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Why Can't New York Times Just Let NYC Rich Be Rich?

Steve Cuozzo, New York Post

New York, or the dream of it, has always been about excess.


GOP Candidates Offer No New Inflation Ideas

Catherine Rampell, The Washington Post

Neither Trump nor the GOP 2024 debate crew seem to have any solutions that Biden hasn't already tried.


There's One Fix For Inflation: It Has Nothing to Do With the Fed

John Tamny, Forbes

The shiny answer is hiding in plain sight while being vivified by many trillions worth of currency trading daily.


We Can Either Have the Law Governing AI, Or AI Governing Law

Margaret Hu, Hill

Probably a bit overstated?


Silicon Valley VCs Wanted To Believe SBF's Lies

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

Sequoia Capital is one of Silicon Valley's biggest and most sophisticated investment firms. So how did it get taken by the crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried?


How Borrowers Got $127B in Student Loans Canceled

Stacy Cowley, New York Times

The Biden administration may have been blocked from canceling debt for tens of millions of borrowers by the Supreme Court, but it has still managed to eliminate billions in education debt.


What Exactly Is the Goal Of the 60/40 Portfolio?

Allison Schrager, Manhattan Institute

No one can agree whether the main purpose is to diversify or to reduce risk — and they aren't quite the same thing. I am not a fan of one-size-fits-all financial strategies. Yes, I see the value of...


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