter is...

Iceland and Covid

Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

The most fully vaccinated place in the world is seeing a surge in new cases.

Five Minutes A Thief: Crime In Newsom's California

Erica Sandberg, City Journal

In Gavin Newsom's California, crime is too easy.
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