
Why Facebook, GOOG & the Right Are Natural Allies

Ralph Benko & Phil Kerpen, RCM

In the bad old days, the major newspapers and networks served as gatekeepers, controlling the flow of information and excluding conservative ideas and voices. The Internet and its large search and social platforms have broken the stranglehold of elite opinion and made it possible for conservatives to organize and distribute facts and information with a speed and scale that was previously impossible, creating pathways that completely bypass the legacy media, which has reacted by becoming even more monolithically left-wing. As a result, the tech giants – including especially...

Four of the World's Richest Men Are Preparing for Battle

Editorial, New York Times

Members of Congress will be able to grill tech C.E.O.s at a hearing. Let's hope they don't waste the opportunity.

The Meaning of 'The Golden Hour' To Big Tech Returns

Michael Cannivet, Forbes

The Big 3 of Microsoft, Apple and Amazon, have achieved extraordinary returns during one specific hour of the trading day. In the last year, they outperformed the average S&P 500 stock by 71% during this "Golden Hour."

ESG May Be Popular, But It Could Hurt Your Retirement Portfolio

Ellen Wald, Hill

If legacy energy firms don't meet nebulous standards, investors are missing out on investing in potentially transformative technologies.

A Tactical Update: Whither Goest the Dollar?

Joseph Calhoun, Alhambra Investments

Our Fortress strategic asset allocation includes 5 distinct asset classes: The Fortress allocation has historically produced better risk-adjusted returns than the traditional 60% stocks/40% bonds a?

Biden Wants to Suffocate An Econonomic Gold Mine

Adam Brandon, The Examiner

Just last week, Joe Biden once again reaffirmed his commitment to killing the fossil fuel industry. Ironically enough, it was fossil fuel development, namely natural gas and the fracking boom, that accounted for the vast majority of growth and job creation during the economic "recovery" of his President Barack Obama. The wannabe 46th president wants to end fossil fuel production by 2035, beginning at a time when the nation will be rebounding from the COVID-19 pandemic. Should Biden have his cake and eat it too?

Killing $600 Jobless Benefit Is a Boneheaded Move

Bernard Baumohl, MarketWatch

Republican argument against this effective pandemic relief defies economic and political sense

The Jobless Program Is a Costly Fraud

Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education

The debate over expanded unemployment benefits has proven particularly fractious, given that the $2 trillion CARES Act Congress passed in March set up a broken economic system where nearly 70 percentof the unemployed can get paid more in benefits while staying home than they would make by going back to work. Yet as important as the ramifications of this distorted big government labor policy are, one largely overlooked consequence of the massive expansion of unemployment is skyrocketing fraud and abuse.

We Don't Just Need More Stimulus. We Need It To Be Smart

Zachary Karabell, Time

Washington seems to have accepted the need to spend; it does not seem to have yet figured out how to spend.

Why Minorities In STEM Careers Feel Excluded

Brent Orrell & Daniel Cox, USA Today

Troubling research has emerged in recent years about the career longevity of students graduating with degrees in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

The More You Know About Social Security, More You'll Earn

Selena Maranjian, MF

Author and speaker Zig Ziglar reportedly once quipped, "If you want to earn more, learn more." That's often true for our careers, as adding certifications or degrees or skills to our resume can make us more marketable. It's true for lots of things, too – even Social Security. The more you know about Social Security, the more you'll likely be able to get out of the program. Here, for example, are 10 ways to make your benefit checks bigger

Trump Would Be Wise to Learn More About Jack Kemp

Andrew Walworth, Fox News

Jack Kemp has been described as the most influential modern Republican who never reached the Oval Office â?" and may once again provide the ideas for a Republican revival.

Highest Joblessness In Lowest Econ. Impact Sectors

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

The data below from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show which sectors have the highest and lowest unemployment rates. As of this writing, overall unemployment is an uncomfortably high 11.2%, but that's for all sectors combined. When you break out the different sectors, you see that this can range from almost 40% in leisure and hospitality to about 10% and under for construction, manufacturing, education and health.

GDP's Bottom Fell Out

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

In the Market, Not Everything Is Always As It Seems

Jeffrey Buchbinder, LPL Financial

Market Blog "That's not a knife ? that's a knife!" Paul Hogan in Crocodile Dundee

How Do You Rate Financial Know-How?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Can you successfully answer five basic financial literacy questions? Test yourself. Then join Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz in her push for financial education.

Manufacturing Is In the Midst of a Recovery

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

The Market Reaction to Expiring COVID-19 Programs

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

If not extended or replaced, the fading support for the unemployed raises the risk of weakening economic momentum, turning the V-shaped recovery into a W.

Is ESG a Factor?

John West & Ari Polychronopoulos, Research Affiliates

Applying the definition of factor robustness established by our Research Affiliates colleagues in their 2016 award-winning paper, we determine that ESG is not a factor. Nevertheless, the importance of ESG as an investing strategy is undeniable. We explore how greater clarity around defining ESG can quicken the pace of ESG integration in equity portfolios.

The Economy, Not Politics Should Guide C-19 Relief

Maya MacGuineas, The Examiner

This upcoming COVID-19 fiscal relief package will likely be the last one Congress passes before the election, so it's important lawmakers get it right. The size and the shape of the package should not be pulled out of thin air or based on political wish lists, but rather designed to meet the needs of this crisis. While there is still a lot of uncertainty about how much more time and resources it will take to fight the virus and recession, lawmakers have a lot more economic data than they did in March to target those resources efficiently.

The Bloodless U.S. Ruling Class

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

Why watch COVID press conferences and briefings by politicians? They are just upsetting. These people seem to have no clue about why the virus is ignoring them. They keep issuing strange and arbitrary rules that they make up, change by the day, all enforced by intimidation and compulsion. They posture in this silly way as if their edicts have this virus under control when they clearly do not.

Trump's Pension Rule Will Benefit Black Americans

Council Nedd, Issues & Insights

Put quite simply, too many black Americans are financially unprepared to retire.

Wall Street Turns Blind Eye to China-based Atrocities

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

Governments, including the Trump administration, have denounced ethnic cleansing in Xinjiang, yet financial firms have done little

Why Intelligent Money Is Migrating Into Edge Computing

Justin Spittler, RiskHedge

RiskHedgeâ?"Disruption Research, Disruptive Technology Stocksâ?"RiskHedge helps investors profit from disruption by providing research on the latest breakthrough technologies and the stocks driving them.

Bezos Didn't Want This Role: AMZN D.C. Defender

David McCabe & Karen Weise, NYT

The chief executive, who testifies before Congress for the first time on Wednesday, had taken a hands-off approach with lawmakers in Washington.

Ethanol Industry Is Essential. It Rates Boost From Congress

Geoff Cooper, The Hill

Lawmakers know that letting the ethanol industry, classified as "essential" and "critical" by the Department of Homeland Security, slip into insolvency would have devastating, long-lasting impacts for farm and rural economies.

Of Markets & Gentlemen: Edmund Burke's Economics

Samuel Gregg, Law & Liberty

If there is any moment which marks modern conservatism’s beginning, it is the publication of Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790). Central to Burke’s critique of the events occurring across the Channel was his insistence that France’s revolutionaries were seeking to construct a new world based on abstractions deeply at variance with the hard-won wisdom of experience. That has become the standard interpretation of Burke offered by admirers and critics alike. It is, however, at variance with Burke’s most extensive economic...

Florida Is A Case Study In Media-Induced COVID-19 Panic

Editors, Issues & Insights

Why does the mainstream press seem so willing and eager to whip up fear, rather than provide all the relevant facts, in context?

Capitalism Boosted Immunities

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

From the beginning of this virus, political elites have used the language of war. The invisible enemy would be contained, suppressed, and beaten into submission. Then….it would go away. The tactics would be travel bans, shutdowns, closures, mandatory human separation, and restrictions on breathing. The computer models proved it would work so surely it would – liberty, human rights, and freedom of association be damned.

Need Help w/Estate Plan? Go With Flow, Advisers Say

Paul Sullivan, New York Times

As older adults face mortality during the pandemic, lawyers and wealth advisers are using color-coded documents and flowcharts to help them understand estate planning.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Taiwan Is Now Arrakis

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

He who controls the spice controls the universe.

Beware the Hype on Gold

Amy Arnott, Morningstar

It looks good this year, but its longer-term track record is mixed.

Stranger Things

Brian Chingono, Verdad

The smash-hit Netflix series, Stranger Things, chronicles mysterious events that emerge from an “Upside Down” version of our world. Perhaps the stock market’s behavior over the past ten years will be featured in the show’s next season?

Bubble or Nothing

David Levy, Jerome Levy Forecasting Institute

How the Long-Term Swelling of Household and Business Sector Balance Sheets Has Increasingly Forced Lenders, Investors, and Borrowers to Sacrifice Prudence, Financial Rewards, or Both

Google Just Changed the WFH Game For Everyone

Kathryn Vasel, CNN

Google employees won't be heading back to the office any time soon.

Would A UBI Raise Economic Growth?

Dylan Matthews, Vox

A left wing think tank does research that proves that their preferred policy works. We're shocked.

Congress Will Finally Grill Bezos. It's About Time

Jason Del Rey, Vox

Bezos will join the CEOs of Apple, Facebook, and Google at a Congressional antitrust hearing on Wednesday.
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